
OK warp 5 then
And, with that, I think the Admins want to play the big boss on this forum and when we go at warp speed (warp 10 :eek::D)
they won't be the big bosses anymore :p

Hehe we have 630 views now!

I think when we hit 10000 views (or replies :p) we'll be asked for being Admin on

Someone should give the Admiral a promotion or a medal or something :)

Hmm, what's up from admiral?
'Just because more than 1800 posts'???! :eek:
1935 posts!
I think Admiral will hit 3000 posts on tuesday :p

I think the Admins of should give AdmiralAK a special Avatar and/or a special name for under his name, something like 'the man with the most posts ever' :D

Don't push it AppleWatcher, keep it decent :-) What would be the point if we fill the pages with random blabla?

Anywayz, should we get to promoting the Admiral we've all gotten to love :-) lol To what shall we promote him? We could do it in a Stratego kind of way but Admirals aren't mentioned in that game. Major? Colonel? General? Marshall?
Maybe we should bestow him with a title :-) Lord Protector of the Posts, His Royal Reply, ...
After that we could start selling the movie rights to his personality :-) Starring movies such as "Post, the final frontier" "Dude! Where's my post?" "Crazy History of the Post, Part I" "The Conquest of the Replyradise" and so on ...

My humble greetings,

That was Admiral's head exploding because we have a six page discussion dedicated to turning him into Barbie, er Ken, er He Man, um I mean GI Joe - whatever.

He's probably getting embarrased, annoyed or flattered.
He he...
Actually I was watching Dark Angel and then I was writing some assbly code for the x86 (stupid Homework assignments :p)

I am not thinking of how many posts I have.
Just as anarki said, posts mean absolutelly nothing if they are all just blah blah blah :)

Scott I am getting flattered and embarassed.. I woder what new people to these forums think when they see a thread of 6 pages about this guy with 1900ish posts -- lol
I think the next rank uo from Admiral is Fleet Admiral (5 star rank only awarded during war time... which I bet we are in since the NYC and DC stuff happened).

As for the movie rights.. I want a cut of the profits :p
How does this title sound: OS wars: Episode One, The Menacing Admiral he he he

PS: Is this help enough AppleWatcher ? :P