I have been lurking in this thread for a little while now, and thought I'd finally give my 2 pennies worth.
(Wasn't this thread officially closed by an admin? Just kidding.)
Many Mac users have made it abundantly clear to these sites that they are thieves, losers, rippers, themers, lamers, imitators...Well, you get the drift. Nothing but cut down after cut down. It was quite sad, really, because as a Mac owner, I know that we usually have a higher caliber of personality among our ranks. To see such a display of disrespect made me avoid commenting for fear I would be labled one of those 'attackers'. We are better than that, folks.
Personally, I own 4 Macs, a MacII Plus, 2 68k machines, and A 7200. I ALSO own 3 PC's and when I am using them, I find Microsoft's UI clumsy and oafish, so, as a way of combatting the 'less than adequette' UI, I have had to seek out alternatives that give me the interface I am used to. I have found many of these easy to use apps on these sites, and I can happily say that I am a convert. No, I don't mean a convert to Windows, but a person who is accepting to this form of flattery. It makes my life so much easier having the tools I am used to. (I even found Gimp for x86 recently and I am exstatic.)
Threatening a site or a person who provides, distributes, or writes these apps is absolutely ridiculous. Most all of you who complained are losing nothing by their existance. All your losing is your own personal time, by devoting so much of it to flaming and threatening these sites.
These apps are flattery, and you not seing that is sad. Many of you broken records keep touting the "Infringement" aspect, but as I hinted to before, it doesn't infringe on you personally, so how can you be so offended that you would write to Arent Fox? Isn't that a little extreme? They are providing apps for us to use when we get stuck on x86 machines at work or home, and they are charging NOTHING for it. If your so inclined to attack on the merits of infringement, then why not attack
http://babya.freehomepage.com/ for their blatant rip-off that they are both charging for, AND calling all the apps by the Mac OS names. He calls it an OS, but it is a lame VB script. Or how about
http://www.stardock.com/ who provides the Mac OS 8 and OS X appearance in their skins, and they charge for them too! Regardless, these Babya morons and Stardock thieves deserve your wrath more since they are asking for money, and MacXP, AquaSoft, and more like them NEVER have, and NEVER will.
I admit, the apps have a similar appearance to Apple's design, but isn't that the point? So we may work easier in the Win32 environment. Stop foaming at the mouths, brothers and sisters. This isn't a "Mac vs. PC" war, it's Mac users helping out fellow Mac users...period. It was never meant as a slight against Mac OS, Apple, or any of you personally.
And to those who say it hurts Apple's bottom line by losing them customers, I say your wrong. Niether myself nor you can provide proof to the contrary, but I would tend to believe that it would help Apple by attracting NEW customers who didnt know what they had to offer before. Point me to proven statistics other wise and I will concur, but until then, I believe it helps Apple.
Ease up, relax, take a chill pill, whatever...just stop jumping on the "Buy a mac if you want the OS" bandwagon, 'cause if you'd try reading a little, you'd see they already DO have Macs...that's the point.
To those who want to continue the lame war,
see this.
P.S. If your gonna flame or fight, be fair and concise, not barbaric and neanderthal like.