Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

Okay, if you want. It's not really much different from what I did in 10.0.x, though, since the homework has kept coming.


  • redphoenix.jpg
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a little simple... sorry, had to close all my XXX sites... y'know how it is... ;)


  • twygdesktop.jpg
    64.8 KB · Views: 2,033
how did you get the network or appleshare or whatever icon it is in the menubar on the top right of your screenshot masternew?
its like <...> or something.. id like to know how to get that to appear in my menubar =]
since i dont check the boards often, e-mail me the answer:
I guess I'll toss mine in the mix as well. It's really barren but ... :p


  • desktop.jpg
    66.4 KB · Views: 1,479
Masternew. You have the same drive setup as my Power Mac G4 400MHz Sawtooth (AGP Graphics).

Red Phoenix. I see you like Deus Ex. Awesome game and just grand plotline. I did have great respect for you until the Windows icon down at the bottom on your MAIN drive than ::Yuck::

I am currently using my Apple Macinotsh PowerBook G3 Lombard 333MHz.

Here's my current if you care to see. It is in a low quality JPEG.


  • desktop.jpg
    72.2 KB · Views: 1,524
used 'grab' and only the first monitor was captured... oh well... nothing much going on in either, so I guess it doesn't really matter.

anyone know how to capture all screens at once though?

heh... almost uploaded the captured image... which was over 500KB...

mmm... it's rather hard to make a image small without losing detail, eh? kinda looks blurred and ugly...

the icons in the dock are just modified... they are just regular apps...


  • desktop2.jpg
    86.8 KB · Views: 1,426
Originally posted by MacCheetah3
Red Phoenix. I see you like Deus Ex. Awesome game and just grand plotline. I did have great respect for you until the Windows icon down at the bottom on your MAIN drive than ::Yuck::

Yeah, Deus Ex is a great game, and as soon as my professors stop giving me assignments that force me to stay up until five in the morning working on them, then maybe I'll play it again. Of course, I'd have to reboot into OS 9 to do it, which I'm not really planning on doing anytime soon.

As for the Windows drive, that's actually a connected SMB share. Hey, if I have to connect to a Windows share, then I might as well give it an icon.
ADubya... is one place (they also have their own tools for creation of your own custom icons.)

I think it's Correct me if I'm wrong guys and gals...

Those two places have lotsa icons...
