Picture of your setup

Thanks for the compliments! It was a little scary putting the MotoTool to it for the first cut... after that, it was hard to stop <<where's that insane laughter coming from?>>. :confused: ;)

For a complete blow-by-blow, you can go here:


They make you sign up to view images... I lost that argument (I'm a mod there), but it's free and they're a friendly bunch... flame wars not allowed!

To repeat a warning I posted elsewhere about this hack: Cooling the upper drive seems to be a small issue, but one that is present. I am occasionally getting write errors, especially at higher speed... but that could also be due to cheap media (I don't get errors writing to Apple DVDs, just to audio CDs) or my habit of unmounting the SuperDrive and sticking it in an external case from time to time. :D
The Appledoctor fills me with fear - I was nervous enough installing an extra hard drive.

That aside, some of the photos here show PCs in various states of dismemberment. I've noticed that in offices, too; the PCs have had saws taken them to mount boards sticking out of the cases, huge holes cut in the top for fan vents, cases held together with string (and in one case chewing gum to prevent a CD tray springing open unexpectedly when not in use)...

Yet in 14 years Mac use I've only seen ONE pizza Mac with a slightly ill-fitting case. We Mac users get what we want straight off the shelf, or what? HA!


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Originally posted by Lazzo
The Appledoctor fills me with fear - I was nervous enough installing an extra hard drive.

That aside, some of the photos here show PCs in various states of dismemberment. I've noticed that in offices, too; the PCs have had saws taken them to mount boards sticking out of the cases, huge holes cut in the top for fan vents, cases held together with string (and in one case chewing gum to prevent a CD tray springing open unexpectedly when not in use)...

Yet in 14 years Mac use I've only seen ONE pizza Mac with a slightly ill-fitting case. We Mac users get what we want straight off the shelf, or what? HA!

Oh yeah? Wanna bet? Go to my studio page :
(new pictures for those of you who have seen it before)
Scroll down to about half the page, and look at the 2nd pic after the "My Office now... (what's left)" heading.

But those are because I'm trying to fix them! :D
So many of you have such wonderful setups. Hopefully after I get a job I can add to my current setup, maybe a Powerbook G4. I was also thinking of setting up a 6500 as an MP3 server or linux box. Any thoughts?



Sorry its so dark. One of my lights is out.

400 mhz G4 AGP 512mb ram
30Gig OSX
20Gig OS9 and MP3s.
ViewSonic E790 19'' inch
imation superdrive
zip250 w/ firewire attachment
Epson Stylus Color 740i
Epron Perfection 636U scanner
Keyspan IR Remote
Kensington Mouse in a box Optical Pro
Que Fire CDRW 16X12X24
Palm m125

Taken with First generation Sony Mavica
Originally posted by dricci

I like your taste in Background pictures. You wouldn't happen to have an "Extra Extra Large" version, would ya? :D :D

Here are some

Weren't there some issues with the iSub and OS X?

Are they all worked out now?

Good call having a battery backup...

I have never had any problems with the iSub....weird.
Yes, You invest this much, battery back-up & protection is a must.
well, you've all seen the disaster area I called my set-up when i was at school... now that i'm home again, here's an updated picture...

Home Setup

Not shown:
sony cybershot p30 (used to take picture)
more speakers
me, being pissed off, because i went from a college T1 connection to AOL dialup :mad: Home Setup
so finally I rearranged my whole workplace since space became short...here's how it looks now...


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i apologize for the poor quality of the image... i had to do this ghetto.

i dont have a digital camera so i took a freeze image from my
analog camcorder and converted it using iMovie and formac


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I have a dedicated page...

