Herve's Bar & Grill

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

uh, here's the pic i said i was posting before. sorry for the middle-aged moment:p


  • 4-12-0210.30.57pm3.jpg
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I have to say I envy you :) I don't have such a beautiful garden :(

I am living in the *penthouse* (buahaaahaa) of a 3 floor building, a really nice location for a young person like me. The good thing is, I have two balconies, one for the morning sun, one for the afternoon sun :D

btw, Ed, I completely overlooked your post in my congrats thread (I was blinded by the 4 digits in my post counter) but now I responded to it :)
I went and practiced with my jazz band (we are playing in a concert tomorrow) and tonight I aimlessly wandered around the city. We were going to do something but it never worked out. So me and this other guy and this other girl (my friends) just walked around took the bus and accomplished nothing. It was fun though :)
Ahh, let's see. I watched a movie, talked to a friend in Oregon, did the dishes...

Nothing exciting. But I post waaaay too much during the week when I am stuck at work, so I try not to post too often on the weekends. I don't want anyone calling me "xoot". :D Hey xoot, that was a joke! No offense!
Originally posted by nkuvu
I don't have as nice of a yard, either. Of course, I spend no time working on the yard, so maybe that's it...:)
Here in San Francisco we don't bother with yards. :) Our house is right next to the neighbors house.

We have a detached garage seperated by a 4ft wide deck. I sometimes call the deck my "yard".

I'm a fairly busy guy, so I guess it is good that sweeping the deck is the only yard work to worry about.:
Tismey, could I please have something to drink? Wait, where am I? This is the bar, right? Oh, yeah, it is. Says so right up there...

Twice today I have almost posted the wrong reply to the wrong forum. Or right reply to the wrong forum, as the case may be. But as noted in the "Do you have a life" thread, I most certainly do not. So I have been reading multiple threads in multiple windows, then pressing the reply button. While that is loading (dial-up, ya know), I surf over to other threads. I normally don't have any problems, but today I was getting very confused...

And I didn't say I don't have a yard. We have a nice 12 foot by 30 foot fenced area that the dogs can go flop in. They're small dogs, so the space is not an issue. The only thing is that this is Tucson, so we have nothing growing in our yard except the things we plant. And since I put Nkuvu outside ([plug]see my web page for pics[/plug]) we only plant certain edible plants. The whole cycle goes like this:

Plant a buncha stuff, wait for a few days to enjoy and let them settle in, let the tortoise out into the yard, bring the tortoise back in after all the plants are gone and she's gotten some sun (usually the plants are gone within a half hour, but we let her stay outside for a few hours), go buy more plants, lather, rinse, repeat.

Anyway, the normal yard state is dirt and some gravel. With dirt. Hard packed dirt, that nothing grows in. If we want anything to grow at all, we have to import soil...

Hrm. Post. Too. Long.
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
what did everyone do this saturday? must have been active due to the lack of posts today!
I have to say it was a completely georgeous day here. I got ambitious and swept leaves, and washed windows all as an excuse to stay outside!

I went to the grocery store and saw three women with sunburns !!! (That is very rare to see here.)
Originally posted by nkuvu
Tismey, could I please have something to drink? Wait, where am I? This is the bar, right? Oh, yeah, it is. Says so right up there...
Does Tismey server the entire B&G or only in this thread?

Maybe I'll try ordering a drink elsewhere just to find out. :p

...That's probably a good excuse to get out of the bar. I've been in here for weeks almost exclusively. The B&G is starting to feel like an official relationship.
I dunno, Tom, don't you think that the B&G thread will get jealous if you start flirting with other, newer threads? :D I mean, sure, the B&G thread has been around for a while, but that doesn't mean that it's not worth anything any more...
I am baaaaaack :D
I was going to work on my web page but decided not to tonite :p --- instead I was sampling music ;) --- I picked and converted (to AIFF) 14 songs for my next music mix ;) --- since monday is a holiday I will have some free time :D
It's saturday night and my yard is done!! Break out the good stuff, cause drinks are my treat!! Go here if you want to see what it turned out like. It felt so great to be taking those pics to share with everybody.:D

Ulrik - there are still plenty of fish at this point. Today, for the first time since i got them, they were out swimming around all over the place. They were fighting with each other over the floating hibiscus roots and just being very entertaining in general. I was amazed. They almost felt like pets. It really slowed my work down because i would just sit and gawk at them every time i walked by them.:p

Tolya - what holiday is monday? I know the next monday is Earth day, but no idea what this monday would be. Is anybody doing anything special for earth day? I think i will have to plant something that day:D

Tom - it really was a beautiful day, wasn't it? I wore short sleeves and got closed to burned:eek: Gotta enjoy days like this when we get them!!! and why does "your house" look like the corner bar?:p
I have just rediscovered Quake 3 Arena that I bought some years ago, and on Saturday I just spent the whole day fragging. I also downloaded this cool MOD to Q3A called Urban Terror which is very good! Later I went to my friend, that had a party, a couple of hours.
Originally posted by TommyWillB
Does Tismey server the entire B&G or only in this thread?

Well, I guess in theory it's probably the entire thread. But I only have the one bar, and it's in this thread. Perhaps Ed should think about taking on some waitresses to go and take drink orders from other threads, and then I can make up the orders in this thread, and then they get delivered back to, say, the Do You Have A Life? thread.

Nkuvu - what do you want? or would you rather I surprised you?
MOnday is PAtriots day :D
Maybe it's a MA only holiday lol :p
In any case I decided to make my XXX mix today, or tomorrow (well its going to renamed to "Rhythm and Sex" lol :p -- now I need to enlist some good artists for teh cover art once I am done :p)

Today I need to put (finally) the finishing touches on my web site :p

Originally posted by AdmiralAK
MOnday is PAtriots day :D
Maybe it's a MA only holiday lol :p
In any case I decided to make my XXX mix today, or tomorrow (well its going to renamed to "Rhythm and Sex" lol :p -- now I need to enlist some good artists for teh cover art once I am done :p)

Heh, that reminds me of the next gamer dance we're gonna have here, which will I believe be titled "Spontaneous Human Locomotion VII: Sex, Death and Robots."

Unfortunately I don't think I'm gonna go, because if I do indeed have a swerve to get on I haven't found it yet. I mean, look at my avatar, for chrissakes.

-the valrus
Originally posted by julguribye
I have just rediscovered Quake 3 Arena that I bought some years ago, and on Saturday I just spent the whole day fragging. I also downloaded this cool MOD to Q3A called Urban Terror which is very good! Later I went to my friend, that had a party, a couple of hours.

where the hell did you get the mod from i try getting it but can't find any good servers! - maybe we should meet up ad play some wuake, you have the OSP mod?