What religion are you?

To what faith do you consider yourself a member?

  • Christianity

  • Islam

  • Buddhism

  • Gnostic/Agnostic

  • Pagan

  • Santeria

  • Hinduism

  • Judaism

  • Other

  • Atheist/none

  • Results of the 'test' in http://selectsmart.com/RELIGION/ (specify)

Results are only viewable after voting.
How can one be VERY agnostic ?

You're just of that opinion:
Humanism: is a progressive lifestance that, without supernaturalism, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead meaningful, ethical lives capable of adding to the greater good of humanity.

No need to create a God. We are humans, only humans. Let's act as humans.
Hmm, that's an interesting survey, Gia. I got the answer that fits my beliefs, as you were wondering about that.

1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. New Age (87%)
3. Hinduism (85%)
4. Unitarian Universalism (82%)
5. Mahayana Buddhism (81%)
6. New Thought (75%)
7. Scientology (68%)
8. Liberal Quakers (67%)
9. Reform Judaism (58%)
10. Sikhism (56%)
11. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (55%)
12. Theravada Buddhism (55%)
13. Jainism (52%)
14. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (48%)
15. Bahá'í Faith (46%)
16. Secular Humanism (42%)
17. Taoism (38%)
18. Orthodox Judaism (35%)
19. Orthodox Quaker (34%)
20. Islam (31%)
21. Jehovah's Witness (19%)
22. Non-theist (19%)
23. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (15%)
24. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (14%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (12%)
26. Roman Catholic (12%)
27. Seventh Day Adventist (9%)
1._Neo-Pagan (100%)
2._Unitarian Universalism (99%)
3._Liberal Quakers (88%)
4._Mahayana Buddhism (87%)
5._New Age (84%)
6._Reform Judaism (73%)
7._Jainism (72%)
8._Theravada Buddhism (71%)
9._Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (70%)
10._Secular Humanism (68%)
11._Hinduism (67%)
12._New Thought (67%)
13._Sikhism (63%)
14._Taoism (63%)
15._Bahá'í Faith (62%)
16._Scientology (60%)
17._Orthodox Quaker (49%)
18._Orthodox Judaism (48%)
19._Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (46%)
20._Non-theist (40%)
21._Islam (39%)
22._Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (24%)
23._Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (23%)
24._Seventh Day Adventist (19%)
25._Eastern Orthodox (15%)
26._Roman Catholic (15%)
27._Jehovah's Witness (11%)

no big surprises except for the liberal quakers being so high. i need to meet some of these people i guess. :)
1._Non-theist (100%)
2._Secular Humanism (100%)
3._Unitarian Universalism (90%)
4._Theravada Buddhism (88%)
5._Liberal Quakers (73%)
6._Liberal Christian Protestants (64%)
7._Neo-Pagan (63%)
8._Taoism (58%)
9._New Age (54%)
10._Mahayana Buddhism (49%)
11._Orthodox Quaker (49%)
12._Reform Judaism (46%)
13._New Thought (44%)
14._Conservative Christian Protestant (40%)
15._Scientology (39%)
16._Sikhism (38%)
17._Bahá'í Faith (36%)
18._Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (34%)
19._Seventh Day Adventist (28%)
20._Islam (26%)
21._Jainism (26%)
22._Orthodox Judaism (26%)
23._Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (25%)
24._Eastern Orthodox (16%)
25._Hinduism (16%)
26._Roman Catholic (16%)
27._Jehovah's Witness (9%)

LOL ! What a joke_! I don't even consider half of this list as religions !
My favorite one: I'm 39% scientologist ! Wow ! I've been part of a group who fought, here in France, against this sect, but I'm 39% akin to their doctrin :confused:

Complete crap. Thanks Gia, that was a funny link :D. Really :D :D
I guess my parents succeeded. (Hint: I'm much older than most of you.)

1. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2._Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (79%)
3._Reform Judaism (78%)
4._Liberal Quakers (76%)
5._Orthodox Quaker (74%)
6._Unitarian Universalism (74%)
7._Orthodox Judaism (70%)
8._Bahá'í Faith (63%)
9._Islam (61%)
10._Sikhism (58%)
11._Eastern Orthodox (57%)
12._Roman Catholic (57%)
13._Seventh Day Adventist (55%)
14._Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (49%)
15._New Age (46%)
16._Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (46%)
17._Jainism (45%)
18._Neo-Pagan (43%)
19._New Thought (43%)
20._Mahayana Buddhism (42%)
21._Scientology (36%)
22._Jehovah's Witness (34%)
23._Secular Humanism (32%)
24._Hinduism (32%)
25._Taoism (31%)
26._Theravada Buddhism (30%)
27._Non-theist (18%)
I got 100% Mainline Conservative, which is what I am (Southern Baptist)

Oddly enough Mormon and Jevoah's witness was quite high too, not so sure about those ;)
LOL @ Ed !
Every person who got a fair amount of Jehovah's Witness religious identity, go out and try to sell socks in your neighbourhood, you'll discover a great talent for door-to-door sells !
These were my results:

1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2._Neo-Pagan (87%)
3._Liberal Quakers (75%)
4._Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (75%)
5._New Age (75%)
6. New Thought (75%)
7._ Reform Judaism (75%)
8._Scientology (75%)
9. Taoism (75%)
10. Unitarian Universalism (75%)

I disagree with the questions of the poll though. I mostly answered "none of the above", because I didn't think that "... or not sure, or not important" applied. I mostly was very sure of my opnion and deemed it important too! So much for pride ... ;) BTW. I was brought up as Catholic, but like Toast I didn't get beyond well, "first communion" or how it's called.
Like Cat, I feel this poll is completely stupid. I just had to say it twice, there I am. :D

My 2¢.
Originally posted by toast
Like Cat, I feel this poll is completely stupid. I just had to say it twice, there I am. :D

My 2¢.

Here, I don't agree... it gives us an image of the distribution of the macosx.com members that agreed to answer the pool... like any other post here.

For my part I was not expecting so many that declare themselves non christian. Interesting. Not important but still interesting.
chevy, toast and cat - i think we're getting semantically confused here. the 'poll' is attached' to this thread. i can't imagine why anyone would think it is stupid for me to want to find out more about one of my favorite subjects - people's spiritual perspectives.

the 'questionaire' is what is responsible for these lists. and it isn't stupid either once you understand what it is reflecting. it is simply stating how your spiritual/religious views align with certain spiritual/religious schools of thought. it doesn't mean you are what it reflects although it would make sense if you are and most people seem to be getting that verification in their results.

toast, i think your religious affiliation is Oppositionalism. ;)
Originally posted by edX


toast, i think your religious affiliation is Oppositionalism. ;)

If I may try (Toast, take it from a Swiss that loves France...) Toast is just French... :D
Originally posted by edX
chevy, toast and cat - i think we're getting semantically confused here. the 'poll' is attached' to this thread. i can't imagine why anyone would think it is stupid for me to want to find out more about one of my favorite subjects - people's spiritual perspectives.


In a discussion, mostly when one speaks about believes - religions - spirituality, semantics is quite important. Therefore it is quite normal on my opinion that we also debate about the thread itself.
Originally posted by edX
toast, i think your religious affiliation is Oppositionalism. ;)

Ed, I think you're right :D.

Back to the topic, okay. Let's forget about this poll.
chevy - what i was trying to say, is that i don't think toast was really criticizing the poll in this thread, but is referring to the religion identifier questionaire as stupid. it isn't really a poll, but i guess we are 'polling' our results so i can see why he refers to it as such. i wish he would stop referring to it as a poll but then he would probably be violating some basic precept of Oppositionalism, so i'll respect his right to call it what he wants. :D
Gah, Ed, pick something easier to pronounce. I'm glad I'm not speaking this stuff. Heh. I'd be tripping over Oppositionalism every time I tried to say it.

Toast, you don't have any religious beliefs at all? Just wondering, it wasn't quite clear to me from your posts.