Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

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it's gone rhale1

Apple used to put up a graphic that said Welcome Safari User. It's just a HTML trick that reads the browser type and if it was Safari they put in an extra ( or different ) image.
Thanks. I never saw that... wonder why? I had Safari on Day 1.

Another question (I also put this in Web Works in case that is the more 'proper' place to put it): How do I do this? I have never in my years of working with HTML used this 'trick'.

I still think Safari's tabs should be in a drawer, or a sheet that slides down from the top of the page when you click a button in the nav bar like the open/save dialogs. Also, I like the idea of the mouse being right-side-clickable, though I think the trackwheel idea is a little much at this point. (Second button first, wheels later...) I further think the Next Big Thing Apple should do is make the mouse optional on computers like the iMac by offering them in touch-screen versions. I know some companies offered touch-screen-modified iMacs for resale, but if Apple did it it would probably sell like crazy. The mouse should stick around for things like games, but it should be optional. And Bluetooth is definitely the way to go for input. (They've got it on the 17" Powerbook, so it should spread to the rest of the line soon.)
Originally posted by arden
I still think Safari's tabs should be in a drawer, or a sheet that slides down from the top of the page when you click a button in the nav bar like the open/save dialogs. Also, I like the idea of the mouse being right-side-clickable, though I think the trackwheel idea is a little much at this point. (Second button first, wheels later...) I further think the Next Big Thing Apple should do is make the mouse optional on computers like the iMac by offering them in touch-screen versions. I know some companies offered touch-screen-modified iMacs for resale, but if Apple did it it would probably sell like crazy. The mouse should stick around for things like games, but it should be optional. And Bluetooth is definitely the way to go for input. (They've got it on the 17" Powerbook, so it should spread to the rest of the line soon.)

I rarely disagree with someone's post as much as I do with yours. Making someone first have to click a button, and than click on a tab almost kills the functionality of the tabs in the first place. They are meant to replace windows. I dont have to click a button to go to a different browser window, I just have to click on the window. Putting this in a sheet makes no sense. 2 mouse clicks instead of one. If Apple were to implement a mouse with more than 1 button, and doesn't put on a wheel, than it is still behind in terms of technology and ease of use. No one can argue how useful the wheel mice are... they are simply very handy to use. And your last point... touch-screen iMacs? The closest thing we'll probably ever see is a tablet powerbook or something like that. I would hate to have to stop typing and reach to my screen to send this message. Neither would anyone else I know. It isn't good for a desktop computer, it is handy for say a car navigation screen, but not for a computer. Type type type, reach to screen, type type type, reach to screen. Drag finger across screen. Double-tap screen. I have used touch screen computers in consumer electronics stores like Radio Shack and Best Buy. They are used for information kiosks. I HATE them because reaching to the screen isn't very friendly, and alot of times it doesnt work right. These are my thoughts. Please don't take offense to this post, I am just disagreeing with your thoughts.
i'm with jlr. personally i hate drawers and sidebars with a passion. i've hated them in every browser that has ever had them. i hate them in mail. they are the ugliest, least functional peice of garbage ever to grace a gui. the whole concept demands that you save screen space for them if you ever intend to use them at all. i don't mind the idea of them being an option, but personally i want any info like that to be as strealined as possible. i wish i could have have my accounts in mail listed like my bookmark bar in safari rather than on the friggin side. and also about the touchscreen - like i want to do sit ups all day to use my computer. my screen is certainly further than arm's length away. not to mention my lack of desire to have clean my screen every few hours from the smudges i've put on it. :rolleyes:
I've been using Safari 1.0v62 for a few days now, and I must say that the implementation of tabs is not only stable (I haven't crashed Safari ONCE, I swear...) but also nicely embedded in the brushed metal GUI.

The fact that the tabs are the wrong way round is still a bit confusing, but I don't know whether it would look good the _right_ way round - because of the UI theme chosen.

And drawers are certainly the wrong UI element for a tabs replacement, I think. Maybe it would be good to be able to switch the tabs from horizontal to vertical, but _inside_ the window, more like IE 5.2.2 has its panes... (And no, I didn't mean 'pains'.) :P
You both have valid points, and I realize now the inconvenience of putting tabs in a drawer. Maybe if the tab bar (or the whole navbar) hid itself like the Dock does...

