MWSF Official Thread

Arden said:
Yeah, an 18-year-old college student breaking into the computer industry and changing the shape of the computer world forever, leading to free passes to every expo from now until the end of time... I'll let you know when it happens, hm? ;)
I'm 13 and I have press badges to goto Macworld because of my mac discussion forums :confused:
Yeah, whoever heard of a teenage college student changing the shape of the computer world forever? Except perhaps for Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates ...
bobw said:
Print the pass and show at the door.
Sweet! I'm definitely there in that case. Maybe I'll wear my camo pants so everyone will recognize me. :)
kidd0 said:
I'm 13 and I have press badges to goto Macworld because of my mac discussion forums
Which part of the show? A discussion board isn't the same as inventing something like the Apple II.
symphonix said:
Yeah, whoever heard of a teenage college student changing the shape of the computer world forever? Except perhaps for Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates ...
Alright, already! :rolleyes: Then when I invent the Next Big Thing I'll tell you. :)
i tried using the priority code given by OWC and for early bird registration (online) it says its free, but since we are registering from Dec. 9 - Jan 4 its $20. @#$%^
how are you sure that they will give it to you for free if you just present OWC's pdf printed out?
Read the pass you printed.

or bring this card on site to register for FREE Exhibit Hall admission.
Arden said:
Chevy's suggestions....

:-) half-12" screen PB (same width, half height) Um, why?

Because they will sell tons of it in Japan, and to any frequent traveler. That's big enough to edit text and email, not big enough to be a problem in a plane.
You got to stop talking about apple phones and iPods with video and with wireless iSight.. Cause no offence.. but its just shit. That’s not what Apple needs just now, they may be better off then they were, but they still cant afford many mistakes by releasing products that are not guaranteed to sell.
What I think is that they need the basics and of what we are pretty sure is going to happen;
Faster G5 - At least 2.4ghz.
They are updating the whole iLife range.
Small iPods are coming out.

Ok that’s what we generally know is going to happen. And remember that this Mw is support to be Music centric.

What might becoming or becoming soon;

X-Serve with G5, cause the ones available are now pretty dated.
Tablet/notebook - There have been lots of info about this one, even large companies saying that they are stocking apple with the parts.
iOffice - Or something to that effect. We know they are working on something like this, but what its going to be like? Or when it will come out? You tell me.
The eMac may be replaced with something else - cause its shit.
Apple may be producing something with 802.15.3 WiFi, that can broadcast DVD quality video with in 10 Metres, its used to link TV and DVD together, a big bonus in the digital Hub.

As for stuff like PowerBooks with built in iSight, or iPhones forget that shit. Cause its just annoying.
I think the eMac may need an upgrade, but it's not poop! My girlfriend's sister only has a mac because she got an eMac. Her parents wouldn't spend more than a grand so she had to settle for one, but a 1 ghz g4 will serve her well until she's old enough to buy whatever she wants. Not sexy, but you can get most anything done, burn cds, etc.

PS I was only quoting Pippin!! :eek:
Any one hoing to MWSF know if they are going to stream the keynote in an adjacent hall. They did something similiar in New York a few yers back. I don't want to attend the keynote but I will be at the show and would like to watch it from Moscone Center.


Okay, I've decided to go either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (I can go any day since school doesn't start until 1/12 :D). At this point I'm looking at Thursday because my friend should be free that day, and he can join me.

I'll see if I can borrow a Coolpix 4300 and take some pictures.
Flash iPods would be sweet, too bad most of the rumormills still have the iPod update predicted at the 1" or 1.8" HDs.
Cat already said it, Flash is too expensive. And there are 2" HDs out there. So I believe the miniature iPod will materialize.

So will iOffice (updated, improved AppleWorks) and of course, speed bumps for most lines. Let's hope the eMac dies too.
1". 2" would be bigger than the currently used 1.8" HDs. ;-)

The eMac dies? I hope not, that's a sweet entry-level computer. _If_ it should die, let's hope it's replaced by something even more affordable. Like... A headless eMac and a cheap display to go with it. But I'm not _that_ interested in consumer Mac news.