
that's been around GUIs for a long time, though, NeYo. You'll find it in about every instance of X Window System (for example on a linux system).

However, while I appreciate that feature on a UNIX machine, where I myself keep an order of what's on what desktop, I think it's a bit difficult for a 'mom'-type user to grasp.

I've been mailing Apple begging for multiple desktops in OS X for years, myself, though. I guess they won't implement it for the everyday user, but maybe will make it a user activateable feature. Remember 'Simple Finder'? I sometimes think I want an 'Advanced Finder' feature nowadays. :)
Finally. This is your first constructive thought on this thread, I believe. Yes: Make a good implementation of Virtual Desktops for Mac OS X.

I'll even pay a shareware fee for it. There's only bad versions around for Mac OS X right now afaik.
Originally posted by fryke
that's been around GUIs for a long time, though, NeYo. You'll find it in about every instance of X Window System (for example on a linux system).

However, while I appreciate that feature on a UNIX machine, where I myself keep an order of what's on what desktop, I think it's a bit difficult for a 'mom'-type user to grasp.

I've been mailing Apple begging for multiple desktops in OS X for years, myself, though. I guess they won't implement it for the everyday user, but maybe will make it a user activateable feature. Remember 'Simple Finder'? I sometimes think I want an 'Advanced Finder' feature nowadays. :)

Yeah, i hear what you're saying Fryke, for the "average" user, i assume something like that may seem a little far fetched, or a little confusing?! But, IMO, thats the good thing in some respects about windows. I know people talk of "bloatware" and such, and yes, to an extent i agree, but like people in the past have said, Windows tends to throw as much as it can in (well thats "kinda" my view), and as a result, the system can be tailored accordingly. Also, things like this Desktop Manager Don't "officially" come with Windows. They are one of a Collection of the official Microsoft Powertoys, and well, they are kinda cool. I don't know how clued up with windows you are Fryke ... Often when i read your posts regarding "openstep, GNUstep" i am like, wow, he knows his S**T! LOL, is that knowledge passed through with Windows too?!

Anyhow, yea, IMO, i like how XP can be used for a range of people, in a range of ways, for which the user, often inadvertently, decides.

Hey, thats ENOUGH Good comments directed to Mr Gates! I have to also comment, that maybe its "bloatware" which STILL leads my system to FREQUENT BSOD's. I have to say, for Stability, i've a better experience with Windows 2000! :rolleyes:

Have any of you guys seen the Freeware Docks in Development!? they are kind of cool!

dont be mean to eachother. and dont write so much, i really need to sleep and it took me half an hour reading through this thread! :)
Only like to say that i would sell my soul to satan (or, as fryke would say, insert the ugliest guy from your religion) for column-view. its so pretty and userfriendly, and i have a really hard time getting the hang of xp's navigation system (although, i have not used it often enough to make my opinion anything close to professional).

Just like to say it again, so the point is not missed: I love column-view! my brains love column view too cuz now i think of everything in column-view and i always know the paths to things. :D

and it was a very good point about the xp colors, fryke!
Originally posted by Decado

and it was a very good point about the xp colors, fryke!

What was that?! ... i have read the thread, but i maybe missed it! Sorry! i dont' fancy scouring six pages twice!

Oh, and yea, i like Column view, the amount i use XP, i wish that had it in! the only quarm i had, is that, i wish the columns could maybe auto adjust to fiit filenames, ... i mean, often i'd have a tonne of mp3's and the names would be too long, and so i'd have to switch to detail view! :(

But, yea, its COOL :D

Ey, neyo! sorry about that. can't find it either. but he said something about that windows (all the way from the early versions have favored the brighter and fuller colours of the 16 bit palette (correct me if i'm wrong, fryke. i'm tired). like the green and the blue. And they are a bit intrusive to the eye.
Originally posted by Decado
Ey, neyo! sorry about that. can't find it either. but he said something about that windows (all the way from the early versions have favored the brighter and fuller colours of the 16 bit palette (correct me if i'm wrong, fryke. i'm tired). like the green and the blue. And they are a bit intrusive to the eye.

Oh! I See, yea, i don't like luna neither, i find it patronising really, the layout is probably welcomed to new-ish users, but i think to someone who knows considerable stuff, they find it annoying, would anyone agree?

thanks anyway mate :D ... i do remember reading something about that now!

yeah you mean the soccer guy, right? i believe he was dubbed "judas" in swedish press after the latest world championship in japan/korea :)
England rock! was there all last summer. Love the "stressed eric" cartoon :)
NeYo, its only my opinion but why do you do such silly things to your XP? I think it looks absolutely horrible.
Originally posted by itanium
NeYo, its only my opinion but why do you do such silly things to your XP? I think it looks absolutely horrible.

thats cool mate, each and everyone to their own, What things?!
I just wanted to say that this has been one of the most interesting, mature, truly two sided debates I've seen on this board in a long time. It's had it's moments and all, but generally a good ride, especially when it remained on topic.

Hi, Ed. :-)
Hi all,

I started this topic and I learned so much stuff from you guys.

As a web designer, I thought usuability is a good topic to discuss. And I thank to everybody for mature debates as THEED mentioned above.

I love this forum.
designer - i think you picked an excellent topic to discuss. but it probably should have gone in the opinions forum. it isn't really news and it isn't a rumor. but since times are slow for real news & rumors, i decided to let this one stay here till this forum picks up next month as we approach mwsf. i think this is one of those worth discussing. i've enjoyed most of it.

but my point in explaining this is that we do have a forum dedicated to OPINIONS that people don't seem to use. Many good opinion threads get started here or even in that forum that never go anywhwere.

Frankly, those of you who love to editorialize should be spending more of your time and effort there. it's only a slow forum because you guys don't participate there. Given the number of people we have around here who always seem to have an opinion on everything, that should be the second most popular forum outside of os x: system & software.

of course as it is now, if i want to kill a thread, i don't close it, i just move it to the Opinions Forum. :(

ok, shameless plug for the opinions forum is over. :D

oh, and HI Theed :)