Herve's Bar & Grill


well, i did just get a new circular saw today for making the archway. i also have a weed whacker and a hedge hog (trimmer). i personally enjoy the hose nozzle with about 7 different settings:p The lawn mower is my least favorite power tool as it is very old and falling apart (no catch bag, runs rough, etc. ) everynow and then i even get to use the drill:rolleyes:

but mostly i just use hand tools, they are more my speed;)
a strepp throat should go away after 5 or so days. If it has not then it has gone acute and you should see your doctor.

The stepptocus bacteria have a life cycle of around 5 days.

Originally posted by roger
a strepp throat should go away after 5 or so days. If it has not then it has gone acute and you should see your doctor.

The stepptocus bacteria have a life cycle of around 5 days.


wow. i wasn't even expecting an answer! thanks a lot Roger, one thing less to worry about

greg - if you do have an ear infection, you should get to a doctor right away and get some antibiotics. ear infections can mess with your hearing apparatus if not taken care of. having your ear drained is not something you want to go thru - better to be safe than sorry.

it continues to rain here which will delay my archway project. on the other hand it will make planting the new plants easy. i haven't gone out to count goldfish yet:D
Over here the weather has become beautiful. I thought it wouls rain today so I wore boots and a light sweated but it turned out to be sunny and partly warm. I think tomorrow will the first official day I wear a T-shirt :D

-- unfortunatelly I have not been absent from here due to good weather (I wish) but due to a lot of work... this week was catastrophic :p ine machine failure after another lol--damn peecees ;) )

here in canada, toronto it's beautiful weather also! sunny, clear day, no or little wind, i love it!
It's sunny and cooler today, currently about 84 deg F (29 deg C). Humidity at 12%, with wind speeds of 5 mph (8 kph).

So if Ed were here he'd have to be working instead of posting... :D
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
but can you do it with Herve's new rock guitarist avator. that would be so much cooler - really fits the bar theme.:cool:

he has switched back to the old one... i was really looking forward to using the new one!

and vic... it was Photoshop 6 for Windows.... I soooooooooo want to have Photoshop 7 but I must wait a few months

edit: forgot to thank TommyWillB for the great laughs... we have some new G4 Quicksilvers in the office, but i'm not sure if I would be able to use them (since M$ doesn't make any FrontPage versions for the Mac)
Originally posted by unlearnthetruth
anyone know if strepp throat or perhaps an ear infection will go away on its own? :mad:

I have something wrong with my ear too. When I turn my head to the left I hear some really irritating humming noise in my right ear. I went to a doctor and a specialist but they couldn't figure out what it was...:(
Think I have to go to an other doctor if it gets worse...
When I turn my head to the left I hear some really irritating humming noise in my right ear.
That's simple -- just don't turn your head to the left! :D

I know, you probably saw that one coming...
Forgetting how useless the campus health centre is, I walked over there today. After waiting for at least two hours, they said they didn't know what the problems is, and gave me a little container full of salt. I think I'M more qualified than these people. Is it really so hard to take a throat culture and then prescribe some antibiotics? I could easily have written myself out an Rx for Zithromax - I get strepp every month or so, I'm used to the routine now. In any event, if it doesn't go away by the end of the week I'm going to go back. You could walk in with a severed arm and they'd give you salt...
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12

he has switched back to the old one... i was really looking forward to using the new one!

and vic... it was Photoshop 6 for Windows.... I soooooooooo want to have Photoshop 7 but I must wait a few months

edit: forgot to thank TommyWillB for the great laughs... we have some new G4 Quicksilvers in the office, but i'm not sure if I would be able to use them (since M$ doesn't make any FrontPage versions for the Mac)

AND THANKS GOD! how can you be a profesional web designer and use frontpage?
Originally posted by unlearnthetruth
Forgetting how useless the campus health centre is, I walked over there today. After waiting for at least two hours, they said they didn't know what the problems is, and gave me a little container full of salt. I think I'M more qualified than these people. Is it really so hard to take a throat culture and then prescribe some antibiotics? I could easily have written myself out an Rx for Zithromax - I get strepp every month or so, I'm used to the routine now. In any event, if it doesn't go away by the end of the week I'm going to go back. You could walk in with a severed arm and they'd give you salt...

you know at least you'd think thei'd give a larger salt container if your arm is severed, but noooo...