well, since Tismey is busy chasing monkeys around, i'll get your pint nkuvu. hope you enjoy it. of course if you would stop bringing one in with you (your sig

) then Tismey might have the time to serve you

btw - welcome to Herve's !!
Weather has been wonderful in SF area recently but they say more rain is on its way. I hope it is mild. No worry about my fish boiling or freezing - i live in an area of the coast that never gets too hot and never hits freezing. of course the median temp is in in hte high 60's but i find that more comfortable than extreme hot anyway. I would call what i am doing 'landscaping'. it involves some gardening, some digging, some building, some throwing things, etc. after the pond goes in the ground, then i start working on laying the cobblestones for the patio. that should be in about a week and a half if weather permits.
symphonix - here's your milkshake. sorry it took so long, but you of all people should know how distracting monkeys can be.
BB - i do hope you are kidding about the $300. I am going to cease to feel sorry for you if you are spending that much. I am pretty sure you could have a great mac for less than $100 a month over 2 years.
dlookus - thanks for the fish tip. if i can get goldfish to stay alive for awhile, maybe i will try the baby koi. I would prefer they don't get huge right away anyway.
Tolya - like i keep telling you i will have pics of the yard before and now up this weekend. you will get a somewhat panoramic view of my backyard and the fences.
Scruffy - here's your whiskey. I thought you had cats to deal with those mice.

Good Luck with the term paper.
Scott - my life has a different meaning than yours so i can't help you with your question. But if i ever figure out the meaning of my life, i will let you know. i do know 42 isn't it. 42 came and went and i am still searching for the answer.