The Official War Room

some comments in this thread make me very afraid.
I cannot possibly think of someone that can tolerate ANY violent action for the sake of the so called "peace".
the WWI (yeah, the first one) was called "the war to end all wars"
The USA are always thinking they can dictate the path of the entire world. How do they do that?
ruling by the means of FEAR.
just as dictators do in their countries.
I'm not speaking in favor of Saddam.
I'm just saying that, just as every person has the right to do what he pleases to do, the same goes for the peoples, and the countries they live in.

Just remember this:
a person fighting for his own land is like a mother defending her child.

Vietnam proved this right for the US.
Russia proved this right for Napoleon, and Hitler (and also, for the Germany of 1914)
and there are plenty of more examples of this.

I come from a very economically opressed country. Argentina's leaders are corrupt, and very very greedy. We are not patriotic, we are not even close to being "good" people, we had a very cruel internal war (the dirty war of the 70's) that ended with more than 25.000 people dead. We used our guns against our own people. We are not an example for anybody.

So I think I can say this very clearly:

they can put me in jail if i've done something against the rules of the society but never before a fair trial and a good set of jury people ruling against me.

only 5 or 6 out of more than 300 countries actively support this war. That means something. They can't possibly be ALL wrong.



Originally posted by f_h_petrone
So I think I can say this very clearly:
What if you are a serial killer and have the means / will to kill again?
Originally posted by MDLarson
What if you are a serial killer and have the means / will to kill again?

Serial killers should spend the rest of their life in prison. As may years in prison as possible.
Thanks f_h_petrone. Not many people from this board come from oppressed countries. It's good to hear some opinions like yours, from times to times. Some aspects and/or consequences of war come to be rapidly eluded or simply forgotten here, thanks again.
Originally posted by chevy
Serial killers should spend the rest of their life in prison. As may years in prison as possible.

That is what leads to the problems we have today...too soft on criminals, especially criminals with no regard for human life. If you kill someone with no just cause (i.e. self-defense, protecting your life or someone elses) then you deserve the same punishment.
It's people like kanecorp, who are too young *persoanl attack removed*(he's under enlistment age, remember?), yet keep spouting off their mouths, that embarrass me as a citizen of the United States. Remember, not all citizens of a country (or state, or city, or neighborhood even) follow the same opinions. My psychology teacher is from Texas, and she has a thick accent, but she is very liberal and does not support Bush or many of the things Texas is "known for". (This is a war room, though.)

The United States dictates who can have weapons and who can't, and can police them, because we are the world's strongest country. We have the largest economy (by far, the highest technology, and our population, coupled with the above, gives us an incredibly strong military force before the draft. We have the power to boss others around that no one has ever been able to achieve in history. Like it or not, that's just the way it is. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, that's just how it is. We make the rules on who does what and we can't be held to the same standard because?well, you try invading us. That's why the United States is in a position to invade a country like Iraq when that same country is performing an "illegal act" by doing the same.

We Americans like to think we are an "enlightened" country, even though capitalism does not provide for anyone. It's basically, "You're on your own. Good luck and here are the ways we are going to screw you over. Number 1...". Anyway, we have certain rights set down in our basic document, the Constitution of the United States, that we would like to apply to as many people as we can, even if they don't want it. (For all you gun nuts out there, the 2nd Amendment says, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." This does not say that you can have a gun in your house to protect yourself; rather, it says you may carry a gun to protect your state (country) in times of danger. Most people misinterpret this to say that (almost) anyone can carry a weapon, which it does not say.) I think it's for this reason that, despite any and all corruption in government and practices, it's a good thing the United States is in power and not another country like China or Russia.
Originally posted by ScottW
Just remember, God (the one true God) is in control.
Please be cautious of making statements like this. Not everyone believes in God, and certainly not the Christian idea of God, and you may intrude on someone else's beliefs. I myself am Jewish and I find it uncomfortable when people refer to Jesus Christ as the "true savior." (This may be the topic of another thread, but) nobody has proven the existence of God, despite all the "evidence," and no one can say for sure that God helps him. People who claim to receive divine guidance are typically deluding themselves into thinking that God really has a hand in what happens in their lives. (Please don't flame me on this, I'm trying to come at this from a logical & rational point of view.) If I intrude on your beliefs, I'm sorry; all I ask is you don't intrude on mine or anyone else's, and be wary of whether what you say may do this.

