BlingBling 3k12
Somewhere... dunno though
Originally posted by vic
i'm F**ing creating an dynamic php an mysql database store front for my company and i get 8 bucks /h!
weird... all i do is site updates and i get paid only $5.84 per hour... i only work 60 hours a month... so i get $350 plus whatever my paper route provides me every month....
scruffy... i got the base station because my dad has two laptops (one he bought and one his company bought) and we'd like to be able to roam the house with them...
i also want the external hard drive for backup purposes... i've done things to computers that noone of my capabilities should ever do... i've also lost GIGS of files, graphics, databases, etc. all in a matter of seconds... the external would be great, but if installing an internal HD is just as easy to setup and configure, i'll probably go for that option...
dlookus... please explain how I can do DV editing a whole lot cheaper? i'd like to know (please don't give me PC as an option or take away my future HD SCREEN!

ksuther... WE HIT 1500 WITHOUT ME NOTICING?! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!