New PowerMac G5's!!!!

I am just thinking of the nightmare that liquid braking out and mess up those two wonderful G5s..
But the slower spinning fans sounds convincing to me. I was just wondering if they will have any lower noise, when they have the same amount of fans in there.
It's a disaster. A major disappointment. And the old story all over again. Apple 'released' the iPod mini in January, and I've yet to see one on the market (here in Europe). Apple promised 3 GHz and delivered 2.5, which reminds me of that old Motorola mishap. Apple hasn't updated their displays to match the PowerBooks and PowerMacs. I'm ranting, yes. If I were in for a new desktop Mac, I'd probably buy the 2.5 GHz model and shut up. It's still a nice machine. Well... I'm disappointed. And I hope that Steve Jobs is not too proud of these 'new' machines, because in fact it's only the 2.5 GHz model that's a new machine. The others are merely updated a bit. (And is it me or has buying a PowerMac just got a bit more expensive, too?)
but, on the other hand, what with all these new releases, less than a month before WWDC, Im assuming that apple arent showing us everything theyve got in store.

A lot of whats come out in the last coupla weeks has really wowed me, so surely Apple are gonna have something thats even better than all this new stuff to announce at WWCD? Something other than new G5 - style LCDs and Tiger, maybe?

*crosses fingers for G5 powerbooks*
It's a disaster. A major disappointment.
Hmm, let's try and be a little over-dramatic now.

"When we made that prediction, we just didn't realize the challenges moving to 90 nanometer would present. It turned out to be a much bigger challenge than anyone expected. All-in-all, no we are not getting to 3GHz anytime soon."
-- Tom Boger, Apple's Director of Power Mac Product Marketing

Hmm, I prefer the honesty. I'd rather have them do it right then try and do it according to the calendar. Besides, liquid cooled isn't new? The line has been improved and we haven't heard the end of it. The iMacs could go G5, iTMS Europe, iTMS Canada, AirPort Express, new iPods, new monitors, a preview of Tiger, the possibility of 3Ghz by year's end as well as the possibility of a PB G5 by year's end.

Gee, give the dog a bone, why don't you?
I don't think Tom Boger was talking about how hard it is to make the Mac use the 90nm processors, because the 2.5GHz machine(and XServes) is already. I think what he really means is that IBM is having a tough time getting their 90nm fabrication up to speed.

After all, a CPU is a CPU, and you can put it in the computer easily. It's producing them that is hard.

I just hope they really get the 2.5GHz machines out in July, and not the end of July, or early September.
Although I do agree about the Mini. Heck, it's difficult to impossible to find in many parts of the US still. But I'd rather have a sell-out then overstock. :)
I just bought the low-end model (educational pricing). Very exciting. I got the Radeon 9600 instead of the NVidia chip and a combo drive, since I have a dvd burner on my iMac.

I was waiting for Apple to relase the new ones. I for one am impressed by dual 2.5. It's got to be quite a bit faster than anything else out there--at least for a couple months.

I am disappointed that motherboard is not Rev 2 and it's still Rev 1. I have been waiting for Rev 2. However the G5 2.5ghz is 90 nm with liquid cooler and I can't complain about it. I am going to buy this machine anyway. I am not going to wait till Jan for new rev2.

My suspect is only reason that Apple need to push increased speed bump for PowerMac Dual 1.8ghz to 2.5ghz. Apple can take g5 1.6 ghz out and to move to new iMac coming during WWDC. Possible? Umm... I think so. Who want iMac? Not me.
Note: Viewpoints come from a very high end and critical perspective.

The Bad

PCI-X not as good as PCI Express (?),3973,909447,00.asp
(Though I have to say, I don't think I use a single PCI slot in my current towers)

Photoshop is only 7% faster than a prorated G4 at 2.5 GHZ.

No new RAM format?

Video cards not super impressive

Still only two hard drive bays

Bibble performance test. Who the hell uses Bibble? I've never even heard of it. Enough with the trickery already.

