Somehow "pond" and "gardening" don't seem to be that closely related. I could be wrong, it could be some SF regional thing. You know, like the difference between a chip in the UK and a chip in the USA.
Hey, I just noticed that I'm a "Member" now, not just a "Junior Member". Maybe not as dramatic as RacerX's 1000th post, but it's kinda neat for me.
I do have to say that I am profoundly amazed at the general attitude in these fora. There are always exceptions, of course (do I need to name names? I hope not). But in general I have never seen a place that is so welcoming, and at the same time, full of useful knowledge. There are even Windows users here (like yours truly, until my iMac ships

) that don't get flamed! Astounding...
So a toast to
May your users continue to be as nice as they are, unless they aren't nice, in which case may they become as nice as everyone else.
Can I get a round o' drinks for the Admin and moderators and everyone else who made this site what it is? (I say this with some trepidation -- how many people am I getting a round for...?
