Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
All Thoughts Non-Technical is now a LARGE Herve's Bar & Grill!
So I can't decide if I should take my beer outside and talk tehre... or if I should just stay put?
Or maybe its 12819? I don't know, should we count just this thread or the whole forum? I'm getting confused.
Tismey, I need a drink...
Originally posted by Admin
...Recent events unfolded that left me banning some members because of a foul mouth. It should be known that getting carried away in the "May I Cuss" thread is okay with me, but please... watch your mouth on the rest of the site. We don't need a bunch of potty mouths running around here to make this place dirty.
So there you have it...

You may continue your cuss'n over there --> without fear of hangin'...
what happen if someone posts at the exact same time?
I don't see how this is possible. Unless you mean two people posting at the exact same time. Which is unlikely. Maybe the vBulletin software tosses a coin. ;)

Why is it that I can spend hours just poking around in here? I was going to go to bed early this evening -- since I was up 'til 2 last night reading through the fora....

Oh well. Who needs sleep? That's what caffeine is for, right? :)
Jadey, thanks for stopping in. Sorry to hear you've been down. Please feel free to come around for more sympathy anytime. We will keep a bottle of it on stock just for you. ;)

well, maybe you should share some with Macko who looks pretty blue in the gills sitting there. Being sick in the hot desert sun is no fun. I have been there and done that and so I hope you get better soon Macko!! Time to relax and take care of yourself. The body breaking down is a legitimate excuse to do all the nothing you need to.:D

So I guess we can all rest easy that this thread and the other ones like it have the admin's approval. I mean, what greater tribute to a thread could there be than an entire forum named after it!!:cool:

but now i can already see the confusion -

"see you at herve's"
"the thread or the forum?"
"both, since the thread is in the forum"


"see the thread about browser's in Herve's Bar & Grill"

next thing you know we have people coming in here talking about browsers!:p

so everybody be carefull and stay aware of which Herve's you are in. And look out for Tom. He may need help remembering which Herve's he is in.:D

googolplex - I like the new avatar:)
Originally posted by macguy17
Tismey, I need a drink...

My pleasure sir, what'll it be. Or should I get you a glass of something nondescript that can be anything you so imagine?
oh i almost forgot - Tom, after seeing the new shipment of house plants at the Daly City Home Depot (the one near Serramonte), i am convinced that what you got was a draecena.

now either give me a good word description of the other one or else get out that digital camera of yours and take a pic. i remembered you have one when i saw Brian Branmiller, or whatever his name is, on tv tonight.:D

I now hope to be almost finished with my brick laying by tomorrow nite. Tismey, you had best make sure the bar is stocked, because drinks will be on the house when i am done.:)

g'nite all.:eek:
The man at the Apple genious bar said they didn't serve alchohol, so I decided to come over to Herve's Bar and Grill, Where Herve will always say "I have been warned MacOSX bar humor! See you after catle!" with a smile!

<start funny jingle music>
"When your Macs in trouble and you need AppleCare on the double, drown your fears, come to the place with beer, at Herve's Place -- Bar & Grill!"
Symphonix's virtual self suddenly re-animates, startling Ed who had been using him for a hat-stand. He yawns, scratches nervously, and sips at the stale beer in front of him. "Eww. That's bad. What did I miss?"

I've been having a really frustrating week. My car has a $#%%ered clutch, thanks to some incompetent jerk at the garage, and now it sounds like I'm driving one of those friction-powered toy cars. Not to mention changing gears is like arm-wrestling with a grizzly bear. I intend to make them fix it on pain of whatever I can hold over them, simply on the principle of it.

But that seems like the least of my worries lately. Thankfully I have some holidays now, at least.

And, I have just finished setting up a PC for my sister, and am remembering why I went to mac in the first place. At first it wouldn't power on at all, and I tracked down a loose connector between the power supply and the motherboard. Then, I found the floppy drive didn't work. Finally, I installed the only to OS's I had that don't need a floppy to install: Linux and (gasp) Windows XP!

Now, it's been about a year since I last picked up Linux, and I'm amazed at how much it continues to grow and how much easier and simpler it is each time. Linux was a pleasure to set up and to use, and I'd recommend it for anyone still stuck with a PC.