Steve said 3 GHZ. Steve said 3 GHZ. Steve said 3 GHZ.
He has a history of saying things like that. My guess is that he does it to put the pressure on his own staff and the staff of Apple's providers. Didn't work this time.

64-bit is still basically a meaningless statement (not the 2.5's fault though).


The Good

Video performance is ridiculous

Audio performance is crazy

Liquid Cooling.
The G5s I've seen in store are amazingly quiet. I hope this keeps it that way.

A DP G5 still kicks the crap out of anything I'm currently using.


Side notes:

I predicted several times in these forums that there was NO WAY they were bringing out a 3GHZ. In fact, I predicted 2.5 tops many times. The koolaid is wearing off. Sucks to be right.
Back when Jobs said 3 GHz it wasn't uncommon for some Windowz uzer to say, "So what? The Pentium will be at 4 GHz by then."

4 GHz probably didn't happen for Intel for similar reasons. Come on, Apple and IBM have almost literally done the impossible and kept up with Intel more or less for the past year.

Time to mix up a new batch.

Of Koolaid, I mean.

Just to be clear.



Very disappointing day indeed...was all ready to buy the big dawg I don't know what I'll do.

On one side I need a new desktop...on the other I could get by for another few months with what I have. Trying to figure out if I can justify the cost. 3ghz would have definitely been worth it, 2.5ghz isn't really worth it (IMO). Looks like we won't see the 3 mark before 2005.
how long before apple falls 2 ghz behind intel and amd again? another year or so by the looks of it. oh well.

basically in a year they managed to released ONE new powermac, the 2.5 ghz, while crippling the lowend 1.8 (no pci-x, only 4gb memory) and doing relatively nothing to the 2.0.

all the fancy graphs, graphics and terms (liquid cooled) on will surely make up for it though. :rolleyes:
The lowend is the same as the previous lowend except the processor. They didn't "cripple" the 1.8, they just upped the proc in the low end.
dktrickey said:
Of Koolaid, I mean.

What the hell is Koolaid anyway?!

We're all disappointed by the lack of a 3GHz machine so far but the fact the G5 line is all dual now, as well as the other recent (and imminent) Good Things, I think Apple has done pretty well this last year. Intel and AMD haven't been doing quite what they hoped with their newest chips either so I don't think anyone can be too hard on Steve. I'd imagine if it was at all feasible to have the 3GHz out by now then it would have happened, after all I think Apple knows how important it is to push ahead with performance (and perceived performance) now that they've regained ground after the later G4 days.

And, liquid cooling (!)
And, Airport Express/other cool stuff to expect in the next few weeks
Randman said:
Gee, give the dog a bone, why don't you?

I agree to some extent, but sheesh, how many bones do we have to give the dog before we finally just say "heck with it" and put the poor ailing thing downn?
I have to say Stevo made a monster mistake by even mentioning 3 GHZ last year. I can't tell I many times I have heard people like myself say they were waiting exclusively for the 3GHZ model. And as is evidenced in this thread even, there are holdouts still for this mythical 3 GHZ machine. And, yes, once again I am one of them. I got myself all worked up over this last year to drop some heavy coin on 3 GHZ. 2.5 just won't cut it.

This, of course, is completely idioitic on my part. A 2.5 box still trounces anything I've got in the office now. But DAMMIT, once you've got 3 GHZ on the brain, you just can't let it go! If you're a total geek like me, you even develop spreadsheets ahead of time to precalculate things like approximated render times. Yum.

Simple fact of the matter is that had Steve not said anything about 3GHZ I would already have placed an order for the 2.5. Now I'm going to hold out yet again, hoping that maybe winter brings the big boy. Actually, I have to say, there's a very decent chance I may cave before then. We'll see.

