Herve's Bar & Grill

i think it's about time we hire a new bouncer.... and some of those big burly guard guys that they have at concerts to toss people out when they get out of hand. *clears throat*
hey, Nummi is welcome at herve's as long as he remembers where he is and that the cuss thread is a few doors down if he starts losing self-control. But it is my understanding that Herve is the one who wanted him back so he is allowed in. don't rag on the doorman, he had already been informed. BUT, Nummi is not to be served alcohol. ;)

Welcome back Phil!! Sounds like it really was a busy, fun filled week. So what is the deal that you get a week of vacation in February? this seems a little early for spring break:confused:

yea, tismey. I will call that *#@!! maintainence company on Monday. I hate it when we have to get third party support. You'd think these people would know how to fix their own product. I have no doubt they will blame the water for the whole problem:D
as for why that would happen, well the cold water is coming thru on the cold water nozzle side of the setup. it doesn't get mixed with the hot till after that point. and of course if you are losing cold water, what makes it out at the faucet is bound to be hotter.

ok, my bones feel better today. you can play that unrelaxing music now Tolya.;)
Speaking of which... where is Herve? Is that him with his head underneath the spicket? (spelling) Isnt he going to come a share in the glory-esness that is Herve's bar and grill?
I have a feeling Nummi may have smuggled in some of his own, can someone keep an eye out?

One Manhattan with a cherry, Matrix. Not sure how you're going to make that float on yer chocolate milk though...
** wistles to bouncer **
** yells*
GET THIS MINOR OUT!!!1 (pointing to nummi)

thank you!

ok now where where we ???
aaahh yes....
next track -- Formula 1 by DJ Visage ;)

Bartender -- a screwdriver please!

now wait a minute. i should have said something before but Phil is an American teen as well and should not be getting alcohol. please take a match to that and burn off the lethal content before you serve it to him.

shame on you Phil, trying to get our license taken away:p

I think maybe we better start checking ID's. Anyone ordering alcohol must state their age. anyone getting caught with a fake ID will have to clean the bathroom after klink has visited it.:D

and if Nummi wants to go outside and drink on the street corner alone, that is his business, and not the bar's. Just try not to let him hit his head on anything hard when he falls down.;)

so Nummi, what have you been doing with yourself during your little hiatus?

you know i think i am going to keep that lazyboy in the backroom. I can take little naps while Tolya is blasting dance tunes.:cool:

so again, is anybody else interested in forming a macosx.com fantasy baseball league? we have 2 teams ready so far.
Now wait a minute. Is this going to end up like every airport in the US? I dont want to have to wait an hour do get in the bar. No one is checking my ID, or my duffel bag, or what I have under my trenchcoat.:D I say if we get any minors trying to drink that we chain them to a chair and make them watch "Happy Days" re-runs until they cry. That will teach them.;)

What this I hear about Nummi standing on street corners? A male hooker, how interesting.:D I would have never thunk it.:)
Nummi a male prostitute ? :p
who's his pimp ?? :p lol -- man nummi is ragged on by everyone here :p

Hmmm ok ok maybe this belongs to the "cus thread" but nummi, here's a song just for you :p
"it's raining men" by Geri Halliwel hehehe ;)

Hey guys anyone up for a game of diablo II (LoD) online this weekend ?

Well, as of late, Admin has been Nummi's pimp.:D

Sorry Ed, wouldn't want you to lose that license. I'll just tell him to come in himself some time. Pretty crazy guy, he is. He could crush my skull in one hand. Works out pretty bad that I'm a BoSox fan and he;s a frontrunner with the Yankees.:p Ouch!
Just popped back in to thank tismey for the pancake info.
Once I explained this to my mate at work he started reminiscing of home while we broke for tea. Made him feel good. Thanks man.
Hi guys! :D

Just got back and am in the process of packing. I have found a great little place that I really like the look of, and will probably get if my numbers add up. It's right in the middle of town and lets onto a quiet, locked alley via a hidden gate (complete with trellis and creepers, so you wouldn't even know it was there).

I'll have the chocalate milkshake, thanks. I had a killer party last night and don't want to even look at alcohol for at least two days. I started by drinking an australian white wine, and commenting to my mate that since we've easily got the best wine in the world, why does everyone here want to drink beer? So, I drank the bottle of wine, then a bottle of aussie beer for comparison sake, as well as a midori (for a fair appraisal, all avenues must be explored).

I can't remember what the verdict was. I think I decided that Aussie beer is actually very strong and is best left to people with beer bellies.

:p :D :p
australian beer ??
They have some cheezy commericials here with teh tag line "Fosters: Australian for Beer" :p lol ;)

I just woke up, what has been going on ? Is nummi still outside looking in and givig us the finger ??? lol
Been a few days since I've been here... i'm starving!

I'll take Country Fried Steak with Mashed Potatoes with a side dish of Mac & Cheese.... that is, if it's available here!

Matrix... I love the new avatar!

Ed... no word yet on the T-Shirts from Admin, I don't think he got my PM... as for that punishment... if working with Windows is one of them, I've been punished for almost 10 YEARS! (I got my first PC when I was 5... ran on Windows 3.1 and DOS)

For my beverage of choice, I'll have an Orange & Cream soda... it's hella good..

(BTW... if anyone noticed, I'm asking for food from Cracker Barrel... some of the greatest food i've ever tasted! http://www.crackerbarrel.com/ )
well the shower was much better today, thanks for the help and repairs guys.

i see those "Fosters: Australian for beer" things a lot too.... Odd... I always thought "beer" was australian for beer. oh well.

what are the chances of outfitting Hervé's with a pool table or two?