Strange, but true.
Thanks for the compliments! It was a little scary putting the MotoTool to it for the first cut... after that, it was hard to stop <<where's that insane laughter coming from?>>.
For a complete blow-by-blow, you can go here:
They make you sign up to view images... I lost that argument (I'm a mod there), but it's free and they're a friendly bunch... flame wars not allowed!
To repeat a warning I posted elsewhere about this hack: Cooling the upper drive seems to be a small issue, but one that is present. I am occasionally getting write errors, especially at higher speed... but that could also be due to cheap media (I don't get errors writing to Apple DVDs, just to audio CDs) or my habit of unmounting the SuperDrive and sticking it in an external case from time to time.

For a complete blow-by-blow, you can go here:
They make you sign up to view images... I lost that argument (I'm a mod there), but it's free and they're a friendly bunch... flame wars not allowed!
To repeat a warning I posted elsewhere about this hack: Cooling the upper drive seems to be a small issue, but one that is present. I am occasionally getting write errors, especially at higher speed... but that could also be due to cheap media (I don't get errors writing to Apple DVDs, just to audio CDs) or my habit of unmounting the SuperDrive and sticking it in an external case from time to time.