On the point about touch screens, I realize they are not for everyone. Note I said they should offer touch screen versions, not necessarily make all computers touch screen. I can see how you might not want a touch screen if all you do is type all day (which I hope you don't! :) ). But certain aspects of computing lend themselves very well to a touch screen. Graphics, for example. I find using the mouse to draw or select in Photoshop somewhat cumbersome, and I would love to be able to simply touch the screen where I want my marquee or soft brush line to go.

Of course, all the computing I do is right in front of me; the monitors are always within arm's reach, so that's not an issue for me. And I realize there may be issues with pushing small widgets on a touch screen; the handheld industry solved that issue by inventing the stylus.
HEY what happened to the quick reply box?!!??!?
anyways, i just got safari v62 (HOW DID I GET IT? IT IS A MYSTERY!). It's kind of slow, unstable, but the tabs are AWESOME! i forgot how cool tabs were......
I can't wait till v70 next month.....
Originally posted by arden
But certain aspects of computing lend themselves very well to a touch screen. Graphics, for example. I find using the mouse to draw or select in Photoshop somewhat cumbersome, and I would love to be able to simply touch the screen where I want my marquee or soft brush line to go.

No disrespect meant, but I don't think you've thought this one through very much nor used a touch-screen system very often. First of all they are not very accurate. Part of the reason for this is that you have to be looking at them straight on to really be able to see what you are touching. And kind of differing angle of vision and it becomes much more dificult to predict.

Now the way they determine where you are doing something is by using a grid of infrared beams in front of the screen. For one thing this requires depth that makes it nearly impossible to implement on anything with a thin lcd screen, so there goes Apple's whole line of monitors. But more importantly (using the graphics work you cited as an example) this would mean that your precision in controlling things becomes the size of your fingertip. Now if all the graphics work you do is closely related to finger-painting then you'll be fine, but if you're looking for pixel-precise control then you are in trouble.

And have you considered that if you were trying to do anything thing like this with a touch screen your finger would be in the way of your line-of-sight to the monitor? In order to see the part of the screen directly beneath your finger you would need to move your head to one side, which brings us back to the problem mentioned before about not being able to accurately place your finger on the screen.

Finally, having your finger/hand be in nearly constant contact with the screen is just bad ergonomics. Your posture would be bad and your arm would probably get quite tired. If you really need something better for graphics work than a mouse then your best bet would be a graphics tablet. After all, this is the purpose for which they exist.
Originally posted by Chibi15
Here you can see what safari with tabs look like.
It is a screenshot from v62 - which is bleeding edge, but unstable as hell.

I have been running safari with tabs for a week or so now and i have had no problem with it. It has never crashed and i have had no more problem loading sites with it than i have had with the apple release of safari.


Safari v64 has been seen in the wild. And it has better tabs support. :)

The background tabs are a bit brighter compared to the last build, they now have a rollover effect. Somebody mentioned the ability to open more than one tab with one click, but I haven't found that yet.
There's a new option in the debug menu named "AutoComplete Forms With Address Book". It sounds like the AutoFill feature from IE, but I haven't been able to get it to work.
Maybe it's not yet active, really. We'll see. But everything seems coming along well with Safari as far as I can see. ;)

Also: Apple-Shift-ArrowLeft (and ArrowRight) now switches between tabs. Great! :)
MacSofa only repeated MacRumors. :)

Originally posted by gwynarion
Now the way they determine where you are doing something is by using a grid of infrared beams in front of the screen. For one thing this requires depth that makes it nearly impossible to implement on anything with a thin lcd screen, so there goes Apple's whole line of monitors. ...

I agree with most of your comments but I just wanted to add a note of clarification here. There are generally two types of touch screens, ones that use led's like you mention, but others that use either capacitive or resistive glass/film. It is this latter kind that is most often used on lcd displays as they add very little to the thickness of the display (I have two myself and you'd never know they were touch screens). This is how those tiny little pda's can have touch screens and still be tiny.
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