
Fleet Admiral eh? So where's your fleet? Will it be present in "Forum Wars: Episode Two: Post Wars"?
So, are you buying all of us a beer as P2K passes by?

Nou mooi!
OK let's switch to Englisch again for our friends AdmiralAK and Soapvox etc...! :D

So, ADMINS!!!! Here is a request for AN ADMIN OPINION!!

Thankx ;)

Hmmm I think that that was dutch and applewatcher asked anerki whether anarki understands dutch or not.... --> how is my translation ? :p

OK where is my Fleet??? I guess this is my Fleet ... lol :p
To buy everyone beers after P2K ? I would go broke if I did :p Instead I will give you all virtual beers he he how is that ? :P

Yeah AdmiraL :D

You're right. But now I'm talking English again, hehe :p
Do you know some Dutch words, btw?

Say, that admins are not that quick with replying...?
What must I do to get their attention :confused:

OK, we'll wait...

Ik wou ook iets segen in Nederlands, maar mischien is't beter dat wij ophouden met deze thread, word een beitje lang......

Hi Admiral, wollte Dich nur beglückwünschen zum Posting-Jubiläum , kannst Dich ja als Hausguru bewerben :D
He he..
1) I think the admin is kinda busy now:rolleyes: Lots of changes are coming and I think he is the only one working on them.

2) I dont speak dutch, I study german and I have dabbled with Norwegian (will get more serious with norwegian come January.) If I speak dut aloud I can sort of kind of understand what someone is trying to say.

3) Theolein, Danke :D ... ich glaube daß, ich (jetzt) kein Hausguru bin ;) (aber das bedeutet nicht daß, ich kein Hausguru wolten bin)....he he he

I know my german isnt great yet but I am working on it
Has AdmiralAK been granted the holy spirit? He seems to speak to everyone in their language!

Parlez vous donc aussi francais, cher dŽmon?
with the date at which you learned them and your fluency in them! And you can add "computer languages" if you want (C, Java...)
ok :p

Greek/English --> learned them at the same time, fluent
French --> took 4 years in high school and spoke with a friend for 2 years after than, so fluent I guess
Italian --> 4 year coursework of university level study, fluent enough
German --> Studying it now, in my third year.
Russian --> This is my first year, although I dabbled a little in the past with it
Spanish --> Doing an intensive course of spanish now, its easy.

---- want to learn ----
Vietnamese --> cause I work with lots of vietnamese people ;)
Chinese (mandarin)
Norwegian (and possibly danish)
Maybe Portugese
Perhaps Dutch too
Perhaps after russian I can learn bulgarian, ucrainian and polish since they are related.
Once this is done ... hindi and korean ?! :p lol

--- computer languges ----
BASIC (applesoft flavor)
Assembly Language (learning it now)

--- Pseudo languages ----
Some Javascript --> know the form, just never made anything with it

And me who was proud to speak english as well (or nearly so) as french... even with a spattering of german added, and soon some spanish, it doesnt amount to much...
AdmiralAK, the multilangual master poster!

With that, bonne nuit, I'm going to bed.


PS: I'm sure the only reason your so popular is your demon icon... not only is it cool, but it fits perfecly with the background (not like mine, which is not surprising since it comes from a photograph)
I am not even going to start thinking about why I am "popular" lol :p
Others can start an "Admiral gossip" column and do that he he he :p

Buona Notte Kinniken :)
