Love that game jadey, but lately i haven't had enough tim to play. I'm a protoss guy. When/Channel do you play?
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I really disklike people who are brainwashed into thinking that macs are bad. I learned it the hard way. I was under the impression that most people were just underexposed to Macs in general. I was wrong. Most people are just so fucking stuck on the idea that their computer has to be windows if they want it to be functional. People know that I've had tons of computing experience, windows, mac , linux, you name it. They trust me to fix their computer. BUT, the minute they see that I own a Mac, I instantly turn into the most fucking stupid person in the world.
I had my laptop in school today to do some chemistry type stuff, I really don;t bring it often, mabey twice a year, and for some reason i felt like I got particularly hammered this time. My anatomy teacher, who I reguard as a rather smart guy, gave me the most weird ass look today when he saw that I used a Mac. Suddenly, all of my past computing reputation was thrown out, at least in his mind. And I quote,"Oh, so you use a mac?" "Why'd you do that?" "Why are they all funky colors like that" "Why dont they just design them correctly?" I thought about telling him about the bulletproof plastic or the very generous battery life, instead I just said nothing of substance. This is coming from the guy who thinks his 1999 Dell Inspiron is the "shiznit". This guy had trouble installing Quicktime. this guy thinks that hes cool because he changed his HD icon.
I go to my next class, I decide to test my chem teacher with my project, which is studying fitt's and hick's laws. First he says,"Oh, its one of those Mac things" I find this statement particularly annoying. He obvioulsy does not know what a Mac is, he doesn't even refer to it as a computer. What he does know is that he's not
supposed to like Macs or anything Apple related. He then goes on to triple click on a bunch of thigs, and then blame the machine, and then then the whole platform in general. Wow, glad you gave Macintosh a chance. Good thing you've got a computer at home which can tolderate your fucking triple clicks.
I had another kid who is rather smart tell me that Apple is more of a monopolist than MS because it controls the hardware in Mac machines.
So where does all of this FUD come from. How can HS level science teachers, and top of the class students swallow this shit so readily. Is MS inserting subliminal "macs suck" messages in every 80th refresh?
I also noticed a not so disturbing trend. Almost every girls just loved Apple computers, sure they didn;t own one, and they might have been "voyeurs" in coursey's book, but they were much more receptive and interested in Apple computer's than any of the males were. ONe girl told me she was getting one for college. Another kept on exclaiming on how cool everything was, and then expressed how much she hoped she could get one for college. I had girls practically fighting to see who could get tested next on the computer. Yes.
So, basically, I've decided that some people wont change until the group as a whole changes. They'll try and compliment you when they want their machine fixed, but the next minute, they'll irrationally try and shoot the mac down.
So, in conclusion, I've decided that a better, but perhaps too agressive motto for apple, should be, instead of "everything is easier on a mac" it should be "everything works correctly on a mac" sure, people will instantly be able to point out the time they got the error message, but it will really make them sit down and think about how many times a day they find something busted in windows, and how much better things might be if all of that went away.
We'll glad the bartenders are here to listen,
Do I win the longest post award?