Here's the setup (left to right):

- 733 MHz Digital Audio G4, 2x60 Gig IBM Drivezzz, 1.5 Gigs 'o ram, Nvidia GeForce 2MX, Superdrive, FCP3, 10.1, Wireless Kensington Turbo Mouse Pro, Airport Card
- Boston Acoustics Speakers w/ Sub; probably the best speakers around
- Apple 17'' CRT
- Ti-82 and Ti-86; for fast calculations and non-currency conversions
- Nokia 8260 w/ AT&T Digital One Rate
- 14'' Crappiest-monitor-ever; "AAMAZING TECHNOLOGIES CORP." Do they still exist?
- 300 MHz Gateway PII, 8.4 Gig IBM Drive, 17.2 Gig Western Digital, 392 Megs 'o ram, GeForce 2 DVI-out capable Hercules 3D Prohphet II 32 Megs 'o ram, Borrowed DVD-rom, Broken 52x Cd-rom, Windows XP
- 1.4 GHz 'Little bro' AMD Athalon, 60 Gig IBM Drive, 512 Megs 'o PC2100 ram, Nvidia GeForce 2 64 Megs 'o ram, No monitor, No operating system
- Epson 777
- 933 MHz PIII T22 Thinkpad, 40 Gig IBM Drive, 256 Megs 'o ram, crappy video card for 3D, dvd-rom drive, Windows XP, HP Wireless PCMCIA card for 802.11b wireless network
- Sony so-flat-you'd-swear-it-curved-inward 21'' Trinitron screen for the
- 1.4 GHz 'Big bro' AMD Athalon, 60 Gig IBM Drive, 1 Gig 'o PC2100 ram, Nvidia GeForce 2 GTS, 24x burner, dvd-rom drive, Windows 98 and SBLive! with
- Klipsch Promedia 4.1 THX Certified speakers
- Television 1: National channels (every channel plus most major local tv networks) via Satellite; Television 2: International channels (most major international channels, primarily for French TV5, BBC, various German and Japanese news organizations, the occassional rugby or football game); Sega Dreamcast
- Krispy Kreme doughnuts, they speak for themselves.

--Not shown/Running:--
- Canon Elura 2MC mini-DV Camcorder, for video and shots.
- Linksys 5 Port 10/100 Hub
- Linksys Wireless Router w/ 802.11b capabilities to laptop and Mac Airport
- 300 MHz Celeraon HP, 8 Gig Drive, 64 Megs 'o ram, intergrated Intel video card, cd-rom drive, FreeBSD (Darwin), no dedicated monitor
- 900 MHz telephone w/ caller ID
- SWBell 1.5Mbps/128Kbps DSL
- Various Apache Servers
- Quicktime Streaming Server w/, thus far, internal MPEG-4 and MP3 streaming
- 800 MHz iMac running in an undisclosed location w/ Remote desktop enabled
- A large air-conditioner
- TFC, a must
- Counterstrike, another must
- Castle Wolfenstein, decent

--Wishlist:-- (probably buys in the next year)
- Total gigabit ethernet capabilities
- 802.11a capabilities
- XBox w/ Halo and PS2 for Tony Hawk 3 and Bond
- T1
- 2.4 GHz telephone
- 3G Cellphone
- 2 XServes to broadcast separate but simultaneous MPEG-4 streams and MP3 streams and, somewhere in the jumble, run a live broadcast server
- Iridium Phone for Global Mobile communications
- A video projector of some sort
- A larger air-conditioner
- 2.53 GHz Intel w/ 533 MHz FSB mofo, god it's fast.
- Satellite internet for backup purposes

What am I missing? - I think I could pretty much run the government in an emergency, lol.


-edit-in, and a 10 GB iPod!
Originally posted by Tormente

Dude! Get some new hardware! LOL Kidding! :D

Wow! That's cool! :)

Oh, and here's my G4, couldn't live without it ;)


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this is my room.
I forgot some things.

Canon Powershot G2
Canon Elura 2MC Video camera
Nokia Cell phone.


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Wasn't this thread sticky?

My setup keeps changing little by little, and with a desk that I saw that I MUST HAVE, things will be changing even more (if I can get the money to buy it in time for my operation).

Here's my current setup (1st link) and screenshots (2nd link) if anyone is interested. :)
