Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

The thrad on "what herve is" comes to mind...
If he is a bot.. he has developed technology to become humanoid..in which case he seems very... super intelligent .. like bots are...

On the other hand I remember the theory that he is the admin's alter ego... so I propose to you now that we know how the admin looks :p


PS: more people should post their mugs :p
Alternate plot: He looks a lot like agent mulder to me. Mabey his mind has been twisted by the x-files. He's so smart, and can think so absractly that no one can understand him.
Well that explains it :p
I think Herve is durch too he he.

(and I am sure glad I do not see my X .(girlfriend)... she's on my black list:D )

haha Admiral...is your keyboard screwed up? or are there people form "durchland"?.
It sure would be nice if they would add a spell checker here wont it? lol
dude..it is Saturday you oughta be outside "playing" or doing something about getting a new g/f or whatever..you spent waaaaaay to much time on your computer ahaha I am sure the letters on your keyboard are all faded right?..:)
Here is one of me, taken during a kayaking trip in Prince Willams Sound two years back... Wow, time really flies!


  • me_small.jpg
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* Time sure does fly :P
* I am at work at the moment... between coding, internet-hopping and this board... its amazing my keyboard is still alive and functioning he he.
* Herve is probably dutch ;)
* New strategy on the g/f mission...let them come to u :p

As for durchland... I guess there could conceivably be such a country. Dutch means "through" in german.. so Durchland would be a "through land" between 2 countries lol

Originally posted by Iuis
It sure would be nice if they would add a spell checker here wont it?

Don't we? Oh yeah, I'm using OmniWeb, that why it spell checks as I type. Gotta love those service for Cocoa apps. :D
RacerX...haha dude maybe your 'spell checker is also screwed up..didn't it tell you that it should be "that is why" instead of "that why? ahah:)
What the heck is omniweb anyway? :)
*pssst*...*pssst* Admiral..I have 4 Xes...all of them as bad...never get married dude!!!
See what marriage does? I don't even know what Omniweb is...lol:)
Hey RacerX..man oh man, I am glad I don't know what omniweb is..did it not show you an error when you typed "grammer"? lol
My dictionary reads "grammar" :)
You guys are funny I love you all:)
At the time I was on my system (I work checking the connectionS on a PowerBook 3400 who's hard drive I just replaced), and Netscape doesn't have a spell checker. That is to bad about you not being able stay married (to anyone), I can't imagine why they left you.;)

As for whether or not the spell check on MY system can tell the difference between grammer and grammar, yes. But I can't see it helping you out all that much because it would think both "viavoice" and "viavooice" are wrong.:D
lol :p
I have had 2 X (girlfiends)...
LEt me tell ya.. I am one picky bast*rd :p ...
I doubt there will be a woman that satifsfies all criteria :D
(or girlfriend for that matter :P)

oh well... omniweb is a browser..nice one too :-)

PS: I refuse to let my Xes mess my head up :P
hey..of course I know what omniweb is.. I was kidding dude..lol
But since i have nothing against microsoft I do use IE and love it :)
I don't have anything against Microsoft (they have been one of Mac OS X's better developers), I just like OmniWeb (been using it for years). Actually I think all the Carbon apps are going to be much better once services are enabled for them. I know Apple is working on it, otherwise it would be a waste of space to have the "services" submenu.

Actually spell checking should be something that Microsoft should have for IE for those people who have Office (just like Outlook Express does).

Back to the topic: let see some more pictures! :D