Herve's Bar & Grill

wow, your quite the agricultural man... i like your site, but please, get some higher quality picures... i hope the pool turns out nicely, you can put me in there as a fish for decoration :) i'll scare away any predators that come lurking at night ;)
nkuvu... the order now stands at this...

Dual GHz PowerMac G4
80 GB Hard Drive
AirPort Card

23" HD Cinema Display
Pro Speakers
Airport Base Station
Sony DCR-PC9 MiniDV Camcorder
80 GB External FireWire Hard Drive
Formac Studio
10 GB iPod with Custom Laser Engraving
Canon PowerShot S110 Digital Camera

$10,428.00 / $485.91 Per Month for 2 Years

Ed... I get to drive LEGALLY next February, and I get out of High School in 3 YEARS, so I definitely have time to get a car...

How do I pay for all this? Thank god for the high-paying web design job I have...

Why do I need it all? I'm a DV fanatic... I bought this Dell to do DV video, but found out IT SUCKED AT IT! Graphics suck, processor sucks, no real way to output the video...

Why buy such an expensive system? It's gonna have to last me almost 6 years (or at least through 2 or 3 years of college)

Anything else i should answer?
HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! man i wish i had a high paying web design job! i'm F**ing creating an dynamic php an mysql database store front for my company and i get 8 bucks /h! it's f***king ridiculous! i should get at leas 10 grand for the whole job!
The way I understand it, a desktop computer with a airport card can act as a base station itself - you only need the base station if your only comp is a laptop that is not connected to wired ethernet.

Also, does the HD really need to be external? Cause if not, you could just get a second internal HD from any old computer store, probably cost you less than half the price.

Ah well, you have the money, I guess... In high school - that's sick ;) I am a month or two from finishing university and have to find an apartment and stuff soon, and don't even have that many canadian dollars :(
WOW! Vic your getting totally screwed.:eek: You should be getting more than 10,000. Probably 20,000.

P.S. I think it's hilarious how you only censored yourself in half of your post. You may want to fix that.

I think there are better ways to spend your dough for DV. I'll get into it later.
i like to keep things moderate, so i think some censoring is necessary, but too much is not good, we want to keep a healthy ballace of profanity here. :)
well vic is close. it's not metallic. you might have noticed that big ugly fiberglass thing sitting by the hole in the full yard shots. It is an old hot tub that i trimmed down and i will be dropping it in the hole. Should have a pic of that by next week. It should be sturdy enough to last longer than i do.:D

as for the quality of my cheap little cool-icam, if anybody wants to send me a good quality digital camera, be my guest. other wise this thing is all i have. there is no way i would even want to afford film shots of stuff like this. Hey, i wish more people just posted any kind of pics that showed a little bit more about them and how they live. ;)

as for profanity and this thread. I am just a thread starter but i would hope that Admin shows at least a little leneancy towards this thread. I think it is inappropriate to cuss at each other at any time in here. But the idea of this thread is that it is someplace you visit after work - a little more casual than most of the site. so let's just use some of that good old common sense (i will have to find mine) and keep it real, not just cussing for cussing sakes or to see how far we can push the limits.

MacD - if you have anything to add or subtract from this, please go up to the dj booth and use our local public address system to let us all know asap. I don't think anyone here wants to hurt the site or each other.:)
scruffy said:
The way I understand it, a desktop computer with a airport card can act as a base station itself - you only need the base station if your only comp is a laptop that is not connected to wired ethernet.

I found out recently that the base station ability is limited. :( For example, my roommate has a CRT iMac with an AirPort card. I currently have a Win2K box (and a flat-panel iMac on order) so we can share the Internet connection. (Current setup is a wired network, which my roommie hates (doesn't want the dogs to chew on the wires (go figure (I tend to agree (sorry for the multiply nested parens -- too much Scheme programming ;) ))))). Well, take turns, since it is after all a dial-up connection. But once I have the iMac we will not be able to share the 'net connection. Why? Because OS X doesn't support full base station functions. We'll be able to transfer files, but that's about it.

*sigh* Anyone ever run a computer without a 'net connection? It feels (to me) like a waste of a perfectly good computer...
Keep forgettin stuff.... :(

The f.a.q. says we can change our status:
If the administrator has enabled custom status titles, then you can specify the text you want to display by editing your profile and entering the text you want in the Custom User Text field.
I searched all over in the user cp -- no go. Am I missing something obvious?

Hmm. I should probably post this to another thread. Unless I ask for another beer, right?

Serve me up!

i know, back in the days when my cable was supported by that now bankrupt california comapany it used to drop connection fro a day or so, and itt felt like i was on an island, even with a full busy day when i never got the chance to use the computer it made me keep thinking about how cut off from the world i was! yes, people internet addiction is real, its here, and we must fight hard to stop it!
A few years ago I moved, and the phone company had some problems connecting my phone line. I spent two weeks without an Internet connection. I thought I was gonna die...
Hey cool, that last post happened to be post 1500! HAHAHA BlingBling! :D
POST 300! Wheeeee :D
Sorry, couldn't resist. BB, that's a friggin amazing system :-p