Herve's Bar & Grill

Very nice! I like how Admin grouped the forums differently and renamed them.

P.S.: Herve must love this :D
Yep, I only drink frappŽ ;) (on a few occasions cappucino or espresso but I will specify then:p) --
The accent is made by doing option-e and then pressing the vowel you want to accent.
option-e and then e = Ž

As for theoretical comp sci, I prefer theoretical OVER having to program in C, C is the language created by lucifer to torture me along with all my Xes lol :p

Another person I talked to today doesnt like the theory part. My thinking is this:
I can get code to compile, on MY time, on a time table with C code I get HUNDREDS of compilation errors and the C compiler is so DUMB its not even funny! Theoretically I can BLAB for pages and pages and make my point clear even though my code might not compile ;)
This might bring up my grade :p

Admiral, to me it looks like you want a frappZ. That's a Z with an umlaut, by the way.

C? What do you dislike about C? I'm not saying it's a particularly great language, but it has its moments. Heck, any language has particular strengths and weaknesses.

Are you a CS major...?
well rather than blather on about the yard work i will just show more pics.

Here is the latest shot of the pond with a few more plants i got last night at home depot. this is a temporary set up. later this week we will probably be ordering the rock to do the pond with. (borders and ledges and that kind of thing. It isn't going to continue to look like a hot tub with a rock fall forever.:p

you might note the two pieces of wood frames on the right of this pic. they will be used again to give a reference.


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and here is a pic from my last break of the day. now if you remember those 2 wood frames, which are on the left in this one, i got to within 2 feet of the end of them. So that is basically all i have to do tomorrow as far as laying bricks. now i will probably figure out where i am going to lay some of the others in a short while, but the hardest part of this will be over!!:D

(so don't drink all the good stuff Tismey;) )

then i will fill the cracks with sand and start designing my archway which i will build after i finish the pond and remove some of the wood frames around it.

Anybody remember the movie "The NeverEnding Story"?:p


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I heard somewhere (and I doubt this is true) that C was created as a sort of geek-joke. It was meant to stand for cryptic, and was written around lots of obscure in-jokes.

I honestly don't know what to make of the new, bigger Herves. To bad we had to bulldoze that Dell shop to make way for the pool table. :D
Well, at least something good has come out of this endeavor :)
This thread gets soo many posts, I've just about given up on trying to keep track of them. We're on page 123 now though :)
It's frappe with an accent egu ;) not an umlaut :p
(frappe --> french for beaten)

as for C, I just hate it, I got off it on the wrong foot and to and insult to injury the language (at least ANSI C which is what we are using) stinks like a rotten egg lol.

I am indeed a CS major ;)
Once I get done with my BA I am going to get an MBA though with a concentration on the Info Systems part. After than I might do an MA in computer graphics or CS again depending on my mood :p

Actually C is a successor to B. No, that's not a joke. I have a whole history of how C was created, but it's too long to post, and I'm too lazy...
*stumbles in, stinking drunk, after a bender regarding the inability to effectively set up an offsite backup strategy.
egu, aigu, pregu same thing :p -- its darn french anyways ;) lol :p

I should load some vietnamese on my work mac and start typing in vietnamese just like I can type in greek ;)

ºáìÀ å! ºáé ðïìà ëïàì ôï îá çòÀæåé÷ óôá åììèîéëÀ!

or russian for that matter :p
òî ðóñêèé! lol :p

Then again I have japanese on my mac even though I don't know it :(

ok enought of that :p
