Herve's Bar & Grill

The day Apple makes computers like those Polymorphs or whatever that stupid Pokemon that is that killed those poor Japanese kids was called, I quit using Macs ;)
I forgot to say bling, if you plan on using OS X with that you will want to put a better video card in it, otherwise aqua will run like a slug:D
Someone want to elaborate on the Pokemon reference for those of us that don't happen to watch it? WTH? (what the heck?) A Pokemon killed some kids?? Did it go berserk or something? Sounds like something out of a bad anime...
Well, some kids were watching a TV show (Pokemon), when one frame of the show was red. Completely red.

It triggered a subliminal reaction and the kids died from seizures. :D
I have a friend with the same problem.

She used to hit her monitor for temporary periods of color.

I had exactly the same problem, and exactly the same solution. I kept a large book on top of the monitor and every 15 minutes I'd whack it to keep it colored (it was out of whack)
You guys were companing about an 8500 with OS 9.1 ?!?!?!?! :p U should give you guys my Perfoma 635CD hehehe ;) --- its an excelent word processor and basic internet navigator ;)

Xoot, no cograts thread for you until you reach 2000 meaninful posts ;)

well 2 milestones completed today :p
1) My localization project (I am localizing a dictionary shell which runs on PalmOS, PocketPC and EPOC) finished stage 1 (translations done, need to triplecheck spelling and grammar, and reword to make more sence when using computer terminology)

2) English blueprint for my site completelly done. Now translations into french, italian, german, russian, greek and spanish need to follow. Cover page needs to be made, and WML translations need to be made as well. I am thinking of adding some more mobile oriented content in the next update. Also music mix needs to be made.

man I feel great :D

Originally posted by JohnnyV
I forgot to say bling, if you plan on using OS X with that you will want to put a better video card in it, otherwise aqua will run like a slug:D

there are 3 VRAM slots... would that be Video Ram?!

anyways, i got my monitor to work... seems i just didn't have it plugged in far enough! :D

i now have OS 8.1 running BEAUTIFULLY! can someone tell me how to network these so i can use the net on the mac?

ALSO... what video card would work in this mac? (7200/75)

Edit: i found a video card... but now i gotta decide whether to get a better video card or add USB/FireWire support to my Mac... it only has 3 slots! :(
yes, VRAM is video ram, max that out ;)
Only three slots? Thats plenty: 1 for vid card, one for G3/G4 upgrade card, one for USB/Firewire card ;)

Do you have broadband or dial up?

If you plan to use OS X, you may also need a bigger hard drive (I think OS X requires 1 gig)
Originally posted by JohnnyV
yes, VRAM is video ram, max that out ;)
Only three slots? Thats plenty: 1 for vid card, one for G3/G4 upgrade card, one for USB/Firewire card ;)

Do you have broadband or dial up?

If you plan to use OS X, you may also need a bigger hard drive (I think OS X requires 1 gig)
apple-history.com says the max is 4 MB of VRAM

what i wanted to do was this:

port 1 - g4 upgrade card
port 2 - usb/firewire card
port 3 - ATA100 hard drive card

the reason i was going to get the hard drive card because i am not 100% sure what type of hard drive the 7200 uses. it does not say SCSI or ATA... therefore i'm confused big time!

if you can help please do!

edit: i was already planning on a bigger hard drive... i was thinking 60 GB... but when i look at the connector for this hard drive in my mac, it's got more pins that the one that i use in my dell...

UNLESS... can i boot OS X off of a FireWire drive? If so, I'll go that way...

Thats should provide more info then apple-history.com. To determine the hard drive type, single click your hard drive and hit command-I or Edit -> Get Info. It should be there somewhere. You can boot off of an external firewire drive, but I don't know if it would work with a third party firewire card, and the performance would be questionable. I don't know if you are planning to use this as a daily machine, I don't know what kind of performance you will get (it won't be as good as your dell).
those drives are EXPENSIVE!!

i was planning on using this for some video creation... i already knew it wouldn't be as good as my dell, but a starter machine at least...

also, the price for a 1 MB VRAM chip is $60... $180 total

hmm... what to do... what to do...
*as Casey sits at the bar perplexed by his next move, the voice of reason begins to chant - SAVE YOUR MONEY, SAVE YOUR MONEY, BUY AN IMAC, BUY AN IMAC

Casey wonders - wtf?*

BB - what ever happened to the imac you were on the verge of ordering before? i could swear your dad even gave you permission to go ahead. at any rate, don't waste any more than $100 on that old thing. it is good at what it is good at and not much more. there are reasons you got it for free. it is not worth putting money into. it will only be more frustration than pleasure unless you simply let it run at the capacity it was originally intended for.

If you were an adult with plenty of money to hoppy around with this dinasaur i wouldn't say a word. but you are on too tight a budget (from what you share) to be wasting money on this when an imac isn't that far out of your reach. You could practically buy an old imac with 400+mhz for what it will cost you to get that thing to work right with today's stuff. think about this bud, think hard.