Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by vic
i'm F**ing creating an dynamic php an mysql database store front for my company and i get 8 bucks /h!

weird... all i do is site updates and i get paid only $5.84 per hour... i only work 60 hours a month... so i get $350 plus whatever my paper route provides me every month....

scruffy... i got the base station because my dad has two laptops (one he bought and one his company bought) and we'd like to be able to roam the house with them...

i also want the external hard drive for backup purposes... i've done things to computers that noone of my capabilities should ever do... i've also lost GIGS of files, graphics, databases, etc. all in a matter of seconds... the external would be great, but if installing an internal HD is just as easy to setup and configure, i'll probably go for that option...

dlookus... please explain how I can do DV editing a whole lot cheaper? i'd like to know (please don't give me PC as an option or take away my future HD SCREEN! :D)

ksuther... WE HIT 1500 WITHOUT ME NOTICING?! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I'll catch #2000... :D :cool:
not bad bling :)
I was offered a job to do web site maintanence while on vacation (before I started my univ. "carreer") but I rejected it :p I wanted the whole summer to myself (and my then gf :p :p :p)

web site maintanence can be a biatch if you dont have the time though :p
I'm not saying cheaper. I'm just saying you could make better investments in hardware. Expecting a computer to last 6 years when you're doing DV on it is asking a lot. Again, I don't have time to go into it, but I think you should really look into a professional (video not computer) monitor and a better DV Camera. I think you'd be a lot happier with a real setup. You will outgrow what you have if you get it all at the Apple store. Also look into Raid storage. OSX has software raid I think. Anyway I'm not THE person to talk to about this, but I know if you do some more research you'll get a lot more mileage out of what you buy.
But PLEASE by all means get your Dual 1Gigs and HD Cinema Display. I will be extemely jealous.;)
i'm not expecting it to do much in college since i'll probably have NO TIME whatsoever, but really for the next 3-4 years is what i'm looking into.. i just want it to still be a good computer in 6 years...

i don't want to do major productions, just little things here and there.

the sony camera i have there seems to do exactly what i want.. it'll do for the trips i go to and the parties i'll go to

plus, it'll give me HUGE bragging rights at school... where most people would only fantasize about something like this...

sorry, but i'll go with my system... thanks anyways!

EDIT: i meant PACKAGE, not TOWER was $16000... sorry if you misunderstood me
But the iMac G4 is over :eek: US$4000 :eek:! Jeeminy Christmas that seems expensive! I didn't go price this out individually -- so it might be a great deal for what you get.

Anyone know if it's worth it? At this point (still waiting for the iMac -- it's been two weeks already) I'm almost tempted to try to get the iMac from them (minus a buncha stuff -- I'm no videographer, so I definitely don't need most of that stuff).
For anyone who is a real life drinker (and I'm not talking about beer here), I found an interesting web page. Bar Bug

It lets you select your on-hand ingredients, then provides recipes which you can make. Woo hoo!

So I immediately thought of this place, since it is a bar, after all. :D
if it isn't one monkey, it's another. i took the tub/pond for a testdrive today - filled it with water to see if my hole seal had worked and found two other leaks. both should be easy to fix - a little goop and tightening the seal on the one and getting a pvc cap for the other but now the hole is filled with water from where i emptied the tub and we are supposed to get rain for 2-3 days. so even if i get it fixed the hole won't be dry enough to drop the pond in for several days at best.

good news is that my first patch worked perfectly - not even a drippy drop coming thru!!

i'm glad to see some people trying to help Bling get his payments down a little. who knows, once he gets old enough to drive he might want to try dating and having some extra money will help that process an awful lot!!:D
Hmmmmmm, goop. :p

Ed has a good point, BB. If you have a girlfiend, she'll cost you about 101% of your income to keep. But if it were me, I'd just be getting a DAMN good camera, and a basic editing system that offers high quality output. a 23-inch display is not going to make your end-product look too-much better, but spending that on a high-quality camera will make all the difference.

