Well I signed up for a new ISP -- there's a 30 day guarantee, so if I decide that it bites I get a full refund.
I was connected immediately -- but that happened once or twice with my old ISP, so I am not holding my breath. I got disconnected, but that was because I was using Internet Connect to dial up, and I changed the ISP name in the System Prefs.

Change name = disconnect? What kind of logic is that?? But I think it's an issue with Internet Connect, not the ISP. So hopefully things will go better. The new ISP is cheaper, even! Woo hoo!
So anyway -- now that I can focus on the rest of the world...
Personally I'd wait to put fish in until there is no shock factor.

They may be perfectly safe, but I'm one of those "better (totally) safe than sorry" kind of person.
Googol, there is definitely a difference between putting your tongue in a socket and your finger -- but I think I am still going to go with the "only electrical plugs in the socket" philosophy. And now the moment you've all been waiting for -- my shocking story.

I used to work at a state park, and we had electrical hookups for the RVs. One of them had a missing cover, and this guy who must have been at least 75 walked right over, put his hand on top of the wires, and plugged his RV right in. The Ranger, seeing this, figured that the connection must have been bad -- so in infinite wisdom he decided to test the current by touching the same wires. Zap! He got a nasty shock (never mentioned numb anything, but you never know). He asked the old guy about being shocked, and the guy said "Yeah, I kinda felt the tingling. But it's just 110 volts, nothing much."