Herve's Bar & Grill

get an extra fan for you mac, it works marvels on air, you will soon start noticing the aroma of fresh plastic tingling your senses...
Just outta curiosity, how often does OS X give you the auto-logout/login bug, and how often does it leave ghost processes hanging around?
Tismey, you have come to the right man with your question. I used to sell houseplants at one point in life. there is an interesting story that goes with that but for now i will just stick with info. This is going to take quite a few posts to accomplish since i decided this place could use a few plants around as well so i went and rounded up some pics of most of my recommendations. I will add that i like a home that feels like a jungle. I once had over 150 houseplants in an 8x12 room. i now have a huge Garden Window in our kitchen (the largest our salesman had ever contracted for).

perhaps the most hardy and easiest to find is pothos or devils ivy as it is sometimes called. It will live in almost any light and is very drought tolerant.


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next would be the arrowhead plant. this one has the advantage of talking to you when it needs water (it gets droopy)


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then comes the large family of philodendrons. There are so many varieties and all are very hardy.
here is the most common type


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a good hardy plant that gives the look of a palm is the draecena. again there are many varieties but most look something like this one. again these plants can go long periods of time between waterings.


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one of my favorite varieties of draecena is the cornplant which will exist in low light quite well. however to keep the yellow stripe it needs at least a partial day's worth of direct light


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one plant i particularly like as it comes in several variagated varieties that look almost elegant is the chinese evergreen


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some of the hardest to kill plants are members of the succulent family. the snake plant or 'mother-in-law's tongue' is one such plant


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Okay, someone hand Ed a drink... he's gone post happy!

Note: would someone who is post happy be referred to as having gone Postal?

another is the pepperomia. but be sure to get a thick leaved with hard stalks type. the more fragile varieties require much more care.

other members of this family of succulents include the jade plant and euphorbias (nice phallic cactus looking plants that almost always impress women)

I will end with these for now, but if you have at least one window with a good light source, i have about 4-5 others to add. of course these plants will require a little more attention as they dry out quicker in the direct light.

Hope this helps, feel free to ask questions.:)


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So, nkuvu, what kind of computers do you have/like/are interested in?

(to quickly move the subject off plants :D )
nkuvu is much more on the money than youse guys. i would glady have put all those on one post if this forum software would allow more than one attachment per post. i hate having to do multiple posts like that. not only is it a pain for me to do and for you to read thru, but it isn't very pretty either.:p

and yes, i do love plants. having living things around just makes me feel better inside.:)

oh and i wanted to say that getting BB to trim $2000 off his order was quite an accomplishment gang. Good job to all involved:D
Well, there's this really cool computer that I have my eye on right now. G4 800 MHz processor, 1GB of RAM, 60GB hard drive, AirPort card, 15" LCD screen.... (drool).

Yes, I know, I could have all this and more (like a 23" cinema display) if I was willing to shell out the bucks. But I'm not willing. I'll just wait here, agonizing over when my iMac will get here... (Yes, it's already ordered, like I've said in a bazillion other threads).

There's a guy I work with who thinks I am insane for buying a Mac -- I'm a software engineer, and he thinks that I should go for a real computer. You know, the crashing kind? :) Anyway, his suggestion was for me to buy a laptop. A Sony Vaio, if I recall correctly. Which made me think -- do I want a laptop computer? Not a Sony, of course. (Slight digression: I read a review where someone said that having the Vaio in their lap reminded them of having an airplane on their lap. I take that to mean that the fan is a little loud :) ). So I thought about getting a laptop, but my roommate, who knows how much I use my computer, thought that a laptop wouldn't be enough. So I looked at PowerBooks and iBooks in the local Apple retailer (not an "Apple Store" (Fanfare!), just a local store.) and decided that I didn't like the trackpad. I also felt like the keys were too close together. And I don't really need the portability of a laptop, so iMac it is. I thought about a tower, but that's out of my price range...

Now if the darn thing will just get here (or even get shipped! It's still "being assembled" :( ) I'll be a very happy camper.

So the iMac is going to replace my Win2K box, which has a (surprise!) history of being unreliable. Two weeks ago it forgot where the Zip drive was (which is where I back up my Quicken files). Then it lost the sound card, and finally the modem. (ooh! dial-up internet! Ick!) I re-installed the OS three times before everything was working acceptably. Each time, I did a full format (down to fdisk'ing the partitions away, even!) and each time something else went wrong.

My roommate and I had been saving money to buy a house. We were both more than a little sick of my computer, so we decided that when our lease is up we can find another place to rent. That way, I can afford to buy a new computer. So I'm buying a computer instead of a house, and I am sure that I'll be much happier...

So tune in tomorrow (same bat time, same bat channel!) for the continued ramblings about the computers I like! :D

Note to Ed: Why not put all the pictures on one web page, and post a link to that? :)
Completely unrelated question. I don't seem to be seeing RacerX's or Ed's avatars anymore. I see my own, and some others (like BB), but not all.

Wait, lemme guess. It's a problem with cookies, and the problem was caused by using an inferior OS, right? :)
i thought about putting them on web page but i really didn't want to have to commit my space to something so temporary. I also thought about just providing links to the pics on the site that site that i got them from and decided that was just as much trouble and just as likely to have links change if the site reorganizes or anything. so in the end i chose to do it the multi post way.

so a little earlier, genghiscohen and i experimented with netfone, a cross platform voice communications program. it was pretty fun even if we did spend most of the time just playing with stuff trying to get it to work better. we got to where we could pretty much communicate but i wouldn't want to have to use it to convey critical info - still too choppy - like a speakerphone. if anybody else would like to give this a try, i am game to participate. oh, multiple people can all be connected and talking at the same time.