Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by googolplex
She was thinking of not keeping it?
Yeah, she had a few problems when she first got it. Most of them weren't problems so much as her having to get used to the various differences in OSX (she was moving from a VERY old PowerPC Tower running 8.5), but she did have a massive problem with her Canon printer (crappy drivers and a weird problem with the PRINT icon in Word) and her ISP (which she thought was a computer problem). So she was considering sending it back and getting something slightly less nice and less user-friendly (parents, who understands them?)
My roommie had problems with her Canon S630 and AppleWorks' print button. Failed every time, but worked fine from the Print command in the menu...
Originally posted by nkuvu
'truth, were you able to talk to the dean at all?

Nope. For some odd reason they just wanted to talk to him.

The Verdict: he has to pay restitution, that's it. No big problems yet, so all that worrying over nothing I suppose.

Originally posted by bling
what are some of the bands you play? just wondering...

Umm, tonight's show (8 - 9.30 EST) is mostly metal and hard rock. You can count on hearing bands like Tool, Stabbing Westward, Metallica, Fear Factory, etc etc... Wednesday's show (7 - 8 EST) is industrial, and you'll hear a lot of bands lik VNV Nation, Apoptygma Berzerk, Depeche Mode, and many others no one has ever heard of - lol

Thanks for the opportunity to shamelessly plug my radio shows! lol - hope you enjoy it if you get to listening.

so yeah, listen! http://wxvu.villanova.edu
'truth: Good! I'll drink a toast to you later for your lack of unjust-ness. Er, a toast for fairness. Or a toast for "Not being punished for something you didn't do". Er, uh, maybe just a toast. :)

It's the 800MHz/SuperDrive iMac with Airport card installed and 1GB Ram. The only peripheral I have for it is an HP LaserJet 1100 (which has no print drivers for OS X so for now it's a nice paperweight :( )
By Popular Demand (okay... because Ed said so...)

I have revised my signature!

It's sorta like TheMacko's but mine is bigger ;)

Plus it doesn't tell you WHAT KIND of Computer it is, so it's mysterious to those who don't know :D
Originally posted by nkuvu
'truth: Good! I'll drink a toast to you later for your lack of unjust-ness. Er, a toast for fairness. Or a toast for "Not being punished for something you didn't do". Er, uh, maybe just a toast. :)

Thanks nkuvu, after my show tonite I think I'll be pulling a stool up to the bar here in celebration. Hell, 'tender - drinks on me!
unlearn... the real audio stream doesn't work... might want to tell some of your radio buddies to fix it... or switch to QuickTime Streaming Server (:D)
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
unlearn... the real audio stream doesn't work... might want to tell some of your radio buddies to fix it... or switch to QuickTime Streaming Server (:D)

oh come on bling tell me you're kidding me... i hate it when the server goes down... and i wish realaudio would come out for X so i could check without starting classic..... blargfh!

as for quicktime... recall my posts in that competition for the stickers about no macs here ;)