In fact, I'd even consider just starting out with the camera and equipment and a way to store all your original takes cheaply and at full quality, then move onto the editing later.
actually 'Marine Goop':p (brand name, i swear !!)

symphonix - your economics are much better this time. that is a good estimation of the cost of maintaining a GF. However the cost of acquiring one is about 125 -150% of your income.:D plus 25% of your sanity ! :P

BB - why not think in terms of spending the minimum amount to do a decnet job for what you want now and not using all your money up? Instead just plan to upgrade as your position in life changes. Otherwise 2 years from now you will want to spend that same amount of money just to move up a notch. I guess it depends on what you plan to study in college. You don't want to be using a 3-4 yo mac for doing serious CS or graphics work. think for a second. you would then be like Herve - wanting the current cool stuff but hacking it out on your old mac that was great the day you bought it. Sometimes good is better than great.

oh well, just a thought.;)
Bling it depends on where you go to school :P
if you go to a party school you will have all the time in the world :p -- if you go to a serious school you will end up like me ;) -- absolutelly no time, except for summers :p

aaahhh next year... I aget my degree! -- and I will be freely unleashed to roam the earth :p
(ed I am seeing things again, any medicine to help me out ? I am in day dream mode :p)

somebody make Tolya some strong coffee right away. He is once more delirious. He knows i am not a Dr. and don't prescribe meds.:D

well, i am using all my 'weather permitting' clauses because it has poured rain all day and is expected to continue thru most of the weekend. The water in the hole is getting fuller, not emptier.:( But at least i got to the hardware store today and got the parts to seal it off with.

at least my plants will like all this water.:p

So i finally watched Enterprise this week. nice show. good job of making it seem like it could have been before the original.
Yeah, Enterprise is a nice show. Once I got past the fact that they were rewriting history (Humans don't contact Klingons for another 50 years, and Humans gave Klingons warp technology), it became a cool show. Just think, the show in taking place in 2151, so within the next 7 years they are going to be at war with the Romulans (which has to end before 2161, the founding of the United Federation of Planets). Should be fun if they stick to the original history from here on out.
I made my own coffee :p
Tismey seems to be abscent...(cant find good barmen these days :p)....
well the weekend IS HERE! :D --- how nice :)
I had a woman who was a total mess cause she was afraid her presentation would have something wrong (in terms of equipment failing and not being able to set up -- not a tech person at all) and she was willing to pay double my daily wage for 3-4 hours of my time today to jsut keep an eye out and be there IF something goes wrong :p ---

I declined and claimed family vacation ;-) --- there is NOTHING like taking your time to get outta bed and jsut relaxing on the weekend ;)

you guys have great advice...

"once he gets old enough to drive he might want to try dating and having some extra money will help that process an awful lot!!"

well, i don't like the girls up here... alot of them are pretty stuck up and don't go for guys like me. my ex girlfriend from where i used to live is the one I truely like and she's actually waiting for me to move back... which i was going to do until my dad's company said "NO! YOU GO TO ILLINOIS!". She's a sophomore and i'm a freshman, but we were together almost a full year (would have been longer if i hadn't moved)

"But if it were me, I'd just be getting a DAMN good camera, and a basic editing system that offers high quality output."

would an iMac G4 @ 800 MHz work or should I step up to a PowerMac G4 @ 933 MHz... anyways, the only other camera Apple sells that is in the range of "Affordable" that's better is this Canon one... http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore?productLearnMore=T2625LL/A

"Bling it depends on where you go to school :P"
I'm hoping on the Academy of Art at San Francisco... they have a good graphics and video program i hear... (maybe we could catch up on some stuff ed!)

ME ending up like HERVE? I don't think I'll get that far...

anything else?

EDIT: after re-configuring my Apple order, it is $2,000 less... thanks guys for helping me out
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
I made my own coffee :p
Tismey seems to be abscent...(cant find good barmen these days :p)....

Nope, I'm very much here. The mark of a good barman, like a good waiter, is that you don't notice they're doing their job. They just are. I've actually been hanging around the boards but not really posting, cos I've been snowed under with work and I've just moved to a new ISP...

Ed... seeing as you're the green fingered expert, any suggestions for hard-to-kill houseplants that can brighten up my new flat and recycle some of this stale air?