nkuvu... the order now stands at this...
Dual GHz PowerMac G4
80 GB Hard Drive
AirPort Card
23" HD Cinema Display
Pro Speakers
Airport Base Station
Sony DCR-PC9 MiniDV Camcorder
80 GB External FireWire Hard Drive
Formac Studio
10 GB iPod with Custom Laser Engraving
Canon PowerShot S110 Digital Camera
$10,428.00 / $485.91 Per Month for 2 Years
Ed... I get to drive LEGALLY next February, and I get out of High School in 3 YEARS, so I definitely have time to get a car...
How do I pay for all this? Thank god for the high-paying web design job I have...
Why do I need it all? I'm a DV fanatic... I bought this Dell to do DV video, but found out IT SUCKED AT IT! Graphics suck, processor sucks, no real way to output the video...
Why buy such an expensive system? It's gonna have to last me almost 6 years (or at least through 2 or 3 years of college)
Anything else i should answer?