This is a perfect example of why Apple are so secret about product announcement, because if they announce too soon, nobody buys anything. Big problem. As evidenced last year, the G5s sold decent, but were slightly under expectations (see recent shareholders meeting info).
I'm sure that IBM mentioned something to Apple about 3GHz before Apple mentioned something about 3GHz to us. It's not entirely Apple's fault, though. Sure, Steve came out and boasted the 3GHz chip before it existed -- you didn't see IBM doing that. But, as said before, he's a visionary, and not a perfect one at that, so his job partly entails riling people up over their next big thing. But he's still an amazing man that built an amazing company, just not bulletproof.

2.5GHz was expected -- those holding their breath for 3.0GHz I believe hold their breath knowingly in vain, as I think it's pretty much assured that a dual 3.0GHz machine won't suddenly materialize at the WWDC. Disappointing, yes; unexpected, no. We knew we weren't gonna make it, and I'll bet that quite a few of us had doubts hearing "3.0GHz" at the last expo/conference. I know I did.

Still, we've got a lot to look forward to... a color iPod, which has been guaranteed by members of this site, and a preview of Tiger, which I'm betting will be so good that we'll have a hard time sitting still until it's released. Plus, I hope we'll get to see AirPort Express in action, much like the iChat demos of yesteryear.

Not too bad, even though we missed some marks. Expectedly underwhelming, yet unexpected (AirPort Express -- who saw that one coming?). Still got some excellent hardware to work with and a new OS on the way (keep on your toes, Rempel, I got old machines begging to run it!).
Since the two low-end models are stuffed with so much -- existing -- technology, is it conceivable this is what they meant by clearing out their old stock, and the 2.5GHz is the low-end next generation (the other two models being released at WWDC)? Needlessly complicated and wishful thinking I know... but surely this can't be all their is??
I can't tell I many times I have heard people like myself say they were waiting exclusively for the 3GHZ model. And as is evidenced in this thread even, there are holdouts still for this mythical 3 GHZ machine. And, yes, once again I am one of them. I got myself all worked up over this last year to drop some heavy coin on 3 GHZ. 2.5 just won't cut it.

This, of course, is completely idioitic on my part. A 2.5 box still trounces anything I've got in the office now. But DAMMIT, once you've got 3 GHZ on the brain, you just can't let it go!
Perfectly said, Mindbend, perfectly said.
One of the new 2.5s will blow the doors off anything any one here does.
I can see it now. As soon as the 3s come out, people will be yelling for 3.2s.
Meanwhile Apple stock has gone through the roof: >30$
If 2.5 really would be such an immense failure, I woudl suppose the stock would go down. Apparently everybody is either:
a) already well aware of all the 90nm issues
b) thrilled by the 25% increase in clockspeed which bring the Mac ever closer to Intel/AMD in terms of MHz (even though the comaprison is flawed)

Apple's speed bump, while not what we all hoped and expected, is still a much better jump than Intel/AMD's in the last year. As has already been pointed out, the wintel crowd said "so what we'll be at 4GHz and counting by next year". Well, they are not: they are still at 3.4GHz and with pretty much the same problems. Apple however jumped from 2 to 2.5 GHz. OK, it's not what Steve promised, but still pretty good. I bet we'll see extensive comparisons at the WWDC. The whole architecture is still damn impressive and they just made it 25% faster: now they need to show the real-world increase. I bet we'll be awed.
The Dual 2GHz already claimed the performance crown. There was controversy of course, and rightfully so. Marketing =/= reality. However, what about now? Now we've got Dual 2.5 GHz systems: let's see how they perform before we start whining.
What if now we can rightfully claim the perfomance crown? That would be awesome. Steve on stage: "Last year we claimed the fastest consumer desktop computer on earth and they didn't believe us. Well, I'd like to invite Phil on stage and see what Photoshop thinks about our new liquid cooled 2.5 GHz system." Oohs and Aahs ensue from the crowd as the new PowerMac consistently and undoubtably outperforms the Dual Dell. That would be nice, and it is not unrealistic.