For some really good mudslinging (not this *ahem* crap [get it, mud/crap... :rolleyes:] between toast & kanecorp), check out the column on Gore being added to Apple's executive board. It deviates rather interestingly.

I feel like Philip Roth with such a long post... :)
Originally posted by mdnky
That is what leads to the problems we have today...too soft on criminals, especially criminals with no regard for human life. If you kill someone with no just cause (i.e. self-defense, protecting your life or someone elses) then you deserve the same punishment.

I'm not sure that death penalty is harder than a life in jail. Many serial murders are depressed people that are committing some kind of psychological suicide when they kill... death penalty is a liberation for them. A (long) life in jail is not a liberation.
Originally posted by ScottW
Just remember, God (the one true God) is in control.

You are probably speaking about the Christian God, whose son Jesus died for us. It sounds like this God has several voices, or some Christian have hearing problems, 'cause the Pope didn't translate His message the same way as you did. Or maybe it's another God ?
Originally posted by mdnky
That is what leads to the problems we have today...too soft on criminals, especially criminals with no regard for human life. If you kill someone with no just cause (i.e. self-defense, protecting your life or someone elses) then you deserve the same punishment.

This is a completely different topic which does not fit this thread at all. I'll make a very brief answer then: in this logic, mdnky, the American soldiers who are fighting in Iraq (and they are not killing for self-defense, are they ?) deserve lethal injections.

"An eye for an eye"... Even the Quran considers this sort of law as obsolete ! :eek: :eek: :eek: Please, there are far better arguments in support to death penalty. But the one you gave is the most shameful, primitive and ignorant of them all.

Deeper discussion deserve an entire thread, though. Make my day :)
Originally posted by toast
in this logic, mdnky, the American soldiers who are fighting in Iraq (and they are not killing for self-defense, are they ?) deserve lethal injections.
Criminals are typically defined as those who commit crimes (kill, etc.) within the jurisdiction of their home country while not in a state of war. The American soldiers are following orders to eliminate a threat to our security (and your oil), and they occasionally have to kill Iraqis who resist and aid Saddam. Because our governments are at odds, then, right or wrong as it is, our troops are deserving of no such injections.
Originally posted by arden
Criminals are typically defined as those who commit crimes (kill, etc.) within the jurisdiction of their home country while not in a state of war. The American soldiers are following orders to eliminate a threat to our security (and your oil), and they occasionally have to kill Iraqis who resist and aid Saddam. Because our governments are at odds, then, right or wrong as it is, our troops are deserving of no such injections.

So, still in this eye4aneye logic, who deserves to die for the civilian Iraqi victims ?
My aim was to prove this talion logic makes no sense. Pretty successful IMHO.
I think no one deserves to die, but I'm just trying to explain what my view of the "official" consensus is. If I'm at war with you, I'm going to kill your people because if I don't, you may kill mine. It's not right, but it's politics.
This war isn't looking good, it looks like we have already 300+ confirmed Americans dead not to mention that countless Brits that have died. Anyone have totals from last war. These guys are starting to scare me. I hope we don't get within 20miles of the city and nuculear and biological detentions start happening then tanks with mig engines strapped to them start blowing those gasses towards our troops.

War is Hell I guess.
War is worse than Hell. Have you heard that: an American soldier has thrown a grenade on his own friends, killing 1 wounding 12 !
It will be very interesting to find out what that was all about! The govt. has been very tight-lipped about it.
Okay, it's nice but not everyone is going to like that :) Please keep such things for PM's and AIM, otherwise you're comforting some toolesque people in their idea we're complete dummies.
we are rocking now!! we've managed to shoot down a british plane and to capture a pink pickup truck!! wahooo!!
