Herve's Bar & Grill

hrm..... think moving from New York, to a decent living arrangement in Germany, England, New Zealand, or Finland is gonna cost me more than the $600 I have saved up? :confused:
I have been trying to verify that lobster thing for you. I found that:
- Yes, a lobster can be used as a fridge magnet, but only for documents up to twenty pages.
- Lobsters can affect the bearing on a compass, and this has been held as a possible cause for dozens of trawler crashes.
- Lobsters do not work well in particle accelerators. They have a great deal of trouble going around the track and are usually unable to get to sub-light speeds unassisted.
So, I suppose that answers that! :D
I give up. You guys are too quick for me. I will never keep up with what you guys are talking about. Screw it. Im going home.:p

Anyways.... I was wondering who sits down and thinks of these things. 2/02/02? Wow! Does someone get paid to figure that out? I need a job like that. Maybe I can write a book. A million useless facts: Crap the you don't really need to know. I can see it one best sellers list now.:)
hmmmm....well finland is too cold for me :p
Norway is too but I know at least of 5 warm bodies that can keep my warmed up while there :p

I would much rather be in southern france, italy, greece or...maybe even spain :p --- Hawaii doesnt seem bad either with a temp of 80¥ yearly :p hehe

After I get that diploma...just...you....wait ;-)

Allo, it's my first visit to Herve's Bar (is this place still smoking? bleh). Anyway just wanted to toast the kids I coach. They're underage, so I didn't bring them with me tonight. They came in first place this weekend at their competition. Yay! :D
Hey Jadey, come on in and don't be shy. You should have brought the team with you, this is a family establishment. That end of the bar serves the soft drinks tended by ksv. And if you want alcohol, that would be tismey serving right over there.
pist....(leans over and whispers in her ear) no fake coughing, you might upset the native with the grass skirt. You'll know who he is. He's usually lounging in the EZ-Boy. ;)

Now symphonix, my pet lobster Hariett was quite upset to be accused of affecting compasses and finds the inference of causing trawler crashes quite absurd. She exclaims trawlers aren't very good swimmers to begin with and that it's simply a matter of poor water tenacity that causes their eminent demise. I would tend to agree. She never lies. :p

Ulrick I looooooooooove sushi! I can't eat enough of it. And I'm basically like you when it comes to eating everything and anything. I'm not squeamish. Well, I'll stop short of eating goat heads. Something about eyes starring back at you that seems a bit to close to cannibalism for me.
So can you put away the wasabi!
And congrats on landing the gig. I'll look forward in seeing the beta.

Addy, I'm astounded that a Greek does not like sea food. Holy shark steaks. The next thing you're going to tell us is you don't like feta.
And what do you mean wait till....we gonna make you stay right here and celebrate with the finest bottle of ouzo till you actually do have a hangover!
Then we can blow up the kitchen all over again! :D
*Ed raises his glass of Sierra Mist to Jadey's team*

Here's to your winning team Jadey!! so what sport do they play anyway? And you ceratinly can bring them in after they win. Like Klink said, this is a family establishment. It is a bar & grill, not a nightclub. although we do let Admiral spin cd mixes every now and then.;)

In fact we should probably sponser them. every bar and grill needs to sponser a sports team and put their pictures up on the walls. Bring us a picture and we will put it right where you post it:)

Ulrik - actually i was thinking we would all meet at my house for MWSF 2003. We can pitch tents for the overflow. You could fix everybody sushi with freah catch from the harbor then we could all go out for calamari. At MWSF, we could all stop by certain software developers as a group and loudly chant our complaints, assuring their attention.:D

now the really cool thing would be to go buy something on wednesday at that time so you had it preserved on a cash register receipt. then you could prove to everybody that you were there when that strange alignment of time and date occurred. You could even pass it down thru generations of your family. Eventually Bill Gates great, great, great, grandchildren might buy it:eek:

Klink - it is too cold to wear the grass skirt so I am in my new Kaftan that the GF made me. It is nice and long and keeps my legs wamer than the grass skirt. I also feel pretty good today, so i put the lazyboy back in the office again.

symphonix - i guess that explains why you can't get a decent lobster tail out by the Stanford University accellerator. And why there are no Red Lobster restraunts near the university at all.:p

Did you ever figure out what to do about books and timetables?;)
lol my italian professor does not like seafood either and she was born and raised there :p

Well up until I was 15 I did not like feta :p When I came here I started eating it :p -- I still dont like it alone (or any cheese for that matter) -- it's gotta be in a salad or in a sandwich ;-)

Hey Jadey, welcome! Pull up a stood and share some cyan stories lol ;-)

But I think I'm up to date on orders now. Except for Admiral, who is old enough to know better than to holler 'Hey bartender!'. I do have a name, you know....

