Herve's Bar & Grill

step away from that avatar, sir!

We've warned you before! Making mods dizzy around op..


Lower it!


Lower that avatar...

good...we warned you before! No ed-gets-dizzy-avatars around open fires!


OK...go on...

back to our regular programm
Originally posted by mystique

A: I'm new and just learning.
B: Guiness is SUPPOSED to be served warm, this much I DO know
C: If you want a bloody COLD beer, then say so, I'm a hell of a woman but a mind reader I'm not.
D: You may have been here longer, but Ed's let ME run this bar and I demand patience and respect while you are here. I will bend over backward to please you (*ahem*) but you have to tell me WHAT YOU WANT

Listen Lady,

1) Don't call me "look"
2) I did talk to Ed who said I like drinking warm beer, not to you (though I guess talking to you would have been more fun than talking to Ed) You can call me stupid, gay, red, singular or anything, but NEVER say I like warm beer, ok?
3) A Guiness is not server warm!!! It isn't served cold either...basically...it's just served
4) I give you patience and respect if you stop interfering in my personal war with Ed
5) Don't panic
6) What was this thread about?
Originally posted by xaqintosh
'lo Ed, I could hear your holler even with my iPod blasting Iron Man at 100% volume :p ;)
haven't been around as much, but I'm gonna start again :) I don't think I'd like being a mod, as fun as it may sound, I just wanna be a regular poster :)

well, keep the sound down. iron man is one of the few old metal songs i've never learned to appreciate. don't ask me why.

as far as being a regular poster - there's a big part of that i understand. it's not quite the same on this side. but all new experiences are worth having once so i'll enjoy whatever i decide to be doing as best i can. actually this admin thing could be fun. but right now i'm getting a new pm about every time i hit submit on these posts. so if i seem like i disapeared at some point, i'm just in the office doing paperwork. i'll have the surveilance turned on to keep track of what's going on out here.

smoke on the water is great - i can remember when everyone i knew could play it on a touchtone phone :D
try it for yourself xaq - it's not that complicated. hell, klink could probably figure it out and give you the # sequence in less than 2 minutes. i did say everybody i knew was doing it, not me :D

hey Bobb - i see you out there. come on in and meet everybody and join the fun. :)
On second thought, ulrik, I'm coming out with it.

*Klink strips down to his BDay suit and has a streak*

Woo hoo!


  • streaker10.jpg
    20 KB · Views: 6
Ed: I would, but its 11:20 over here and everyone's trying to sleep... come to think of it, might be fun :D (joke!)

I'm gonna go do a google search! :P :D

klink: :eek: hey, no streakers! :rolleyes: :p
Originally posted by Klink
On second thought, ulrik, I'm coming out with it.

*Klink strips down to his BDay suit and has a streak*

Woo hoo!

That was uncalled for..

So, it's 5:20 in the middle of the night here, I guess I'll go to hibernate mode now, so long, and thanks for all the fish!