$499 Mac on MWSF'05?

The quote from Phil Schiller says it all, really. Thanks for sharing that Arden.

It stands to reason that Apple will only consider releasing a product that:
- Appeals to a given market
- Is in keeping with Apple's image as a high-quality manufacturer
- Does not unduly cut into the market for an existing Apple product.

As such, while I believe a $599 G4 based Mac, with very basic features and no included monitor might be a viable product, a sub-$500 system complete with a 17" display is just ludicrous.

And yes, I do use a PC at work so I have a shoe on each metaphorical feet. As for those people who argue that they have 80% of their feet in the Mac shoe, and 20% of their feet in PC shoes, just how many metaphorical feet do you have? :-)
Sure, no problem.

Here's what he had to say about the advertising thread:
We do a lot of advertising for the Mac, right now it's mostly in print and web. But we have done a lot of TV before (the most recent being the launch of the G5). The tough thing with Marketing is making sure you put a lot of your money behind just a couple of things so you can make them big. If we spend a little on everything you don;t get much of a bang.
The sheer novelity of a $599 Mac will sell the the Mac faithful... that's a given. Will it attracked Windows users to give it a chance? yep. I think Apple's thought process might be... he, let's give them something that can get into cheap to try it out. If they like it... then maybe they will upgrade to a G5 or something better?!
I know at least 25 people who would probably buy one. The number one reason they've stayed away from Macs so far is they think the current selection is too expensive. Granted, the eMac can be had for the $800 range ($650 for special configs), but it's not something that appeals to everyone. In fact quite a few of those people I know think it's downright ugly; and to a point I agree.

I think the eMac has seen it's day. I'm wondering if they aren't planning this 'headless iMac', as it's been called, as a replacement. It would probably go over better on multiple markets (Education, basic entry level, second, etc.) than the eMac.

You also got what I call the 'shopper confusion law', which basically states that a person is inclined to spend more on two seperate items than a similar item which does both tasks. Not always the case of course, but here I think it is. I know a lot of people that are perplexed by the idea of an all-in-one computer. It just doesn't seem right to them.

So maybe instead of trying to sell a $800 computer with monitor, they'd be selling a $500 computer and a $300 monitor. Same price, but for some reason people are attracted to the $500/$300 side. Also nice if they already have a monitor they want to use with it.

Then there's the possibilities with Tiger Server and the Xserve. Imagine an office or classroom with a DP G5 Xserve handling a bunch of 'them' as smart terminals. Apple would be able to effectively compete ($$$ wise) with PCs in that area.

Right now our satellite office has 2 Win2KPro machines as worstations and an old Beige G3 Desktop acting as a File/Web server. One of those Wintels has to act as a server for a Win-only DB/CRM program we have.

I was going to put two nice new 20" iMac G5s in there and move one of the Win2KPro boxes over as a dedicated TopProducer server (isolated from internet and any use other than from the Remote Desktop connection with the iMacs, XP Pro installed). Then put a DP 1.8 G5 in for File/Web/E-Mail serving and misc. use.

Total cost was $8321 ($2474x2 for IM, $3223 for PM , $150 for XP upgrade).

Now, if I bought one of those new ones (if they arrive of course) I'd only be spending $5223 ($925* for 'it', $3223 for PM , $150 for XP upgrade).

* [ ??? Price: $500 (base price) + $225 (1gb ram based on current eMac from 256MB cost) + $200 (for ???, call it a safety for a possible cost overrun) = $925 ]

The boss would be much happier with the $3098 savings...maybe happy enough to buy me that DP 2.5 G5 I NEED (really, I do! <G>) or allow me to spec the 'server' one up to the 2.5 at least for approx. $1000 more ($6223 total, $2098 savings).

IF it happens, I'll place my order the second I can for 2 for our office and 1 for myself. Probably even grab one for my mother, it'd be perfect for her.
ElDiablo: I don't remember Steve saying that a cheap Mac wouldn't sell. ;) If they're available soon, I'll take one or two, I guess... I still have some displays lying around and that video beamer's really waiting for it.
I don't remember him saying that either, but I do remember a few remarks made about how Apple chose not to enter or actively participate in the sub-$1000 computer area purposefully -- something about how he didn't see it as "profitable." I'll try and dig up a source or two...

At any rate, perhaps this is Apple's "toe in the water" for the sub-$1000 PC... I'll definitely look at getting one if this is all true (and I have a sneaking suspicion it is).
How many times has someone got on here a couple weeks and started blabbing on about a "Media Center" Mac with confirmed sources, yet the only Apple on top of my TV is a piece of plastic fruit? I'm not saying it's not gonna happen eventually, but I think it's too close on the heels of the new (AWESOME!!) iMac G5. (In case you couldn't tell, I really want one. Anyone want a year old iBook G4,lol :-P ) Anyway
HP annouced a media center (Linux based). This may be a reaction to the other iPod provider.
chevy said:
HP annouced a media center (Linux based). This may be a reaction to the other iPod provider.
What do you mean? I thought HP and apple were friends, hence the reason why apple allowed a HP branded iPod to sell to the PC folk.
Sorry if I don't understand your statement, please could you kind of clear up exactly you mean
Do you mean a reaction to Apple's headless imac?
Surley this media box from HP will be Mac compatible?
Erh... Back on topic: Whom would we blame, if Apple would _not_ introduce such a 499 or 599 USD computer?

"Apple has filed a civil complaint against the owner of ThinkSecret.com and unnamed individuals who we believe stole Apple's trade secrets," Apple said in its statement. "We believe that Think Secret solicited information about unreleased Apple products from these individuals, who violated their confidentiality agreements with Apple by providing details that were later posted on the Internet."

A Think Secret representative did not immediately respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

In its suit, Apple specifically lists certain articles that contain confidential information, though it does not confirm which of the article's details are true. For example, when mentioning the report that Apple plans a "G4-based iMac without display," Apple says the article "disclosed numerous confidential details regarding the technical capabilities of Apple's unreleased computer product as well as Apple's confidential marketing plans."

From News.com.com.com
fryke said:
Erh... Back on topic: Whom would we blame, if Apple would _not_ introduce such a 499 or 599 USD computer?

Why, the rumor mills, of course!

However, "Q88" has been understood to be the codename of the "headless iMac," and Apple is suing certain individual(s) over leaking information about "Q88" specifically along with another codenamed project.

That's verification enough for me. Maybe not at the WWDC, but soon!
They're really cracking down on these rumors. I think it's a good thing they do though because if they don't release the products that the rumors say they will, it harms their stock prices.