Herve's Bar & Grill

/me looks at the clock and decides that considering when he got up this morning and when he has to get up tomorrow, he should really go to bed!

said by nkuvu
Hey, I just noticed that I'm a "Member" now, not just a "Junior Member".

If you don't change it, sometime in the near future you'll join the ranks of the Senior Members (which actually just makes you feel older in my opinion). Or you can now do what many have done and replace your member status with an additional signature if you want.
How do I change it? I looked in the User CP, but didn't see a spot for it.

Hmm... I think it's kind of ominous that googolplex left right after my last post...
Ah hello. I'm back for my utterly off topic (cause I'm too lazy to scroll throught the two pages between every post of mine) post.

I'll have a beer please, barkeep, and an explanation on life, the universe, and everything.

Go on, then.

I feel that the meaning of life is to reprodice. Takers?
Dodging Lightning bolts in Final Fantasy X SUCKS. I keep getting to liek, 130 and then getting zapped...... dammmit........ anyway.....

meaning of life........ umm....... isn't it like 42? or 41 or something?
Meaning of life? 42. Or 101010 in binary.

I'll agree that the meaning of life is to reproduce. Or at least practice. ;) But I think I'll pass on the "takers" bit.
Erm, the answer to the great question of Life the Universe and Everything is 42 alright. We're just not sure what the question is. Or rather, we're responsible for the fact that a bunch of hyperintelligent mice aren't sure. Or something.

Perhaps it's time I just drank some whisky. A small one please.
damn! i was on a streak too! 110ish i think, then my [smelly] roommate came in and threw off my count! craaaaaaap

anyway, EV NOVA is way to addicting.....

as for the meaning of life (again), aside from 42, I'd also say that it is to reproduce. that is, of course, what we're programmed to do.
The answer to the question of life, the universe and everyting is indeed 42, and the question was to the tune of 6x8, but the meaning of life? - It's beyond the Douglas Adams answer
well, since Tismey is busy chasing monkeys around, i'll get your pint nkuvu. hope you enjoy it. of course if you would stop bringing one in with you (your sig:D ) then Tismey might have the time to serve you:p btw - welcome to Herve's !!

Weather has been wonderful in SF area recently but they say more rain is on its way. I hope it is mild. No worry about my fish boiling or freezing - i live in an area of the coast that never gets too hot and never hits freezing. of course the median temp is in in hte high 60's but i find that more comfortable than extreme hot anyway. I would call what i am doing 'landscaping'. it involves some gardening, some digging, some building, some throwing things, etc. after the pond goes in the ground, then i start working on laying the cobblestones for the patio. that should be in about a week and a half if weather permits.

symphonix - here's your milkshake. sorry it took so long, but you of all people should know how distracting monkeys can be. :P

BB - i do hope you are kidding about the $300. I am going to cease to feel sorry for you if you are spending that much. I am pretty sure you could have a great mac for less than $100 a month over 2 years.

dlookus - thanks for the fish tip. if i can get goldfish to stay alive for awhile, maybe i will try the baby koi. I would prefer they don't get huge right away anyway.

Tolya - like i keep telling you i will have pics of the yard before and now up this weekend. you will get a somewhat panoramic view of my backyard and the fences.

Scruffy - here's your whiskey. I thought you had cats to deal with those mice. :p Good Luck with the term paper.

Scott - my life has a different meaning than yours so i can't help you with your question. But if i ever figure out the meaning of my life, i will let you know. i do know 42 isn't it. 42 came and went and i am still searching for the answer.:D
Sorry about that, was anyone waiting to be served? That damn monkey was more trouble than alexandert after a half of shandy...

My question. Why would anyone WANT a 23" cinema display, or a 10GB iPod? All far too excessive if you ask me... (yup, that's right. I'm jealous....)
Hmm, I am envious, but I hope he's kidding. For that kinda money, you could get yourself a HOUSE! or a new CAR! or a nice sports-tourer-motorbike with every bell and whistle ever invented. or set up your own recording-studio in a spare room. or go around the world for a year.

And thanks for the shake, Ed, I really needed that. :p
symphonix - are you sure you weren't raised in the bush? i doubt there are many places where you can buy a house for $7200. i can say that i don't think you could find one in the US for anywhere near that. but the car idea is smart - especially for a guy who is 15. If BB were to spend that much money on a computer and accessories, he will not be able to afford gas for his parents' car, much less a car of his own:p

he will have to see the world from his desk.:D

so, i just got thru having to run Diskwarrior to bring my desktop folders back. first i had a crash like i have never seen while trying to play Giants for the 1st time. then i had a kernal panic installing the itunes update. then when i launched itunes to see if it still worked, i lost every file and folder on the desktop (which is a lot for me). Diskwarrior had a list of red type for repairs that ran off the screen. but all is well now.:)

never underestimate the advantage of paying for a good diagnostic and repair program.
Ed: I was thinking in terms of the repayments. $300 is a helluva lot, and I'm sure you could make a mortgage on payments like that. To be honest, I'm not sure how the housing prices are in the US, but still ...

But, yes, a car is probably a good thing to aim for.

So, BB, what do you need with all that power and screen real-estate? What do you actually use your computer for?
Hey guys, iTunes 2.0.4 is out! Now to see if it hogs less than 18-25% of the processor! :)

The new display is very cool also :)
crazy crazy day, and I still have not had my morning caffeine!

on the bright side I met the president of the university...what d'ya think ? :p

tismey! Ein Kaffee fuer den DJ bitte :p

Hey guys, good news! iTunes 2.0.4 now only takes up about 10% of the CPU! Much better than before! By the time they get to 2.1 or whatever, it might not be a CPU sucker. Fun times ;)
ok, for all who have had to put up with my "gardening" reports, here are some pics of the backyard before i started work and progress up to yesterday. click here to see the before pics. then click on 'Yard Now' to see the fuits of my labors. (well, the fruit trees aren't don't really have any fruit on them yet but there is a pear, an apple, two lemons and an orange tree in the yard:D )

if you look closely, you will see that all the old plants are still there, just in different spots.

my big project for today is just to fill the pond with water and see if my hole patch worked.:cool:

there is still plenty of work yet to be done, but at least i am done digging my way to China:p