Herve's Bar & Grill

i'll take mod !
anything to get rid of these pesky ad's...
but about a week ago there was a thread by scott requesting new mod's. i think he got 4 or 5, that should fill the new moderator quota for a few months
Was that the thread that I posted to? I found that in the relevant category, and I requested to be made a mod, but the deadline had passed long ago to become one. Anyway, I deserve to be a mod more than you do because I have more posts. :) Just kidding :)
the modding thread was from last november. so so far we have several interested people and no new positions. don't volunteer before new positions will be announced. ;)
ardan, Admiral retired loooooong before either you or I got here :)
'sides, I have a prior claim to you or mr. k
Of course, Scott probably doesn't want me on the team, but forget about that for right now! ;)
Oh yeah, and I have more posts than you :D
hi all.



right now i'm in ohio and typing on a pc with winders 98. it's great seeing my mom for the first time in 2 years, but the internet sucks from here. at least i got the compuserve account to work so i don't have too use the aol account.

see everybody in a few more days. :)

oh, and tommy, if you're listening, the 9500 made it with minor cosmetic injuries and some loose connections. but as of tonight it is working great for my son. THANKS again!!!

please, send me a mac quickly!!

oh, and symphonix - congrats on the interview i think. goood luck with the next one. i just wish it was with a better company. ;)
Ed! :)

my wishes to your mum! <hint>i hope she can get a mac, so visiting her will be more a pleasuew</hint> ;)
ah gia, i've been hinting that for years. but it is my stepdad's computer and he thinks he needs to have a pc for all sorts of reasons, cost being one of them. at least they have a computer. being in their 70's and 80's, this is a good thing all by itself.
Originally posted by edX
at least i got the compuserve account to work so i don't have too use the aol account.
At least I got my arm blown off if it means saving my leg...
at least they have a computer. being in their 70's and 80's, this is a good thing all by itself.
Yeah, but don't you want them to have a computer that they can easily use, and that you know will always work for them? What kind of car do they drive (just curious)? What about you? Hmm, I seem to be changing topics here... I've been driving my dad's hand-me-down '86 Camry 5 speed... really nice, actually.
i wish all my relations would get mac's and i could stop telling them to get a mac... friends and family just can't seem to get away from the dark side! something keeps them there... see the light guys!
:p Yay!

:D I got the job!

:cool: Now I will be working deep inside Big Blue. Well, maybe not that deep.

It's only part time, but it should make things a lot easier for me and I should be able to learn a lot while I'm there.

Virtual drinks are on me!

ED my friend!
how are you?
Working on that PhD paper ? ;)
Tomorrow is my Graduation, I am not walking though because I opted to work overtime at the event to get some extra mulah ;) I am in the process of re-organizing my office, and creating job guides for my staff (The actual guides and tec-support docs will take some time to do, my new staff doesnt come in till september so I should have ample time ;) )

I need to email racer one of these days, been really distracted from school, work, personal and modding at the other board (cell phone related :p)

How is scott doing?
Originally posted by symphonix
:p Yay!

:D I got the job!

:cool: Now I will be working deep inside Big Blue. Well, maybe not that deep.

It's only part time, but it should make things a lot easier for me and I should be able to learn a lot while I'm there.

Virtual drinks are on me!


symphonix, that's AWESOME! Congratulations! So what exactly will you be doing?