Herve's Bar & Grill

Ed, how many volts and amps was the power you got shocked with? Was it just the equivalent of a regular wall socket? Because I'm sure if it was only that you will be fine in time. I got shocked by a socket once and I'm still around :). If it was more, I don't have the experience to tell you...
googolplex - that's ok. i still appreciate it !! The cord was hooked up via extension cord to the outside power socket so it was just a regular voltage. I don't know the amps of the device but i know it was rated at 220 watts. Remember i never actually touched the device or got a direct shock. I stuck my hand into the water, where the current was transmitted generally. My first thoughts afterwards were about people who die after dropping an electrical appliance into the bathtub.

the funny thing is that i have always had a slight phobia about electricity and getting shcoked. i have only recently started to get over it. maybe it was working to my advantage all along.:p

at least it wasn't as bad as ulrik's, which is the kind of thing i always feared the most.

oh, and googolplex - you really shouldn't go around sticking your tongue in those sockets:D ;) :rolleyes: (sorry, i couldn't resist)
it has been a heck of a 24 hour time period!
Tismey! A cold shot of vodka please! ;)

SO how is everyone ?
Ed you should take care of yourself ;)
Getting shocked is bad :eek:
I hope you feel better soon :D
ed, shhh i never did that! :)

Actually, I was in grade 6 I think in the gym at the school I was at, and I was standing up against the wall. Then I just ran my hands down the wall and there was a hole in the wall and my fingers found their way into it. Turned out an electrical socket was suppose to be there. ZAP!

Anyways Ed, you should fix it so that the electricity doesn't get transmitted through the water anymore. You don't want anyone else to get shocked!
maybe this is agood time to put the fish in! :eek: actually i doubt anything would happen tot hem because they are not touching the ground like you were, - ever wonder why birds don't get shocked yet they stand oto electric post's wires all the time?
Well I signed up for a new ISP -- there's a 30 day guarantee, so if I decide that it bites I get a full refund. :)

I was connected immediately -- but that happened once or twice with my old ISP, so I am not holding my breath. I got disconnected, but that was because I was using Internet Connect to dial up, and I changed the ISP name in the System Prefs. :confused: Change name = disconnect? What kind of logic is that?? But I think it's an issue with Internet Connect, not the ISP. So hopefully things will go better. The new ISP is cheaper, even! Woo hoo!

So anyway -- now that I can focus on the rest of the world...

Personally I'd wait to put fish in until there is no shock factor. :) They may be perfectly safe, but I'm one of those "better (totally) safe than sorry" kind of person.

Googol, there is definitely a difference between putting your tongue in a socket and your finger -- but I think I am still going to go with the "only electrical plugs in the socket" philosophy. And now the moment you've all been waiting for -- my shocking story. :D I used to work at a state park, and we had electrical hookups for the RVs. One of them had a missing cover, and this guy who must have been at least 75 walked right over, put his hand on top of the wires, and plugged his RV right in. The Ranger, seeing this, figured that the connection must have been bad -- so in infinite wisdom he decided to test the current by touching the same wires. Zap! He got a nasty shock (never mentioned numb anything, but you never know). He asked the old guy about being shocked, and the guy said "Yeah, I kinda felt the tingling. But it's just 110 volts, nothing much." :eek:
ok, so i', like 8 years old, and i decide to see what happens if you stick metal scisors in the socket... wait, did i meantion this is in europe and the voltage is 220?, so i plug the scisors... and nothing happens! - exept i blew every fuse in the ouse :)

wait! there's more!

i go to austria - im like 10 or 11, they have a farm, and cattle, to keep the cattle in a certain area, they use one wire with pulsating electricity running through it - more effective than a big fence i can ashure you! - about the ashurin part - me and a friend used to challenge each other on how long can we hold onto the wire. i can tell you, if your subconscious did not jerk your hand away after the second pulse, you must'v been dead.

So that was it for the challenge; after the first try we did not touch the wires again.

then - (you thought this was over right?)

This is more of a strange phenomenon, and i am still wondering why this is so: i walked under the wires, (i had to go from one place to the other, and the wire was in my way) and i, not having a shirt on, touch the wire with my spine! I do not feel the shock in my spine, nor my body! i only felt a fuzzy warming up of both of my lower legs! - weird huh? i wish someone can explain that, cuz i don't know why that happened.

there are other shocking vic stories, but for now this is enough, i guess you all know by now why i am so f***ed up ;)
Ed thanks for the bamboo advice (btw - there are 3).

Vic... if you could stand on one power line of a power pole and not touch the others or the ground you would be fine just like the birds.

Since we are sharing electrical horror stories here's mine.

I used to be a service writer at an automotive shop, so one day I was writing a ticket and thought that I would help this lady out and try to save her some money and fix her car myself. Well it was just running rough so i thought to check the plug wires on the distributorless ignition. I found out real quick that you should check those kind with the car not running. I watched a blue spark travel from my thumb to my finger in a matter of a couple of seconds. I left a real nice bruise and blister.

My shocking story:

I was like 10 or 11 at the time, and like vic we were on a farm; we went into this barn that had all this random stuff thrown into it, and I ducked my head under a bunch of cables hanging down, and somehow I brushed one with the back of my head.... woah. It didn't hurt or anything, but I saw this sort of purplish flash sort of behind my eyes, only for less than a second but really scary nonetheless... and now I'm really afraid of being electrocuted :P
if you want an easy and safe way to get shocked, just for the kicks of it, take on eeof those dispensable kodak onetime use cameras, amd take off the plastic/paper covering and while the batery is there, clik the flash charge button, tere is a green usually battery lokalike that i believe is called a capacitator, it will hold in it electricity from the battery, when you releases the flash button, while you hold with two of your fingers one end, and the other end, of the capacitator, you will get MAJOR shiock, but it's cool and you will never want to et shocked ever again...
If any of you guys want to have a non-serious fun-type shock, just take the cover off of one of those disposable camers that say "do not take cover off."

when I was in HS, in my computer graphics class, I used to ground the static on my monitor by passing it on my neighbor :p that was funny :p (of course he got me back :p)
A couple of weeks ago my TiBook shocked me. It was quite weird. I just touched the frame and felt a small zap. I'm wondering if that's possible now, or if it was just my imagination. Wouldn't that have friend the electronics, since the frame is connected to the heatsink?
I got a very minor shock two different times when touching the back right side of my LCD iMac's screen, near the clear "halo"... it was very strange.
thanks go to all of you MacOSX.com community members!

since i have gotten my raise, my dad has said I can go ahead with my purchase...

which now is just $2,148!
$70 a month for 3 months or $100 for 2 years

plus he bought a digital video camera so i don't have to!

thanks everyone for helping me reduce my costs over $8000!

for a sorta weird feeling shock....
and i've done this tons of times...

take the cover off of your light switch and touch the side near the cord... it's fun! :D

it really doesn't hurt that much, but it does give you one hell of a shock... if you go near a tv, the colors change on the tube!
iMac G4 @ 800 MHz
Apple Pro Speakers
Accessory Kit
Keyboard/Mac OS X - U.S. English
60GB Ultra ATA drive
AirPort Card
56K internal modem

1 Item.... that's it... oh well, it's a great investment!

does it come with 10.1.2 or do you have to download/buy it?