Jan 24th predictions / 20th Anniversary.

That date was also when they announced the original Macintosh.

However, something big? Doubtful.

but I'm leaving just enough room to be pleasantly surprised.
Satcomer said:
I believe you have all missed something. Go back to the New 1984 ad and look at the date on the Big Brother screen (freeze the movie just before the hammer hits it) and look at the date. I believe that's the announcement date.

wow, this is really cool.

for all you lazy people out there:



did anyone mention the PowerPC 970FX chip? Read this should be their G5 2nd revision in powermacs and xservers (possibly already implemented). Sorry if I repeated this.
Comparing with 1994, I also expect a new device that will be just 10 years in advance over its time. But for sure not low cost.

Will it look like a computer ? no idea ?
An Apple Multimedia Center (with a much nicer name): HDTV, flatscreen, Superdrive, TV-Ethernet-Audio connections, bluetooth keyboard, mouse and remote control ?
Steve Jobs will be announcing a FREE new G5 loaded, and a 20" monitor for everyone that has their name showing in ORANGE on macosx.com :)
I'd love to see an Aluminum cube. Forget about a G5 iMac for now. Why put a G5 in your high end consumer line when your pro laptops are still on the G4?

Give me a cool G5 cube with the 90nm chip, make them limited for now to make sure your not shooting yourself in the foot and to cause a frenzy, and hit a $1499.99 price point, or low enough to make it worth giving up the full sized tower.

Obviously we have a lot of 1.8GHz chips to offer a dual. A single 1.8Ghz for $1499.99 might be nice. Considering the intro tower is what, $1799.00 and should hit 2.0GHz at the same time, that would be reasonable I think and hit a price point where people would get into the platform from all they've heard and the coolness factor.
I would like a 1.6 ghz 12" powerbook! But I don't have the money to buy one even if apple did release one.
But it would rock, G5 laptops would be awesome! I hope they come out buy the summer after next.
Satcomer said:
I believe you have all missed something. Go back to the New 1984 ad and look at the date on the Big Brother screen (freeze the movie just before the hammer hits it) and look at the date. I believe that's the announcement date.

To me it looks like the date is 1-26-04. The 26th is on a Monday, which could be significant if this is a clue about a product announcement. Monday would be a more likely day for a release than Saturday. But maybe my eyesight is playing games with me.
Why else would they include 1.26.04 unless they were going to do something on it? They'd just do 1.24.04 despite it being a weekend. Don't need a business day if you don't plan on doing business.
The date on the screen is 1-26-84... Superbowl Sunday, the day the Mac was announced.

But for the conspiracy theororists... ::evil::

There will be no lowered pricing on iPods.
There will be no "Anniversary iMac"
There will be no tablet.
There will be no PDA.

There will be $#%&#$%&%&$##$&%@ because I saw a stack 3 feet high of them in the back room of the Apple store here in Phoenix on Tuesday night! :p
Yep. It had to be 22nd and not 26th, otherwise "... and you will see why 1984 will not be like 1984" makes no sense.
Apple wouldn't make any big moves on a saturday. Wait until tomorrow and there will be at least a few apple + pepsi ad's plugging the free songs giveaway, and then maybe they will have a real monumental commercial under wraps to throw out!
Monday is the soonest they will release their completely groundbreaking new awesome stuff.