Can't. Sister is supposed to be coming over tomorow (but not it's looking like not)...
It's not that I don't want to have one, it's just that with XMas so close that all my bdays basically suck - always have! Yeah I love XMas - but not enough to give up my bday for!
Plus everyone is strapped for cash and there are mobs of people every where we want to go cuz of the holidays.
I still wouldn't mind if there weren't "kiddy" type birthdays (cake & pizza @ home)...
At least Outback Steak House! Shesh!

But she has 2 kids (3&2yo) that are LOUD (like 6 kids worth!) so Outback is out!
But really what I want I can't have/do (cruise, backpacking, be out to sea). So I guess I have to live with what others do to me.
Having BDays this close to XMas sucks! If I can help it - I'll make sure my kids don't get cheated like I have! heh
"Merry XMas, here's your gift - oh, it's also your birthday? Sorry I don't have another present" (I don't care about that now, but as a kid it sucked bad!), or "Oh, it was also your birthday? With the rush I totally forgot".