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  1. JohnnyV

    Restarted, won't start back up

    My iChat was acting funny today (it was repeatedly trying to sign on over and over and over, non-stop). I had been a while since my last restart so I figured I reboot and see if that fixed the problem. I restarted my computer. It starts up to the apple screen and I see the little spinning...
  2. JohnnyV

    Giants game

  3. JohnnyV

    Have you been.....? Ever think you might have been abucted? I have 24 of the 58 signs....but I'm not so sure!
  4. JohnnyV

    What goes around...

    Do you believe that what goes around, comes around? Why, why not? What about Karma?
  5. JohnnyV

    I need your help

    My mom is having surgery tomorrow morning (Friday) around 10:30. They are trying to remove some 'pre-cancerous' growths. This is the 3rd or 4th surgery she is having for this, and if this doesn't work they doctors are probably going to have to try something more drastic. Please pray for...
  6. JohnnyV

    Lyric Relation Thread

    Okay, new idea I came up with while playing the word association thread.. Post one or two lines from a song, that somehow or way relates to the previous lyric post. Just don't use lyrics from the same song as the previous post. I'll Start :) The Butthole Surfers - Pepper I don't...
  7. JohnnyV

    I've never wanted to buy tools more...

    Found this at, don't know who or what its for, but I want to buy some tools :D
  8. JohnnyV

    Start the Riddle Interesting concept I still haven't gotten past the first page ::alien:: If you figure part of it out, pass it on, lets help each other :)
  9. JohnnyV

    Do you believe in aliens?

    Yes/No/Undecided Just wondering what you believe...are there other worldly creatures out there? Are they watching us?
  10. JohnnyV

    Any guitar players?

    I'm trying to learn to play (acoustic) guitar. Can anyone recommend some good (easy) songs for a beginner? I'm not taking lessons (yet), so my knowledge is limited, but I do play two other instruments. Oh, and post pics of your guitars :)
  11. JohnnyV


    Anyone tried it yet? I hear that it has some problems and people are throwing fits...give Apple a chance, its only v1.0 Anyone have a copy yet? Can we get details and/or pics?
  12. JohnnyV

    Take a short visit!

    I want everyone to visit the Classified Fourm!! You will find it WAYYYY at the bottom of the main page! There are plenty of cool things for sale, a few iBooks and an iPod even!!! If you don't have any money, then make some by selling something in the classifieds! You can get there...
  13. JohnnyV

    Jaguar 10.2 Airport help

    Okay, I seem to remember from the rumor sites that Jaguar finally brought back Software Base Station. Okay, so where is it in the final? Am I missing something here? Where the Frick is it!!
  14. JohnnyV

    My Strangest Dream (EVER)....

    Okay, last night I had the strangest dream I have ever had, and I've had some pretty weird ones. Here is it: I was building a nuclear weapon. It was rather small in size, and a 'military' green color encasing. The odd thing was that it was surprisingly simple for a nuclear weapon (I know...
  15. JohnnyV

    Congrats BlingBling3k12

    Sorry, just had to beat Ed to it:p Anywho Congrats on the post count, now go outside and get some fresh air!! :D :D :cool: :cool: :cool: :D :D
  16. JohnnyV

    Calling all Canadians (and anyone else with a sense of humor)!!

    Found this post by Snaggy over at the Joy of Tech forums. Enjoy:D
  17. JohnnyV

    Ware-b-gon - Lightwave 3D

    Woohoo!! I can finally delete my last remaining "warez":D With Newtek now offering a free learning edition of Lightwave I can finally stop this ware sh*t. Like I've said before, I never liked warez, but to me they were necessary because I had noway to learn the software, but now thanks to...
  18. JohnnyV

    Urgent!!! New iMac users needs help!!

    I have a friend who just a new iMac!! She want to use it in OS X, but her PC-using family has a Farallon Homeline network to connect to the internet. As you may know, Farallon discontinued their mac support for Homeline products!! Is there ANY way to connect the this "network" (I quote that...
  19. JohnnyV

    Still Waiting and Wanting

    I'm still waiting on my EV Nova registration number!! Its been three days! How long did it take you to get yours? This is the first game I have bought in a long time, because it is such a great game! I still play the original in classic (works pretty good too!:D ). Escape Velocity was the very...