I know a few good phrases myself but I'll have a look for a decent site. Irish can be difficult to pronounce though!
I love my mac would be something like the following...
Táim i ngrá le mo Mac!
Taitníonn mo Mac go mór mór liom
Gráim mo Mac níos mó ná na realtaí sa spéir
The last one means I love my mac more than the stars in the sky!
Another beer please= piúnt nua mas é do thoil é (a new pint please!)
or even better:
deoch uisce beatha do díreach= a drink of the water of life now! Water of life (uisce beatha) is whiskey!!!
Good chat up lines!!
Níl tú pósta, an bhfuil?= You're not married, are you?
Tá do shúile níos goirme ná an fharraige: your eyes are bluer than the ocean..
If none of the above are successful

use "póg mo thóin"= kiss my ar*@
http://www.beo.ie/ to see a general interest site, has lots of current affairs and stories relating to Irish language