On the other hand, Windows XP is a joke. Okay, so it doesn't crash much. I am glad to see they finally have something reasonably stable (touch wood). But the interface must have been designed by a comittee of beaureaucrats. There is no rhyme nor reason to half of the "features" or their location in the heirarchy of the control panels. XP seems to spend more effort trying to impress me with childish visual effects than it does actually doing anything useful - and it can't even anti-alias its fonts properly! It breaks every single rule ever laid out in the Guide to GUI Design.
It treats the user like a baby and the system like a toy.

Then, in the same day, I installed the latest Office XP on my sister's PC, and the Office v.X for Mac on my iBook. From the point of view of installation, they are worlds apart. (FYI, I paid for my copy, at Student prices Office isn't too bad).

Oh, and my brother in law was looking at buying a $6500 Dell laptop, and I pointed him in the direction of the PowerBook ... he was impressed with what he saw on the web, but I have the feeling he'd want to get his hands on one to try before he'd switch. Since the nearest Apple dealer is more than 1.5 hours away, I can only hope he'll take the time.
an ice cold frappe if you please!
Thank you!

I am only gone for a day and All thoughts non technical becomes HErve's bar and grill :p I am jealous lol :p :p
LEts all raise our glasses to Herve and OSX.com!!! :D

Lets see, news, almost done with my frist vietnamese book :D
(Toi Khong biet tieng Viet, toi hoc tieng Viet :p) -- hmm did I say that right ? :p (I left out all the accent marks lol)

Making progress ;-)
Exam for CS...lets not go there, all the class did really bad, one of the questions (worth 25-30%) was a trick question and no one got it correct...who the fudge puts a trick question on a mid-term!? -- good news - its probably gonna be scalled.

Good news on the homework front too! -- more theory/thought - less codding -- good news for me ;)

hmmm.... 5 more weeks left in the semester!!!!! yay!!!!
then summer ---aaaahhhh I can pucture myself there now!

Ed! How's the construction coming along ? should I start organizing the party ? :p

Admiral -- In my experience, CS theory is much less interesting than CS coding. And it's not any easier, either. Just a caveat...

There was also one class in which we had a disaster of a midterm exam. It was, by the way, a theory class. There were fifty students in the class, and the exam was ten pages long. Which might not have been a big deal -- there was only one problem per page. But each problem took about 30-45 minutes to complete, and we had one hour. Needless to say (since I am telling the story of a disastrous exam, it's pretty obvious where this is going :) ), very few people did well. Out of those fifty people, seven got scores higher than 30%. Six of those people had scores under 50%. But one guy was quite smart, and this was a review class for him. He got 81%. So the professor, in his infinite wisdom, decided that he should probably curve the test scores. Actually, I should say 'adjust' the test scores. Since the highest grade was 81, he added 19 percentage points to everyone's exam. That still meant that the vast majority of the class failed the test. I ended up with something like a 27% on the test, and not because I didn't know the material. So we had something like a 8% passing rate. The salvation came when the professor decided that he didn't want to scale down the final exam, so he gave it to us as a take home test, with a week to finish. I got an 87% on that (it still was not easy) and passed the class. Apparently the prof realized later in the quarter that since we only had two tests during the quarter, it would mean that 90% or so of his class would fail. Which would look bad on any professor's record... :p

The high point is that I had that professor three more times before I graduated. Each time he gave us long, difficult, take home exams. Whew!
Ed - the bar is always stocked. It just depends how much I drink before anyone asks for one (hic).

Admiral - I presume that's a frappe (how do you do accents? anyone?) with a 'thing' in it? And if it makes you feel better, during the FINALS for my first English degree, they put in a question on a book that wasn't even on the course! That took some curving, believe me...

And another of whatever macguy was having. To be honest, I'd be surprised if he knew...
it feels awkward for me to post anywhere but in this topic... i just don't feel the same posting about anything in the new LARGER Herve's....

i don't think i'd feel quite right if i posted this message in it's own topic...
*comes crashing through the window*

Well, after a particularly painful Easter Break, I'm baaack. Don't worry about the window, I'll take care of it.

When did Herve's become a HUGE place? I'm gone for a weekend and everything is gone to hell! It's very nice though, if I may say so.


So... did I miss anything worth repeating?