Guys, the same Point had been brought up twice now. Summing that up, it'd be "CHOICE"
See, now, here's TWO Shots For the same folder "My Pictures".
OK, now whats WRONG with CHOICE? Why should a user not have many ways to represent the data?! Why should they be stuck with plain RAW Data (ie Merely filenames) in the age of Kickass GPU's and Comparably (x86) KICKASS CPU's
(Sorry guys that was LOW, i didn't mean it, don't kick my butt, i HAD TO!

Personally, despite what some of you guys say yourselves, CHOICE will ALWAYS be a good thing, whether we talk OS System wide, or buying a Ford over a Honda!? At the same time, like i said previously, in my opinion the choice is reflective upon the potential end user. By that i expect this more graphical presentation to be used by family's, newer user's to "XP / Longhorn". In my opinion, that view there is FAR more "welcoming" to me, that /user/neyo/pictures ever is (****! i almost sound like i know what i am talking ABOUT!!!

Yea, So the problem with choice kinda confuses me, how can it be bad?!
Addresing some points here, ummmm...
Agreed, most definately. And Plex is not much better, personally, i like plex in certain ways, i don't mind the taskbar, but its the windows that aren't right, and at this stage, the system cannot really have that much blue in it (although i am sure a LOT more in Longhorn will develop to allow more diversity.
Here's more shots, to give a reflection of what i am saying, tell me whatcha think of "Plex"
Desktop Pic Here
Look at the "File / Edit" Menu's, black and darkish blue?!
Start menu - annoying, silly, accessing programs is a pain, must be skillful with the mouse.
In what way do you find it "silly or Annoying"? I agree, skill is kinda required to get that "all Programs" to popup, i think that needs moving somewhere else. Besides that, i don't think all too much is wrong with it, it really is NOW, the "start" for your computer, your one way into everywhere now. Whether thats a good thing is down to the user i guess, but once more, you can always set it into Classic mode, for which the typical Win 2k start menu will be used, as does the desktop icons. (Here's that "choice" thing once more

Crappy window refresh part 2 - I minimize a window and the desktop is drawn on the screen starting from the top and going down erasing the minimized window as it goes. UGLY UGLY UGLY (true for other versions of Windoze)
I know what your reffering to, the instance for which it refreshes / redraws on like a horizontal line?! Yea, that "DID" Suck, but i've NEVER seen that in XP. In earlier versions, most definately, but not since XP. Maybe that was a Video Card issue?!?
(oh, and yes, it is NASTY!! ...And slow!)
Messenger will not go away - Messenger will not go away. I had to rename the program's folder. What the HELL? Oops, not an interface issue
Yea, i agree totally, a LOT of people have said the same thing, it can be a little "in your face", and it DID take some disabling. I think now (Don't hold me to this) you can remove it from the system if you so wish. The SP1 update definately allows you to get rid of IE6 and WMP8, so i assume you can get rid of that too. Within the options menu in Messenger, you can disable it starting up automatically, which does stop it being so "in your face!", is that what you was after?!
Control Panels, Yea, i agree, there's ALOT to digest, and it can take some time to work where stuff is, but in time you pick it up. Maybe they will address this, with that Avalon technology, they've already changed the Display Properties Control Applet, you guys have seen the modified one, right?
** the Task Shelf **
I think this is pretty cool, and like macLuv mentioned, microsoft are using XML and .Net tech alot, to bring some cool things together, and here's an example, i think at this stage, its just like a "demo" of the kind of things possible, i imagine M$ will try shoving all those Crappy MSN Features into the TaskShelf (like MSN Explorer), but as long as you can still add and remove tiles from it, it'll be ok i guess. Merging the Taskbar and Taskshelf is quite cool, although at this time, it DOESN'T have a place for Minimized windows, (the joys of an M3 Alpha build), but i am sure that will come along in time!
opinions guys?!