Androo's Image Club

Don't wanna use the gallery :p

As you command, Androo. :D

I was going for a more realistic picture here, but the only thing that looks realistic is the sky. Ah well, s'ok, realism isn't quite my thing anyway. ;)

1280 x 1024, 165 K
Mountain Lake
hey, if you have any digital photos (or regular ones), submit em! This is IMAGE club...... image is something that you can see that's not the actual thing....... like if you take a picture, or if you make a person... its an image of that thing.
I have a few digital photos but dont have the time to make em smaller and upload ... i gotta goooooooo!!!! cya.
I like memory,
Now you should experiment with text, or some vector stuff, that gives some complexity and deep... what do you think?
hehe, sounds good:)
yea memory took me a long time to make. I took pictures of a house, I went to the skydome (the toronto baseball and concert place, its huge) and took a picture of the sign in that row... 223!
I'll be adding more art, i have tons :)
Keep photoshoping :)

If you like, download some vector objects here
I know that drawing them is bored :)

open the pdf file in Illustrator or just place it in Pghotoshop...
have fun...
After 1 1/3 months of absence, Androo's back with more interesting images!

In Photoshop, select the shape drawing tool and go to the shape menu. Under the little triangle, select "All" and click replace, then you'll have all of Photoshop's default shapes available at once.

However, when you find these limiting, go ahead and check out others online. As Scott said, it gets boring and tedious creating your own shapes unless you're an illustrator, and in that case you'd probably have Illustrator or Freehand.
scott_bernard, that's awesome thanks... i'll use it in a minute :)
aaand i'll try out arden's thing. Yeah, i was about to be one of a few admins or something on a forum, and a mod for the site. But the website has been taking longer than the webmaster thinks, so i guess i am here for a while :)

Check out the gallery section, i got some logos and stuff in there :)
i made this image after finding a high quality image from gladiatior, it is pretty simple and not abstract art or anything but i still looks kinda cool, i think


  • gladiator_stormtrooper.jpg
    38.2 KB · Views: 12
well. here are a few that were sitting on my server, collecting dust :)
Image 01

Image 02

this next one is rather inappropriate, so if you would be offended by a blasphemous photoshop about a mac martyr, do not open Image 03. the image come about because a guy on some anti-mac forum was banned, his name was macman, and because of his banning, a bunch of us mac fanatics came together and swarmed the forum he was banned from. it was fun, and very immature ;)
Image 03
Ironically (in regard to the last image), there are about 2 billion Christians in the world, like Windows users. Mac users, on the other hand, are few in numbers, and we blend in, just like the Jews like me.

nb3004: You should post that on You Can't Do That On Star Wars (if it existed, there used to be YCDTOST with Star Trek).
You should post that on You Can't Do That On Star Wars (if it existed, there used to be YCDTOST with Star Trek)

I actually also have a one with a Star Trek image only the lighting is not to good and im not really happy with it, lol, here it is.


  • bushclinmod.jpg
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nb: You should make Kirk or someone getting sworn in...

Eric: How lovely! A picture of Androo and Dlloyd playing together.

:D :D
Why, because I'm so hot? :D

That guy is really weird looking, but then again practically everything in that game is.