Herve's Bar & Grill

Happy friday everyone!

The week finally comes to an end, and we find ourself at the beginning of a new weekend! woohoo!

Anyway thats all i have to say. I haven't posted for a while so i figured i would. heh. sorry!
lol, vic thats me :p
Did you expect me to have a red face, horns, a tail and a tridon ??? hehehe (like my avatar ?:p)

The glasses are glasses. I liked and I got em.

What did you expect vic ??? ;)

BTW, most of thos photos are ooooold :p
Maybe I need to post some new ones lol (pre and psot goattee :p)

Ed...Fireworks? They be illegal in Ohio, I should know, we have to be careful when we set off the millions of rockets and whatnots we have. You should ask Jerry about the M-80's his dad HAD. Those were good times. Good bye mister pumpkin, you sir misses watermelon.:D Of course pleasure doesnt come without sacrifices. Where did Jerry's eyelashes go? Why is his face all red. Matches, aresol can, empty pop bottle... I think you get the idea.

It is a good Friday! Lets keep it that way!:D :)

May I introduce myself to this noble bar. My name is Ulrik and I was stuck in work the last days, so the world actually forgot about me, but now I am back!

Dear bartender, get me a nice beer please, and Mr. AK, would you please put some classical music on your turntable?
HAHA a classical music DJ... this is good.

actually there are some really hype clasical gone electronica songs out there... and jazz too..
I'm back from Mexico, and I've had my share of beer over the past week so I'll just take a few Advils and have a cranberry juice chaser.
well I really want to put some dance music...but... heck why not! Classical music for my friend Ulrik :)

How does MOzart sound ?

Ahhhh sheeeeeeeeit. Still workin.

Start chillin the beer for me, folks.

btw, I actually just bought a modern classical album that is actually o.k - it's by an all girl group called "born"
Originally posted by scott
btw, I actually just bought a modern classical album that is actually o.k - it's by an all girl group called "born"

I recently saw a commercial for some female product that had an all female orchestra thingie playing in the background, sounded pretty cool - could it be the same thing? sorry i can't get more specific about the commerical
hey guys! i know this is "our" bat&grill, but check out that big club over there! it's called slashdot and if you go into the "topics room" you will see that there are *9* and i repeat *9* icons that point to Apple topics!!! apple is the only company there that not only snagged more thatn one topic, but *9*!! from wireless to os 9, os x, to iMac, can u believe that, !!! seems like they party to the same song we do - so to speack. i think that, cool..

hey scott, do you want your chair back?
What's with everyone and chairs. You know that they are more comfortable if you turn them upside down.:D

Mozart? How bout some punk rock to give everyone massive headaches? If you dont have a headache from your hangovers, now you will.

Have a good one!
...or not, its your call.;)
Vic - keep the chair. I'm sure you farted in it anyway.

We need a Norm in here. (Ed?). And a Cliff (Herve?). Sam (Admiral?).

On second thought, Herve better be Woody.
i did fart in the chair, it was when i heard that 25 states now are against the MS settlement proposal inteat of the 9 originally, i have a feeling things are starting to take momentum in the "going-down-the-hill-and-falling-harder-than-a-fat-lady-microsoft-will-bite-the-dust" section of the industry....


ya know everybody ordered drinks in here but this is bar and grill, i would like a "well-done-pumped-full-of-antibiotics-chicken-so-it-wont-die-in-it's-cage-chicken"

got any of that? i know KFC does!
This whole M$ thing is out of hand. I actually felt bad for them when the first incling of anti-trust came out, because as mac, winblow or *nix users - have you EVER been REQUIRED to use a M$ product? No. We get along just fine without them and only use them by choice (IE, Office, etc.). Then, in true M$ form, they propose a settlement that reveals them as absolutely completely ruthless and serpentine.

Anyway....one of my favourite rumours on the topic:

I just had the scariest nightmare...

I walked into class to find there was a suprise test. The title was "Informatics" and below that was written "Test exam set by Herve Heinekken, on chapters 4 and ZR2 of the text editor program."

I opened it up, and it was all Herve-ianism. "If it was blue, what would the square root be?" and "How many tuesdays are there in iMac?"

I can't recall what happened next, but I woke up in a cold sweat. I think I should take a sabatical from the forum...