actually blingbling, HALO was made by bungee, and then M$ bought them off

--- so M$ didnt really make it. If you pay close attention, there are A LOT of marathon elements in the game, the marathon logo is on there too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- My friend and I were playing together and we just go to level 5 I think (saved it to pick it up next time I go there

) where we got the info on HALO's control center, our team was just dropped off by the drop-off place inside HALO's underground facility

Some of the sound effects are hilarious
e.g.: soldier does something stupid and says "oups, my bad" hahahaha
As for kazaa on the mac, it does me no good since I dont have a fast enough connection at home

--- if I had we're talking

I am downloading japanese and chinese music videos at the moment. I dont know what the heck they are saying but the music is REALLY nice

--- also downloading euro videos that get no airplay here