Jaguar Observations...

Originally posted by Holmes
That answer your question?

I guess. I think.

Originally posted by Holmes
What I mean is, were you able to do this in 10.1?:

No. You could not. Uh.. CAN not. It's new, but I'm not satisfied with it.

What I wanted was more file info under the name as well. Like the file size or modification date. Yeah, I know, it's like Windows does. But who cares? I want more info!
Originally posted by Jasoco
...file info under the name as well. Like the file size or modification date. Yeah, I know, it's like Windows does. But who cares? I want more info!

Well you're in luck! Under view right under the label position option is a little check which says "show item info". It's not fully implimented yet though. Checking it as of now will only add an extra line below the label (assuming you've got the label below the icon) for what will be some text once the final 10.2 comes out.

Hope this makes you happy!
Can anyone tell me if this is new in Jaguar? Again, seems new to me, but not sure because I can't start up in 10.1.


  • trackpad.gif
    33.1 KB · Views: 132
Can anyone tell me if this is new in Jaguar? Again, seems new to me, but not sure because I can't start up in 10.1.
yes, it seems to be new, unless this is only installed if you have a track ball, since I dont (I see no reason for them)
where exactly did you guys get jaguar? i thought it wasnt out yet. It better not be one of those stupid marketing tricks in where I cant just upgrade and instead have to buy osx all over again.
Originally posted by xaqintosh
yes, it seems to be new, unless this is only installed if you have a track ball, since I dont (I see no reason for them)

Its for Trackpads, not trackballs. It applies to anyone who has a laptop. It makes it so you can click the pad instead of the little button below it.
Originally posted by Mac Osxtopus
where exactly did you guys get jaguar? i thought it wasnt out yet. It better not be one of those stupid marketing tricks in where I cant just upgrade and instead have to buy osx all over again.

Its by all means not just a marketing trick. Jaguar is faster and adds new features. Since it does add new features that were never availible before, however, Apple will be able to justify making it a pay upgrade. We'll have to see.

Many users have downloaded Jaguar illegally from places like Carracho. The only legal way to have aquired Jaguar is to have attended WWDC where it was passed out. Jaguar (with all the features implimented and most bugs fixed) will probably come out in September.
Originally posted by Mac Osxtopus
where exactly did you guys get jaguar? i thought it wasnt out yet. It better not be one of those stupid marketing tricks in where I cant just upgrade and instead have to buy osx all over again.

Its by all means not just a marketing trick. Jaguar is faster and adds new features. Since it does add new features that were never availible before, however, Apple will be able to justify making it a pay upgrade. We'll have to see.

Many users have downloaded Jaguar illegally from places like Carracho. The only legal way to have aquired Jaguar is to have attended WWDC where it was passed out. Jaguar (with all the features implimented and most bugs fixed) will probably come out in September.

Grrrr...Why does this thing keep double posting?!?
Originally posted by Holmes
Can anyone tell me if this is new in Jaguar? Again, seems new to me, but not sure because I can't start up in 10.1.

No, that's not new. I was at the store and saw an iBook and stumbled onto that option in 10.1. It's already there if you have a 'Book. Or it should, at least.
I had the trackpad option since my last iBook running 10.1.x, so I don't think it's a Jaguar specific thing.
This trackpad feature can be trackpad, erhm, tracked back to Mac OS 8.x. And I *never* turn it on. ;)
I've been wondering if anyone has impressions of 10.2 on one of the iBook dual USB systems? I got one of these toward the end of last year, and am really feeling like my machine's been 'orphaned' for lack of a better term, by things like Quartz Extreme. I'm all for taking advantage of the latest and greatest, but I'd really like to feel like I didn't waste my money on this machine. It's not even paid off yet.

I wish I knew where to apply to be a 'seeder'. I was on the Windows 98 external beta team and have some experience on everything from Novell 3.12 to VM/CMS. So far, OS X is the best platform I've used, but it's really starting to lose it's luster on this poor iBook. If not for Office v.X I probably would have stuck with 9.
Originally posted by solrac
They are running an illegal beta copy of 10.2 which has been leaked to the underground warez (pronounced "wahhhh-rehhhzz") channels like hotline and carracho.

"Wahhhh-rehhhzz?" Are you sure? Warez is short for softWAREZ, which some num-nut decided to coin, obviously. I tend to think it's pronounced "warez," one syllable, rhyming with "hairs." Makes a lot more sense to me than rhyming it with Juarez -- a Hispanic name.

Anyone have a definitive answer on this one?