Herve's Bar & Grill

I am in the process of updating mine :)
that is why you dont see more of me online these days :p

I am aaaalmost done, doing spanish now, then upload by the 26th :D

btw I officially M$ access certified (by M$ :p) --- finished my last workshop today hehehe :p

good job on the Access certification! now someone can help me with my problems!

i have an access database and i want to use a search tool to search the database for results but i'm having one HELL of a time getting it to access it! it can write TO the database through the internet, but not search the database.

this is for a realtor, so it's along the lines of searching by price, bedrooms, baths, and other amenities.

this is your first job admiral! although it's non-paying, will ya still give me some pointers?

lol... btw, we use FrontPage 2002 as our site creation tools.

AND KSV! i go to spymac for those photos and they don't show up! i wait forever and still get nothing. i see the page and the comments, but no photo... mind posting them on your idisk or something?
I guess i'm the waiter here. new to me :D

Heres all yer food orders. Enjoy.

T-minus 14 days to Warcraft 3 yahoo!

Hey, I'm finally releasing a starcraft map. All my other ones I'd start and never finished, but I finished it and protected it in virtual pc. Yahoo.
uuuhh shucks :rolleyes:
Those damned microsoft teachers did not tell me how to link my DB to the dang diggly web :p --- I will have to ask around ;) hehe :) ---- actually it might be in some of my texts but we just did not cover it:p --- I will investigate for ya blingbling :)

In other news, I spent the grat majority of the day yesterday moving a coworker from a mac to a PC (the boss wants us to use PCs...but I am sure as hell not giving up my mac :p ... I am the most computer literate in the department so he probably wont be after my mac since I know PeeCees lol). -- I have a PC in my office which I want to set up though today, I have brough with me my BeOS CD to install ;)

Last nite I spent a lot of time localizin' my web page...still not done but 5/9 are done so I am cool :-) --- get some more done today and tomorrow and by saturday I will be done textwise. Over the weekend, create a mix, make the graphix and main entrance, and by tuesday upload hehehehe ;-) sound good ? :-)

Yeah... sounds very good. I wanted to wait another day before asking this question again: Do you believe that I am 11?

xaq, gamedog and macguy, please don't answer this question. I've already heard your views. :)
tolya - didn't your office just get a bunch of new ibooks at the beginning of the year? why would they do that and now push to be all pc? do you have a new boss or is this one just not very stable? (which would account for a compatability with Windows:p )
MNy starcraft map is a runaway hit. woohoo!
look for it sometime, its called Not Another Boring Survival for any of you starcraft players.
Gentlemen! How are we? I figured I should pop my head in and say "Hi."


Suprizingly I havent been up to much. Just working about 21 hours a week, playing softball, having fun with my girlfriend, and just hanging around. Im not going to even try to catch up on things I missed. There is just too much! You guys certainly keep this place busy. Well, that should do it for me now. I probably stop back in later tonight. But if I don't, you guys have a good one and Ill talk to you later.

-Rick (Lessthanmighty)
WOW....this translating business is driving me up teh wall lol ;-) -- I am in front of my trusty mac almost day and nite hehehe... the good thing is that all the translations WILL be done tonite :) -- tomorrow I start the audio and visual artwork/elements and my tuesday it will be up :)

Ed we did get iBooks, but that was to keep mac-using faculty happy. Technically they are not for office use, but for loan (but I use one anyways when the days are slow lol :p). The department wants to go all PC for a few reasons.
1) market share (pft! makes me wanna slap my boss when I hear this :p -- he is a good guy but I dont buy the "the mac has a niche market" argument)

2) Most of the people that work in our branch of the department (with the exception of me) are mostly techs with A/V backgrounds and not computing, and they used to use a mac, and they were PC agnostic. My mac isnt in danger of being taken away cause I can do mac, pc and unix with my eyes closed, but the other guys that did only mac, had their macs taken away and were given PCs in order to be able to work with them...I seriously doubt they will be getting them back though. makes me mad :p -- if they take my mac away I am getting a TiBook and bringing it to work lol.

3) We are moving from Filemaker, which is our current database, to Access ( :eek: !!! ), and the reason is that access has SQL interfaceability, thus access is the front end, while all the database functionality is writen in SQL. I am desperatelly trying to find a mac front end to SQL that can be used on the macs here cause I REALLY want database funtionality on my macs. It makes my job easier to have 4 instances of a database open instead of 1 or 2.

Well...it should be a fun weekend. I think I am gonna come over at the B&G and take my place at the DJ booth lol, I havent been over at the other B&G for a while because of this web site deal. :)
Next week though :)
