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Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~

LOL! ... Dude, as much as u want 2, Errr... Criticise elements of my setup, i feel it is a LONG way from Luna ... and i am satisfied, until i get better methods and Software, to make it more OS X Like ...

As for the Mac thing! ... dude, i HAD a G3 500MHz iBook, which i SOLD ...i'm now Saving for a SuperDrive iMac .. So :p LOL!


Cool, NeYo. I din't know you were saving up for a new iMac. I hope you get it soon! :D
Originally posted by xoot

Cool, NeYo. I din't know you were saving up for a new iMac. I hope you get it soon! :D

hmm... Well, the summer @ the earliest! ..i am TRYING 2 Work a way, 2 Get Back that iBook, So i have a Mac, Previous 2 my iMac... but i dunno! i guess i have 2 Wait! < sigh >

Timan you aint showen no luv. Its just str8 disrespect. I read what they have to say and they have a point and on your site the impression it imprints upon the reader is disrespect. If you would have come at it in a different you would have never received all the hate. But since your not willing to take the time and do it right, show luv back then deal with all the retaliation thats headed your way. This will never end and now that your pushing the issue further you know these people are going to spread the word and make your site and your life a living HELL (well as much as you possibly can by the means of e-mail :D ). Don't you know who we are, does not our reputation precede us!. If I were you I'd add to the statement that tells the Mac users that you have all the respect in the world for OSX and best of all that you your self are a Mac users. I know you may have said this all before but your some common sense and let that be the first thing users see when they go to your site. I personally think its mad funny and cool as fuck that your destroying XP platform by dressing it up as much as you possibly can with OSX .Writting over someone else's frame, and who better then his rival Apple. Tag the shit out of Wintel
boxes desecrate defecate all over Bill Gate's pride and joy your actually helping more than you know. Thanks Timan and I have a feeling many Mac users understand this too.
let me ask you this. why do you care what windows users do to their machine. i mean if they want to have it like osx there is nothing in the world that can stop them. i just hate the fact that people with the real deal hate it. See i used to be on the team of about a year ago where they were the first site to fully make ur windows into osx *looks of course. anyway i used to have my machine look like osx then i gave up and bought a mac *SEE APPLE IS MAKING MONEY! Then once i got osx i was like hell i hate all the windows users making their system look like something it could never be, to tell the truth there isn't anything current that looks that good as aqua on the mac. but then over a month i gave up with the whole anti windows, i still use my windows machine now but i'll be damned if i'll try and make it look like a mac. so i do see where yall say buy a mac. i got a mac i luv it more that windows but the mac isn't that great on speed with my system specs so thats why i have this site for others who are so craved over this aqua stuff, and do not have a mac for their reasons of course. just why do yall have to confront me saying aww this site sux aw windows users suck yak yak yak. its not about windows vs. a mac os. if anything its about luna vs. aqua ur pick! for me to make everyone happy would yall want me to take my site down. i mean do you truely care. its really not yalls buiness since u are on macs and not on pcs but if you truely want my site down i will take it into consideration. now don't say its best for me cause i don't care.
I must say, if I were stuck on an XP machine, I'd get it as close to OS X as possible. This thread really needs to be closed...

Tinman: Thanks for acting a little more mature, and not using huge contractions that make your posts hard to decipher :)
ok sorry about the other stuff i just kinda took it personal my inbox has been flooded about 50 times today and was threaten to be hacked! now that doesn't make me happy but thats like.

small not Timan not tinman ;) i don't like the wizardofoz ;)
wow, now everyone is playing nice...

I should say threads are closed more often.

Look, I don't like closing a thread for real, locking out everyone... just play nice, k?

Thank you for pulling yourselves together!

Why all the hate between mac & windows. Its tradition theres nothing like a little hate between family:D . Keeps llfe intresting. Thats the only reason I can think of the rest is just bullsh*t.
would you all be happy if i turned macxp into a Mac Vs. Windows site *REALLY! yall seem to be good at fighting for macs it would make it perfect
Timan, there is probably enough arguements over macs vs. pcs out there... unfortunately.

Oh and sorry about misspelling your name before I just looked at ksuthres post and thats how he spelled it :).

Isn't this a much better disscussion now that everyone is nice :D
hehe! ...Well Sed TIN-MAN! :D ;)

Peace, I'm Out! ;)
...I'm with Twyg! .. this is an intriguing Thread, and why not Keep it up like this... i think its Cool anyhow?! :D

and the trouble still starts. least i have no problem removing them.

Dear Sirs,

I know you guys are just trying to pay homage to OmniWeb and how pretty
it is, and while we're flattered, we also spent a lot of time and money
developing our icons -- they're part of what makes our browser unique
and attractive to customers.

If you just give those icons to Windows users, there's less incentive
for them to switch to Macs and OmniWeb, so we lose money.

Thus, we're forced to ask you to take our icons off of your site. Sorry
about that.

Yours Most Sincerely,
-Wil Shipley
President, The Omni Group

any other request on removing anything let me know they will be removed.
Put it back up don't give in their full of sh*t all they can do is ask but if you don't do anything about it then they can do nothing. Apple asked only for you to take down their logo and if they aren't willing to do something then OmniWeb won't either. They dont have a case.

They have to prove that Mac sales losses are because of your icons. No one buys a Mac because of icons and least of all OmniWeb..hahaha. I know you think its better to avoid a lawsuit by taking down your icons but they dont have a leg to stand on.But if you just want to avoid all the crap then just touch up the icons. They don't own cocoa so the browser and color and shape you can keep just change the icons a bit all you have to do is redraw them slightly it doesn't take much for their argument to disappear. And you still get to keep the feel and look of Aqua.

I really don't see the big dea, Apple is more than Aqua and icons. Let them have it.

I'm starting to really hate the way mac people behave and how much suppression there is. Now I understand what others have been talking about. Wheres is the line, I can't see it anymore.

I should also say that its more than just this incident thats starting to sour me against Apple but I wont talk about it thats all I've done is talk about it.
well said but i think i'll turn macxp into something else not sure wat but it will be for both mac and xp users
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