Herve's Bar & Grill

Post count doesnt matter :p
Besides I am busy as hell ;) --- I will be posting more this summer when I have more free time. Today I spent the day working OT, and studying and still not done :(

Data structures in C....ugh...
Data structs I dont mind. I know about Trees, and heaps, and stacks, heck I can talk about implementations all day long :p -- I just hate C! My most recent HW is 2/3 playing with a program and explaning it and 1/3 programming an algorythm for it, so I think I can do better with it grade wise ;) tomorrow I will be thnking about hwo to implement whatever I need to do.

UI design is taught in Delphi from what I hear from my fellow CS students that have taken it. They seem to like it so I will be taking it I think. One of the book is called "GUI bloopers" ... I wonder if windows OS is the biggest blooper of the bunch hehehe :D

Man I feel tired... I dont wanna go to bed yet :p -- Havent seen MadTV yet ;)
I now know where the name "Chimera" originated from. There was once a movie I saw where there was a disease called Chimera which would wipe out humanity and can only be stopped by this one medicine, etc., etc. Very cool movie. Very cool name. :D
Yes that movie was called MIssion Impossible II :p
And Chimera was a mythical creature that was killed by belerafon (sp?) which was the name of teh anti-toxin in MI:2
Bellapheron, if I'm not mistaken.

However, the Chimera is actually a mythological creature (Greek in origin, if I remember correctly) with the body of... an eagle and the head of a lion? Was that it? I can't remember...
Duh! :p

And Bellapheron is correct. :D Too bad they canged the name to... to... to... the dreaded name: Navigator. It gives me the creeps. :eek:
Originally posted by bighairydog
Have you noticed that by clicking on the post count for this thread in the B&G forum, your get an eye-opening ranking of who's posted most in this thread? ...
I'm surprised Jadey is not higher...

Actually I'm just posting this so that I'll be higher than her. :p
Originally posted by TommyWillB
I'm surprised Jadey is not higher...

Actually I'm just posting this so that I'll be higher than her. :p

"J" alpahbatizes before "T"... So I need just one more...

I just know this is going to get me in trouble.
lol :p
Very cool Tom. A new form of subtlety on the verge of being subliminal......grey text on a grey background.
But you can still see it when you select it or quote it...

This is obviously not a good form of hiding text. I recommend PGP:


googolplex - are you just trying to raise my blood pressure? posting links to chimera in Herve's!! :rolleyes: I mean, it was cool that Kent posted his link and shared his docks pref update with the bar crowd, but really let's try to keep our technical stuff out of this thread except for just casual talk about life having to to with tech stuff.

that sounds confusing, but you know what i mean:p

eagle head and lion body is a griffin i believe. I was just watching "Merlin" with my son on thursday night and that is what the griffins Merlin and Arthur were attacked by looked like;)

btw - i noticed in a magazine that AOL is the number one griped about company in the world on web sites for griping. :D (of any kind of company)
Hey, Chimera actually looks good... Let's download it and see if it's just as slow as Mozilla :p
Ed, I succeded in raising your blood pressure didn't I. I didn't mean for it to a disscussion in here just kind of a 'heads up' its here thing. :D
aol pisses me off. its expensive crapy service...... i have alot of f*cking stupid pc friends who pay the 30 bucks a month for aol and another 40 for cable .....wft?!?!?! i hate stupid ppl....
AOL isn't that bad. But let's not let this ruin the mood in Herve's. Don't want any bar-fights in here ... :eek:

Ohh! I started the 100th page in Herve's! That's cause for a celebration, drinks all around on me!
We are currently on the 132 page I think. You must have your posts-per-page setting set differently. Or maybe I just do ;) I just read in that post count thing that tommy pointed out that I have the fourth most posts in this thread. I'm really suprised!