Herve's Bar & Grill

any of you guys work at an apple store? want a job there but im just dreamin - im not qualified at all. but with two stores in my proximity there is a chance... any tips on gettin my resume noticed @ jobs.apple.com? it woudl almost be my dream job.
The best way to get seen is an internal reference. If you knew someone working @ apple, hint them to reference you. ;)
Hitting a kangaroo is not something you want to do. They weigh about the same as a cow, but they can jump along at quite high speed and appear out of the bush quite suddenly. If you do hit a full-grown roo at high speed, it'll be the car that gets wrecked and the roo that gets away. When I hit this one, I was already hard on the brakes, so it was okay and was able to keep hopping.

I know that a couple of the Australian car manufacturers use kangaroo dummies in crash testing. :-)
woooh i have a new avatar! i forgot, i was ready to see the old evil head dude.....now its a cat i made in photoshop, i had to draw it pixel by pixel, called pixelart... that's how people made OS 9 icons.... but that trend was ruined once os x came out, and had amazing new giant icons....i consider them beautiful pieces of art, not little icons for some operating system.....
Hitting a kangaroo!? ANIMAL ABUSE!
i have a microwave too.
Originally posted by symphonix
Hitting a kangaroo is not something you want to do. They weigh about the same as a cow, but they can jump along at quite high speed and appear out of the bush quite suddenly. If you do hit a full-grown roo at high speed, it'll be the car that gets wrecked and the roo that gets away. When I hit this one, I was already hard on the brakes, so it was okay and was able to keep hopping.
I want to live in Australia for a while. :D
Why Ricky? Live somewhere where there's a bunch of deer roaming around - it's about the same thing. They'll jump out in the road with no warning, and totally mess your car up if you hit one.
You should live in Alaska for awhile. Moose make a big mess if they connect with autos. Unfortunately, the cars always lose.
I lived in Alaska for three years, and Ugg is absolutely right!!! There was a video floating around while I was there of a college student getting stomped to death by a moose. You don't mess with those mammas!
Originally posted by Darkshadow
Why Ricky? Live somewhere where there's a bunch of deer roaming around - it's about the same thing. They'll jump out in the road with no warning, and totally mess your car up if you hit one.
I live near some areas with deer in them. I work somewhere where you can see them out the window. :p Very nice.
Originally posted by Ugg
You should live in Alaska for awhile. Moose make a big mess if they connect with autos. Unfortunately, the cars always lose.
I wouldn't mind Alaska, I guess. For a while anyway. :D I've heard there's some spectacular scenery up there.
Originally posted by ebolag4
I lived in Alaska for three years, and Ugg is absolutely right!!! There was a video floating around while I was there of a college student getting stomped to death by a moose. You don't mess with those mammas!
Never mind... :eek: :confused:
Originally posted by hazmat
Try NYC. Here we have sewer rats. Probably about as big as kangaroos!
I believe you. ::alien:: Unfortunately, big cities are not my bag.
What I'd really like to do is visit another country. :) That would be great. I want to experience other cultures. I did actually visit British Columbia briefly, once (Went to a zoo and that's it), but I didn't find it much more different than the U.S...
Originally posted by Ricky
What I'd really like to do is visit another country. :) That would be great. I want to experience other cultures. I did actually visit British Columbia briefly, once (Went to a zoo and that's it), but I didn't find it much more different than the U.S...

Do it, Ricky. ASAFP. It's an amazing experience and will change you view of the world forever. In the best way possible. :)
Alaska was absolutely beautiful. The summers are perfect: 80 degrees is a heat wave, low humidity, 21 hours of sunlight, mosquitoes the size of carrier pigeons. Winters, however, if you're not into cold, snow measured in feet, not inches, and 21 hours of darkness, don't bother.

It was too much for this Texan to take.

Anchorage is not very large. Only 250,000 or so. Half the population of the state. And no huge rats. Only the moose downtown during the winter, and a bear wandering through the neighborhood once in a while.
Originally posted by hazmat
Do it, Ricky. ASAFP. It's an amazing experience and will change you view of the world forever. In the best way possible. :)
I'm sure it would be great. :D I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to get out of the ordinary for a while.
Originally posted by ebolag4
Alaska was absolutely beautiful. The summers are perfect: 80 degrees is a heat wave, low humidity, 21 hours of sunlight, mosquitoes the size of carrier pigeons. Winters, however, if you're not into cold, snow measured in feet, not inches, and 21 hours of darkness, don't bother.
Wow, sounds like it would mess with your internal clock pretty badly. :p

Where have the rest of you all gone? :) Photos would be pretty cool... What's it like to travel to a foreign place?
Originally posted by hazmat
What's the F stand for?

I agree with whoever, I would never want to live in a big city. Modesto is showing signs of turning into one; soon, we will be the size of Anchorage, like in maybe a year.
Originally posted by Ricky
What's it like to travel to a foreign place?
Oh, man, Ricky, it's wonderful! You get to experience new sites and new cities, new ways of life, without actually having to live there for more than a couple weeks. Plus, I find it mildly thrilling just to be going somewhere; I actually like flying and taking the train.

G, in looking over your signature, I noticed the "No war & no warez" part and I thought maybe you should change it to "wars."