I've done a search for this first but is there anyway I can get my buttons 4 and 5 to work in OS X? I'd like mouse-button 4 to work as a back button and 5 as forward in several applications (Finder and web browsers)
I've done a google but it seems the only choice is some kind of USB software...
Does anyone have a solution to a mouse acceleration problem I am having with my new Mac Mini. Moving the mouse quickly is no problem but slow movements cause the cursor to appear like it is stuck in mud. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I have an MS wireless mouse and an Airport Extreme Card with my eMac. It seems like my Airport card is causing my mouse to lag out and skip ALOT. I've already tried changing the channels on my wireless router, but the problem still persists. Anyway to stop this?
I'm looking for a 2 button, scroll wheel bluetooth mouse for my Mac... I am a switcher, and have really gotten used to the center scroll wheel on my old Windows machine...
Will the Bluetooth Microsoft mouse work on my new iMac?
Thanks -
For some stupid reason whenever I open Dungeon Siege my mouse either isn't recognized at all (my normal mac mouse) or the sensitivity is way out of wack (my wacom tablet). What the hell do I do, and where the hell can I go to get this fixed? I have the same problem with my wacom tablet in other...
Anyone have any suggestion for the Best wireless mouse for the money. My G5 SP OS X 10.38 is NOT Bluetooth compatible.
Been looking at the Logitech version that does not require Bluetooth. Really cheap enough, but is it one of those - You get what you pay for?
I have a PowerBook G4 and a Power Mac G4 both with clean installs of OS X 10.4 and both using Microsoft Starck Optical Mouse and the set up is pretty similar if not identical...
On my PowerBook, I was able to go to System Preferences, click on Dashboard & Exposé and set the middle mouse...
I'm occasionally encountering an odd problem in Tiger on my G5, and I'm wondering if anyone else knows more about it?
I have a Logitech MX1000 "laser mouse" on my system, and it's worked perfectly for me in the past (under Panther).
Initially, it still appeared to be just fine with Tiger...
I have experienced issues with an iMac G5 having mouse lock-up after Tiger has been installed. The issue only arises after the computer has been started after shut down. When it is put to sleep, the mouse doesn't lock up. This has been the issue with 2 different USB mice. The only fix thus far...
Whenever I scroll up, and I mean ALL THE TIME, it will start to scroll up then suddenly scroll back down. It's amazingly frustrating. It's definitely not the batteries, and it's not Tiger as it has been doing it since Panther or maybe even Jaguar. Any help would be appreciated.
I hope that anyone can help me.
I'm searching for a tool how is setting the mouse pointer to the default position automatically, everytime when i have to press "ok" or something like that.
There is a tool for windows, but for OS X ?
I wanted a small portable mouse for use with my powerbook so I bought a bluetake 510 bluetooth mouse. It arrived this morning and it is horrendous! The mouse arrow lags and the races around the screen as it catches up. It's difficult to use with applications such as Lightwave or Logic and I feel...
i find useful using keystrokes associated to my logitech mx700 mouse buttons, but i have a problem for safari tabs new keystrokes: "CMD + {" and "CMD + }".
my keyboard has an italian layout and if i try to type "{" or "}" logitech control center shows "È" and "É". i've already tried using...
Another one of those little, but annoying bugs. Everything on my machines runs just fine, but there's one little thing that's really driving me nuts.
I installed the 10.3.9 combo update all right. I have an USB mouse with wheel and three buttons. When I start up the iMac (haven't tested it...
I have a Powerbook G4 1.5 Ghz running 1.5 GB ram. I have internal bluetooth with both the apple bluetooth mouse and keyboard. Both periphals worked just fine for several months until a couple months ago. I don't often lose the connection to the mouse, but the tracking is highly erratic...
i bought an apple bluetooth mouse and it came with nothing but the mouse and i was just wondering how i get my computer to recongize the mouse.
thank you
I am the new owner of a Mac Mini. I have never before owned an Apple product, but I come from a Unix background, and I have fallen in love with the Mac (on paper).
Unfortunately, there is a serious problem (IMO) with the user interface, and it affects EVERYTHING I do on the Mac. It is the...
I just picked up Doom 3 for Mac. It runs quite respectably frame-wise, though it gets a little jumpy for brief periods.
My problem: except for the very first time I ran it, whenever the game starts up the stupid cursor arrow is parked dead-center on the screen :mad: :mad: -- the Mac's...