i can just picture the ceremony now...
trumpet fanfares in the background, as the admiral steps up to receive his award. And then the victory speech...
but i was trying to work out what he'd say... (sorry to talk about u in the 3rd person... that's what I get for writing psychology reports!!!!)
All i could come up with was a massive thankyou to all the 2000+ people...
now what I think would be good... would be if he could recall all 2000 threads and then list them off

(that would be a challenge would it not!!!)
We could have a story of his first thread, he could thank his parents for... something... and if he had a pet frog, he should thank it for being beside him all the time
But given he is insistant that his avatar and status will not change, perhaps we could get a new field added to the board, and put our numerous acclimations in there. Or we could develop a user rating system, and we could register 9000 unique user names (e-mail aliasing!), and then rate him, and give him heaps of stars...
... or we could not
Oh well... back to work.
must sleep soon... work tomorrow...