I tell you, it's not easy moving house and tending a virtual barr where all the punters are in different time zones, especially when the phone company screws you over and leaves you without an internet connection for 4 days!

Welcome Jadey, I can't believe you haven't been before? What can I get you. I'm on white russians myself at the moment, having watched The Big Lebowski again over the weekend...

Ed, any chance you could watch the bar for an hour or so later this week so I can spin a few rekkids? I feel an old-skool hip-hop revival coming on. We could put some lino down and get symphonix headspinning...
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
Ulrik - actually i was thinking we would all meet at my house for MWSF 2003. We can pitch tents for the overflow. You could fix everybody sushi with freah catch from the harbor then we could all go out for calamari. At MWSF, we could all stop by certain software developers as a group and loudly chant our complaints, assuring their attention.:D

Excellent idea, mamal, count me in!
But I need lots of alcohol to keep my fuel cells charged ;)

I'll make Sushi for everyone and I'll smuggle some beer with me, then we can stay up all night, talking about man stuff, and in the morning, I'll make waffles...

*note to myself: stop watching Futurama und Shrek when replying to posts...

seriously, I'll be there, and as I said earlier, you are invited to my place, too!

Well I've lurked here before, but never stepped inside. So it's a sushi bar then eh? I don't like sushi. I've even tried some of the (supposedly) finest when I was in Japan. Serve me up some pretzels or something.. all bars have pretzels! I forgot to post that the team is synchronized swimming, for those who asked.

Now, I have a confession to make. I am addicted to clicking the emoticons. :( I've had to restrain myself for each and every one of my 600 + posts to not do THIS: :P :) :( :rolleyes: :eek: :confused: :D :P

Ohhhhhh! Now that I have that out, I feel so much better! :P
Tell Cyan that she is welcome here too. If ytou;re as good of a coach as you say you are possibly you can get her to swim along with the team.:D :p :) ;) :cool:
Originally posted by Jadey
Well I've lurked here before, but never stepped inside. So it's a sushi bar then eh? I don't like sushi.

It's not exclusively a sushi bar, Jadey. Tis all things to all people. To be honest, I think the sushi thing is a bit of a phase Ed is going through. He'll grow out of it.

There are pretzels on the end of the bar, along with nuts and pork scratchings. Help yourself, they're free. I'll be rustling up some nachos a bit later (refried beans for the vegetarians, chilli for the real people)

Now, I have a confession to make. I am addicted to clicking the emoticons.

I have a friend who wanted to find out how to do more emoticons, so I spent some time trying to find new and exciting ones. Now I can't help but look at all my code sideways to see if there's a cool face I haven't thought of in there....
hey cyan, can yoy tummy handle mexican ??? :p Have a saucer of milk instead ;) its good for u ;) -- catnip as well lol ;-)
Uhm, I've never tried sushi... only smoked salmon and "gravlaks" (graved salmon? :rolleyes: )
Really delicious :)

Welcome, Cyan, anything I can do for you?
You should be happy I didn't bring my dog here :p
Originally posted by tismey

It's not exclusively a sushi bar, Jadey. Tis all things to all people. To be honest, I think the sushi thing is a bit of a phase Ed is going through. He'll grow out of it.

I think you mean me with the Sushi trip. Well, I tried getting clean since three years since this stuff is expensive as hell...until yet to no avail...I'm addicted....
damn.... i'm very broke and very isolated from all forms of "real" food, and you guys are all making me very hungry for very good sea food. grrr..... stupid campus food....:mad: anyone want to fedex me some sushi? :)
It is definitly not me on a sushi trip. I don't even like the stuff. I was just being nice to ulrik and the others who seems to find something desirable about it. Frankly i think it brings out their genetic memories of being a caveman or something like that:D I'm with ksv - give me the lox!!

Jadey - now wasn't stepping inside a cathartic experience. you have bared your soul about your addiction and everybody still likes you:)

(i figure it was nummi standing on the corner outside that drove her in - having to choose which was the safer place shouldn't have been hard at that point:p )

tismey - i'd be glad to watch the bar when you need it. but maybe we should have our first celebrity bartender this weekend. Any volunteers? And as soon as you get a break, please pour yourself a tall one and go sit on the other side of the bar. Anyone who is moving and working deserves to relax. Besides we are not trying to drive you to the point of needing a therapist right now. that would just be another added expense:D

*Ed reaches down and pets cyan who purrs loudly. Ed smiles*