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  1. B

    iMac keeps freezing and airport extreme q'tion

    Sorry...I see you already did check the forums and are aware of the issue. For what it's worth, I received my new 20"/2 gig RAM/500 gig HD iMac in early Sept -- bought through the Apple online store, and it shipped from China. I don't have the problem that others are complaining about...
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    iMac keeps freezing and airport extreme q'tion

    I just read some threads in the apple support forums (and about people complaining about frequent freezes in the *new* aluminum iMac's. Speculation is that it's related to either the hard drive (Western Digital), which I doubt, or the video drivers, which seems more likely. If...
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    Boot Camp, Parallels and MS Office

    If I recall correctly, the Office XP activation site "remembers" the last activation for only 3 months. If you installed Office longer than that, you should be able to install and activate on a new Windows OS, whether it exists in parallels or boot camp. You can try activating on the second...
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    FTP problem

    Turn off your mac firewall, swith between active and passive ftp connection and see what happens.
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    Will a mac font work on a pc?

    Cross font is windows shareware that convert mac PS fonts to pc
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    How to get past iTune's stupid DRM?

    Easy answer: The software referred to above -- -- doesn't work with iTunes 6 so you'd need to open a second iTunes account and download using iTunes 5, then strip out the DRM. This isn't an option, though, for videos I believe.
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    Does Using a Mac or a Pc change the settings on my Ipod

    I use a mac and a pc, with iPod enabled for disk use. I manage my library on my mac and sync my iPod to my mac only. When I want to get songs on to my pc, I either use PodUtil shareware to extract the songs from the iPod (there's a mac and a windows version), or simply copy the song files to a...
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    Stuck on Apache Default Web Page

    Is this happening in one browser or several (eg Safari v. Firefox)? Can you email from the problem machine? Also, what happens if you turn off Apache (personal web server) from the sharing control panel preference? Have you checked your hosts file? Log in as Admin (may need to turn on hidden...
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    Squeeze Huge iTunes Library

    This will work though perhaps a dedicated audio program will do it better/faster. Anyway: 1. Set iTunes preferences to import files as mp3 at 128 bitrate. Right click on any non Apple protected file in your library and choose to convert it to mp3 (even if it already is). The file will convert...
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    Backing up iTunes - 2

    Can't find your last post you refer to, but try this. In iTunes, use File | Add to Libary and navigate to the folder where your mp3's and other music files are (typically under your music folder in your home directory). iTunes will reimport all the files, though your settings and playlists may...
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    Help with 60GB iPod with video

    > You can only transfer songs to the platform the iPod is set to Not sure if I understand you, but iPods (like any HD) formatted to windows can interface with the mac os, but mac formatted ipods can't be read by windows. I use my windows formatted ipod for music and as a huge flash drive to...
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    how to build multi language pages in dreamweaver mx 2004 using drop down menues to select the language

    "Standard" way to do this is to load all the content into a database and have the single page call the appropriate data (ie, appropriate language) based on the user's selection. There's nothing about DW which will natively do this, though the software may speed up the whole development process.
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    iMac crashes after going into sleep mode

    This may or may not be relevant. I have a Kennsington bluetooth mouse which causes both my iMac and Powerbook (Tiger, 10.4.5) to awake on their own from sleep into a freeze mode. Kennsington replaced the mouse. Issue remains. Using USB problem.
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    Help with 60GB iPod with video

    mac software to back up ipod: podutil (shareware; free trial) or iPod disk (freeware)
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    HELP...accidentally deleted my itunes music

    If the music is still on the iPod, download the shareware podutil (mac and pc versions) which will let you transfer music from your pod to your HD. First enable disk use for the ipod.
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    Boot start up commands don't work

    Problem solved: the Apple store removed my 3rd party RAM before readying the unit to ship it for repair, and the boot commands started working again. It appears the RAM just needed to be re-seated.
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    Boot start up commands don't work

    Per your suggestion I've now tried re-setting the firmware password using the app on the install CD. First I set a real password, then I disabled it. No luck - still no boot up commands works.
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    Boot start up commands don't work

    I have a late model G4 Powerbook. I've noticed after upgrading to 10.4.4 I can no longer use any startup command key combos to start in firewire target mode, or single user mode, or verbose mode or any other mode that requires holding down keys during start up. I have not set a firmware password...
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    Q Re Resetting Nic (mac Unix)

    Great. That did it. Thank you.
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    Q Re Resetting Nic (mac Unix)

    I'm setting up a standalone powerbook for developing with CFML and SQL server. I'm able to run SQL server on virtualpc but to do so I have to set the powerbook's ethernet card to loopback using these commands: sudo ifconfig en0 mediaopt hw-loopback sudo ifconfig eno media 100baseTX Works...