Herve's Bar & Grill

I listen to 80s rock -- as well as a bunch of other stuff. I tend to try to stay away from "big hair" bands, though.
oh dear, that is quite a discusting picture.

anyways does the meaningless posting rule aplie to the word association thread or a majority of the B&G threads? alot of post can only be a sentence anyway...
This is completely unbelieveable. It has been between 20-30° celsius and the sun has been shining almost every day the last 6 weeks :)

Ah, life is good :)
Yeah, but you're in Tempe with all those buildings that work as a thermal sink. So it doesn't cool off at night as much as in Tucson, so heats up faster during the day...

And Tucson is nicer. And the Wildcats beat your team all over the place.

Joking! I'm just playing "my city is better than yours". And I don't watch sports at all, so I have no idea on the standing of either team...
Originally posted by themacko
About 105 F here. That's not ridicules ... but we're approaching it.

(for you non-americans, that's like 41 C ;) )

Yeah, but you're not living 63° north ;)
OMG Macko!!! I can't believe I didn
t notice this but, I was born in Tempe. Well, Mesa really, but we lived in Tempe. However we moved soon after I was born.
My weather report:

It is so hot today! If you go outside, bring a water bottle (a precaution that I didn't take :p) at all costs.

No air conditioner at my place. :(
i have now gotten my little 75 MHz PowerMac 7200 online! I am typing this message from it right now. It is so cool. Even though it is dog slow, I can finally access all my cool Apple programs!

i can't believe it, but my net connection is faster on this little mac with only 56 MB of RAM than my 866MHz Dell with 256 MB!

even the old macs are better! :D

(edit: IE works great on here.... i didn't even think Microsoft would support 8.1! what are some great Mozilla/Open Source browsers?)
xoot, i'm going to look the other way this time but the B&G has always been neutral ground in the browsers discussions. this where we come to be people, not discuss tech stuff. We tend to be okay with people bragging about their gear or telling us about their projects, but not much else is encouraged. I would appreciate it if you would respect that.

now - Hi everybody. As most of you have noticed i've been out on the streets more than i have in the bar. I must say i was touched about the comments about how i make discussions 'more interesting' but it takes everyone for a discussion to work. Frankly, i thought i was boring everrybody with all my gardening and fish stories. Of course the nazi fish excursion was a pretty good one:D btw Vic, still waiting for your answer about diversity. no hurry:p

weather on the coast has been very hot and windy. I watered the plants last night and had to water them in mid afternoon as many were already wilting and the soil was crusting. That is very unusual.

hey poptart - did you ever expect you would stir up the prankster crowd when you posted about customizing (costumizing:p ) your os? you ended up being indirectly responsible for some of the best laughs of the day!! good mistake!!

and macko - i remember your saying something somewhere about rolling your eyes in the back of your head and jumping out the window and people not wanting to see that. actually, i might be willing to get a plane ticket and witness that one:D

oh, and 80's music - i love it. i was in my 20's in the 80's and that was the music i had my best times to - especially those big hair bands. That was the kinda stuff i scored women and stayed up all night to. and Dee Snyder of Twisted Sister is a really poor example of what was going on in those days. not that many people liked him/them that much even then. they had one good song and that was about it. But give me some Poison, Def Lepard, Whitesnake, ZZ Top, Skynard, Bob Seger and Billy Joel anyday.