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    There Here!!

    Iphoto and Imovie are out check software update!!
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    Register Here

    Im in!!!
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    Ibook 500 Hd replacement

    Does any one know of a site that details replacing a Hard drive in a G3\500 Ibook?
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    JFS in OS X.2.2

    I was wondering the same thing? I am using an ibook should i enable Journaling?
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    ISync Help!?!?

    Someone anyone?
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    ISync Help!?!?

    I need help getting my palm to sink with my address book. It wil sync with with the address book that is included with the palm desktop but i cant get it to sync with my mac address book. HELP!!!
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    I just wanted to say that the more i use this app and dig into it the more and more i really like it. How does anyone else that uses it feel? There are some features i would like to see but all in all Apple has done a good job.
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    10.2.1 and ICal

    Has anyone elsed noticed with the 10.2.1 update that ical now keeps the date in the dock while the program isnt running.
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    Ok. Where do i activate it?
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    The tablet is plugged in and it recognizes it but no inkwell
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    Can anyone help me Inkwell dosen't seem to be installed on my mac. I am using Jaguar. Is it an option that i am going to need to reinstall the os to add on?
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    IMPORTANT!!! -- Toast 5.1.4 and X.2

    I am using toast 5.1.4 and havent had a problew with it. i have heard that alot of ppl have and 5.1.3 has worked for them.
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    Convert back to 10.1.5

    i am curently running a build of 10.2.1 and the mail problems and the sound problems under 10.2 seem to be fixed hang in there it should be released soon.
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    VPN software?

    What os are you running? If you are using jaguar there is a built in vpn client open network connect and then create a new vpn connection.
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    ICQ and Jaguar

    Thanx for all the help i downloaded 3.1a47 and it works great.
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    ICQ and Jaguar

    I am using the newest version 3.02 and it quits everytime i have uninstalled and reinstalled but it still dosent work.
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    ICQ and Jaguar

    Is anyone else having a problem with ICQ in 10.2 it unexpectedly quits on launch.
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    Ical and isync

    Does anyone know when these apps will be released? i am anxious to see them.
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    Quicktime 6

    Quicktime 6 Has just been released. I thought this wasnt going to be released until jaguar.
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    Mac OSX Remote Control Access here is the link to there home page!! hope this helps.