Herve's Bar & Grill

i have a fridgefull of beer..... you see my dad's a graphic designer... that's why we have macs....
so he does TONS of beer labels in canada ... mostly in my city, like local breweries, and also for TD canada trust [for all you canadians who kno what that is] he does lots of fliers and such for them.
Guinness .. not canadian beer!!

Heh. There is a Canadian Apple guy who shares the house with me (and some otehr ppl) .. so the cliche' of the Canadians leaving the front door unlocked is not jst a cliche' or Michael Moore (Bowling for Columbine) invention. I feel so paranoid about the doors that are open ..

Guys I have a problem. I can't listen to the iTMS music I have. I'm not connected to net with my Mac, and it asks me the authorization code .. on the Mac that I primarily used for purchasing the music!! I don't want to be connected to internet every single time i want to listen to my music, and I want to listen to the music I have paid for even when I'm outside USA!! :o
Giaguara said:
Guinness .. not canadian beer!!
Guys I have a problem. I can't listen to the iTMS music I have. I'm not connected to net with my Mac, and it asks me the authorization code .. on the Mac that I primarily used for purchasing the music!! I don't want to be connected to internet every single time i want to listen to my music, and I want to listen to the music I have paid for even when I'm outside USA!! :o

Hey Gia, here's a workaround for buying music on iTunes and the AAC. Since I listen to a majority of my music in my car commuting, I burn my music to a disc. Burn your songs to a disc that plays in a normal cd player (wav format i guess). Take the disc you burn and put it in the mac and import it back in as mp3's, then archive(delete?) the AAC files elsewhere.

(name them differently or in a different folder to save confusion!)

Voila! Mp3's you can listen to anywhere (and on any mp3 player!), and on any mac.
oh wait i dont have a cd player! i'll burn them anyway .. managed to make them work now. .. what is the best / cheapest way to get a net / dsl / anything without dialup fees home in ireland (i dont care for landline phone at all) ???

this bar has been so quiet while i was gone!! :o

only in ireland ... you can find a "ristorante italiano" with a "full irish breakfast" and next to it a burgerplace with "all the italian coffees" .. :p

and hte irish politicians look like shrek fans! all the political advertisings.. their face is ogre-green :D
Giaguara said:
oh wait i dont have a cd player! i'll burn them anyway .. managed to make them work now. .. what is the best / cheapest way to get a net / dsl / anything without dialup fees home in ireland (i dont care for landline phone at all) ???

this bar has been so quiet while i was gone!! :o

only in ireland ... you can find a "ristorante italiano" with a "full irish breakfast" and next to it a burgerplace with "all the italian coffees" .. :p

and hte irish politicians look like shrek fans! all the political advertisings.. their face is ogre-green :D

glad to see you got it working. i was a bit miffed when i tried to play those AAC's elsewhere as well.

How bout some pics of ireland gia? im a bit curious to see what its like!
i'll send pictures when someone sends me my camera cable from usa .. i forgot it home :)

i also probably will have to have the lcd screen of the camera fixed. i fell down from my cycle 10 days ago, and broke myself. elbows, knees and all of me was screatched, bruised (still is) .. oh well. i'll post pictures as soon as i can have the cable.

i better get some sun before i take any pics with me, or you'll see all the bruises. i haven't been so bruisy for a long time. for some reason, i had bruises all over even before i fell.
Sheesh, Gia, is there ever anytime you're not hurting yourself in some way? You seem to be clumsier than me (and that's saying a lot!). :p

I'd love to see some pictures, too. I've always wanted to go there...maybe some day I'll actually have enough cash to do it.

<crosses fingers> :)
I don't think I'm that clumsy. I just do a lot of things .. so say, accidents per miles or kilometres run, it wouldn't be that bad. And the times being beaten unconscious per cities seen won't qualify that bad either. But well, I rather change subject. :)

I will post pictures when I get the cable. .. it will come in a packet with other stuff too, I hope red pepper .. I can't find good red pepper here. Instead .. well, an embarassing selection of US beers and Californian wines! Not to say there aren't good, some are, but with all the Irish beer and the wines of all the world, who cares for the MGB or Carlo Rossi? The Cali wines aren't in the cheap jars you see in States, so if it's a normal sized bottle with the price you pay for a real good wine (say some Chilean wines .. ) why bother? At least I haven't found High Life .. :)

And hot sauces are another way of being kitchen impaired here. Well, can't find red pepper, fine .. but then hot sauce the only I find is red tabasco, the small bottle. We had and still have home normally 20-25 hot sauces in the fridge. Now I have only one giant bottle of Luisiana hot sauce, and I'm afraid it's not going to last long.
Aren't there any chinese or turkish foodshops there? Here in the netherlands the best spices can be found at those alternative places. Little markets and small shops owned by foreigners bring in the best spices at the best prices. Normel supermarkets are too expensive and have only the mainstream stuff (often already washed and sliced 'n diced, won't be long before it's pre-digested too ...).
I haven't seen .. but I'll have a look. There is an "English market" downtown but it's very ... English. I have seen some African shops, maybe I have look in them - though I remember looking for hot sauces in UK. The African shops didn't really have them. I will probably be sent some spices from US .. hehe.

Oh, there is Chevy's Music Bar on Blarney St .. between downtown and Apple. :)
JohnnyV said:
I think you may have a problem arkayn :p

I don't have a problem, just ask EdX about Herve's B&G II, I drink even more beer over there.

Speaking of which, it is time for a beer!!